Universal Templar Battleforce RPG Full Game HD (by Trese Brothers)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by asaw2, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Very glad that you are enjoying the game! We love all the suggestions, they help us fill up our roadmap for high value updates that will make happy gamers :D

    1. Thanks for the feedback on ordering. It seems like sorting by-level does make the most sense. Gold-plating it would be to allow the user to sort.
    2. I have added sorting Talents to our list - this should be do-able in the future.
    3. On the HMG bit you mentioned, is the 4x4 grid to indicate the range of the HMG's attack?
    4. Most AoE can't target ground, which is part of the restriction/balance for those talents. It isn't something we are planning on changing at this time.
    5. Please also see my early post about notifications -- it has some questions for you.
  2. clothiersphere

    Nov 13, 2015
    I'm using an iphone 6 w/ ver 9.1. I disabled all notifications that that would pop a banner (which intrude into the game).

    I noticed anytime I got a notification banner drop down while in the game - it caused the map to get stuck.

    To specifically fix it - I made it so alert style from both fb messenger and imessage were set to none (since these were the only banners that were coming into my game while playing.
  3. clothiersphere

    Nov 13, 2015
  4. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Thanks for clarifying. That's a great request.
  5. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

  6. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    Would really love to see a random map / skirmish / simulator mode.
  7. pjft

    pjft Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011

    +1. I'd also like to throw grenades on the ground, for instance.
  8. clothiersphere

    Nov 13, 2015
    clarification on few things?

    Could I get some clarification on how - tact upgrade turret defense 1 works?

    I've purchased this a few times and haven't seen anything happen in terms of shooting or xenos being held at bay by this upgrade.

    Also fairly certain tact ordinance - turret perimeter resupply isn't working (unless I'm misunderstanding the tool tip correctly).
    Based on what it says - I think my engineer is 2/2 turrets, lays 2 down and is now 0/2 turrets. My understanding is that the ordinance would allow him to go back up to 2/2 turrets so he could deploy more should they get broken etc.

    Currently it's not restocking any even when my engineer is on the tact point (I've tried from multiple locations) - and I can also attempt to purchase from anywhere on the map (which drains my SP but also does nothing). Would be nice to give a warning and block the SP being spent when nothing actually happens.
  9. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Currently we are working on deploying more optional levels during the campaign.

    We are investigating how we could provide a skirmish mode, but far prefer levels that are tied into a story line, even if it is a side story and not the main arc.
  10. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    I'd like this as well, but maybe a double tap to throw at the ground? I've tapped on empty spaces a couple times with grenades equipped and could see this turning into an issue of wasting grenades and needless player deaths, especially on the smaller iphone/iPod screens...
  11. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    @clothiersphere - we are working on improving the visual indicators for Tact Point defenses in the next release. The visual queues for this are weak, but whenever an enemy enters the Tact Points zone, the enemy takes automatic damage on their turn. We are improving on this area, sorry it is so opaque today.

    Your report on the Turret Resupply does sound like a bug and we've taken it down to investigate and try to fix. The next update includes a note on any Ordnance that requires proximity to a TP, so that you can be watchful for this before spending precious SP.
  12. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Sorry to be a pain, but can you provide exact specifics about the settings you had for these notifications? We cannot reproduce this hear on a set of devices and are stuck without more details.
  13. clothiersphere

    Nov 13, 2015
    No worries at all.

    To replicate the map lock up I believe, go to settings >> notifications >> messages.

    Turn on allow notifications - and then select the middle alert style - banners.

    Now launch the game and in a deployed mission have someone text you. When they text you an alert banner will intrude down into the game. I believe touching that banner alert and swiping up to make the notification go away or touching the banner which brings you into message - and then switching back to the game by double tapping the home and touching templar battleforce will lock the map up.

    Since turning off notifications the map has not locked up on me except 1 time.

    Hopefully this helps and I'm not sending you guys down a wild goose chase. Maybe some other people can provide input?
  14. clothiersphere

    Nov 13, 2015
    #354 clothiersphere, Nov 18, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2015
    Detonation Site

    On the map Detonation Site - I was not given the ability to swap squadmates. I know that a theme to the mission is that we can't get engineers until turn 6, but I'm forced to use 2 soldiers. I only run 1 solider now, and the 2nd guy is a gimpy spare soldier , but it loads both of them. Plus for these close combat situations I'd much rather bring my precious Hydra <3

    Perhaps for this level give the ability to swap on this map anyone but engineers. (unless there was a reasoning for needing the 2 soldiers ? - then please ignore this post)

    Or perhaps let's say you have 6 squad members and a cap of 6 - give the option to pay the amount of SP you would pay to recruit/summon a squadmate - and swap one of them back? (Maybe this is just not worth the effort to put in)
  15. clothiersphere

    Nov 13, 2015
    Also not to clog this thread up - but I think a cool QOL improvement would be to fast forward enemy gameplay. Certain maps where im just trying to get to an objective the enemies are not close to catching me.
  16. clothiersphere

    Nov 13, 2015
    red tiles around tact points

    I've noticed there are sometimes red squares around tact points. Do these actually do anything? They are not like the cover /advantage tiles.
  17. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Check out the option "Fast Enemy Turn" under the Options screen. I think it is exactly what you are looking for!
  18. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Can you point out a level where you are seeing them? I can comment. It is most likely that they are just decoration if they are not marked as advantage tiles.
  19. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    As the level features multiple TPs, you can bring in your other squad members shortly. Some levels have specific design elements that are better to just preclude swap. Infiltration Site and Detonation Site specifically :D
  20. clothiersphere

    Nov 13, 2015
    wow I feel awful for not seeing this before - and I actually prided myself on putting a lot of hours into this game :(.

    another QOL improvement suggestion is when you are trying to equip a unique wargear - instead of it showing "Unique Wargear is in use by another Templar" have it specify which templar is wearing it.

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