Universal Templar Battleforce RPG Full Game HD (by Trese Brothers)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by asaw2, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. CoreyFox

    CoreyFox Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2015
    Yeah, I saw the post a few days ago announcing the end of 30% off.. So I bought it yesterday at intro price..

    This game is a bit more complex then what I am used to playing, I will have to grow into this one.. Looking forward to the challenge.

    Here is a REALLY nice walkthorugh for the game.. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=541954622
  2. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Sorry you missed the sale, we tried to publicly share it as much as possible! I hope you can pick it up in the future. The xeno will wait for you, promise ;)
  3. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    #323 fallen, Nov 16, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
    @ntsheep is the very best! He is a long time community member and he put together an amazing walkthrough of the entire game in short order. We are so thankful to have such killer fans.

    I hope you enjoy the complexity once you get a bit deeper. Let me know if there are particular pit falls that are giving you trouble and we can try to explain / address in the game.
  4. CoreyFox

    CoreyFox Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2015
    I was following him a bit in your community forum, seems like a great guy! And thanks for the offer to help, I will post up when/if the need arises.. Thanks again!
  5. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    v1.1.31 is processing through Apple's "ready for sale" queue now and should be available very soon!
  6. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member


    And, ... here it is! Version 1.1.31 is live.

    If you love updates, please help encourage them by updating your review on Templar Battleforce. Because of our aggressive update schedule, we are once against listed as "No rating" on the App Store. Thank you!!

    This update includes:

    4 New Monster Types
    Exciting new variation to the xeno monsters have arrived in the game. As your squad grows in level, nasty monster variations will start to appear -- the Plated Hunter, Predator, Lancer, and Siege Goliath. Especially if you are replaying the campaign, expect to see a lot of these new monster types popping up. They are all visually differentiated, so you can see them with a quick look -- and you'll know them from their specialized stats as well.

    And more are coming for the Carapace, Hunter, and Brood Mother.

    New Spawning Rules
    To clamp down on enemy spawning, you can now you use your Hydra's flame to cap a spawn point. As long as flame is burning on the spawn point itself, no spawns will be rolled. With even more control over the spawn map, your Hydra brings a new level of tactics to the table.

    Miss vs. Soak is Clarified
    We've also made a simple change to the damage printing rules which goes a long way. If the damage is 0, which means that the attack was a hit but it was soaked by armor, the game will now show a "-0" on the map. This will help you quickly see the difference between straight up misses and soaked hits.

    Neptune's Full Vent
    The Neptune got a Talent rework in Full-Vent this time around. Now you can directly manage your own Heat. Use Full-Vent to reduce your Heat directly, at cost of move and defenses. No that your Neptune is going to far anyway, so why not?

    UI Improvements
    We've turned the spotlight back on the UI and delivers on a hotly requested feature -- move path highlighting. Your first click will now highlight the path your Templar will take, and the second will confirm (as usual). Both convenience of seeing exactly how far you can make it and how you will get there in one.

    Achievement Fixes
    Hydras are known for lighting up the battlefield, and now they can get the achievements for multi-kill as they deserve.

    Game Balancing
    We've added a package of balancing changes as well, improving duration of Indomitable Defense, fixing maps that were spawning Berserks as default before Swap, and improving the XP granted if you skip through the tutorial to reflect your game's difficulty.

    What's New in Version 1.1.31
    - Added move path highlighting for Templars
    - Remixed some music tracks
    - Multi-Kill Achievements with Napalm Charge
    - Higher Difficulty "Skip Tutorial" Grants XP Bonus
    - Removed Required Berserker Spawns from Maps
    - Fixed Mid-Level Saving of TP Credits & TP Upgrades
    - Increased Duration on Indomitable Defense to 4 Turns
    - Added Spawn Control Rule: burning fire on a spawning point prevents spawning
    - New monster variations added, appearing as squad increases in level
    - 2 New xeno Hunter variations: Plated Hunter (+Armor) and Predator (+MP, +Dmg)
    - New xeno Spitter variation: Lancer (+Range)
    - New xeno Goliath variation: Siege Goliath (+HP)
    - Damage show on the map even if -0; differentiates miss / soaked hit
    - Improved Neptune's Full-Vent Talent: directly reduces Heat in trade for move / defense penalties
    - Fixing incorrect locations in Objectives list
    - Burst Fire and other attack Talents include range in detail box
    - Improved consistency of weapon naming
    - Fixed Reported Crashes and Bugs
  7. midasmulligan

    midasmulligan Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2015
    Just wanted to publically appologize for crushing my templar in an airlock gate...it wasnt meant to end like that soldier #2.
  8. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Lol ...

    "Not like this ... not like this" ;)
  9. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    Oh my god another update again? You Trese brothers rock!!!
  10. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Lol ... I have to tell you, now that this one is clear of the review queue, we are working on the next one ...
  11. faceleg

    faceleg Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2015
    Software Engineer
    Auckland, NZ
    This is a very elegant solution.
  12. CalinR

    CalinR Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Criminal Defense Attorney
    Yea, that movement path addition is great, moving feels significantly less haphazard now
  13. replicanttheory

    replicanttheory Active Member

    Jul 4, 2013
    The updates are good. Now it is easier to navigate my units not through fire!

    This is one of the best tactical turn based strategy games that I have ever played. Huge variation to missions, completely custom upgradeable characters and a great story and plot behind the scenes. I love this game!!!

    How does this compare to Heros of Steel or the Star Traders series?
  14. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    @CalinR & @faceleg - thank you! Glad you like the new updates. We found move path tracing especially nice add :)
  15. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Glad you are enjoying Templar Battleforce! I hope will help us spread the good word by leaving / updating a review on the game for the newest version :D

    Heroes of Steel is by far the closest game -- it is a turn-based tactics game, featuring a group of 4 heroes. There has been an on-going thread on Steam discussing "I love BF, what about Heroes?" where you can get some more reactions from gamers directly instead of having me tell you how awesome they both are ;)

  16. pjft

    pjft Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
    Thanks for adding the path highlighting in this build.

    I just quoted this to please ask you to reconsider the "long press" action format. :) My concerns:
    - It doesn't seem to be the most natural for mobile interaction (i.e. how long is right?);
    - If you need to actually long-press for something to show, it means that your finger will be obscuring the screen when you're trying to make sense of the information. This is especially critical in smaller-screen devices (i.e. phones rather than tablets).

    What about, similar to the current navigation solution, when you have the talent selected to aim, and tap on the enemy, it shows the details first, and then subsequent taps will act and update the details?

    Just a thought.

    Thanks for the great work!
  17. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the feedback! We look at each feature to make sure that it will be a fit, so we'll be taking these listed considerations into account. We'll be sure that we make the timer clear, as you touch the target, and if you hold then at the bottom of the screen, the details would appear as long as you hold (away from the point of your finger).

    Adding another click to the select-target-fire sequence is something we'd like to avoid.

    With a nice Options screen in the game, we will try to cater to different styles of play.
  18. clothiersphere

    Nov 13, 2015
  19. clothiersphere

    Nov 13, 2015
    #339 clothiersphere, Nov 17, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
    I think probably by level would be the best (since those would most likely be the ones used the most) or to have them possibly drag and droppable so I could change my default load team in order - IE: I set my order to captain(unchangeable) paladin hydra solider spy engineer - On maps of 3 that don't require engineer- it auto spits out captain paladin hydra - on maps of 6 it'll go all the way down to engineer.

    Hope that makes sense.

    I think I've found a bug - if I get a notification banner ie:text message or facebook message - it blocks me from having the ability to use my finger to pan around the map and I'm forced to use arrow next to the portrait to cycle through my heroes to navigate. Not gamebreaking, but SUPER irritating when I'm trapped from touching the map to look around it.

    I've disabled all banner notifications for the time being because I LOVE this game.

    Also is it possible to rearrange the skills for individual templars? My captain has slash in his #1 spot (which is tied to same mechanics - I believe counterattack), but bladeweave is at the bottom of the skill list. Nice QOL would be to be able to put bladeweave after slash since I like to keep similar attacks together.

    Just want to reiterate thank you so much for taking the time to listen to us. I've put a lot of hours into the game and I'm having tremendous fun. Hope you guys don't think these suggestions are annoying.

    the feedback you guys take from these forums and implement to the games is really amazing. Funny how QOL changes can make such a big difference. (specifically pathing is awesome)


    Also another QOL that could possibly be toggleable is selecting an enemy target which could show (as simple as a red zone). Currently a HMG turret has max range 4 - would be nice if 4x 4 showed up around it when I highlighted around it or something.


    Is it possible to allow abilities that have cone effects to target the ground?? Specifically - my captain has 2 enemies to his top left and top right. Can he target the middle to hit both using bladweave? (Might be intentional - or due to game constraints of the way targeting system works)
  20. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Sorry that you are having this bug. We have had a few others report it, but are not yet able to reproduce it on our test devices. Can you share the exact settings of your notifications that you've disabled and that were causing the issue? Can you also share your device type and iOS version? That should help us track it down and fix.

    I am glad you enjoy the game enough that you threw notifications out the window to play :D

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