If you're a good programmer already in similar languages (C, Java, etc... ), I'd personally go the iPhone specific book route first. If you're just starting out programming or aren't very confident yet, I'd recommend the general language books. From what I've seen, the iPhone books teach you enough to get by in terms of Obj-C specifics, and it's a lot more fun to get something working on the simulator / iPhone than general Obj-C stuff. Just my 2 cents.
Our games are made by only 2 people as well; I think there's actually a lot of devs going this way. Definetly possible to make a game solo as well.
http://www.idevgames.com/ http://udevgames.com/ 2 very good sources BUT you should really move this over to the development forum here on TA There you can get much more help and answers. perhaps there are developers there that got inspired from reading here on TA ?
Well, I didn't get started because of TouchArcade...I came to Touch Arcade after I got started, put something on the AppStore and was like...ok, now what? Anyway, I made the transition to programming the iPhone over a long four-day weekend. My previous experience was an undergraduate computer science degree, and a year or so of developing websites, working with PHP and SQL and those sorts of things. I had plenty of Java in my Computer Science days, and some C, C++ experience so the transition wasn't that difficult, although there were several things, like OpenGL ES, that I used for the first time. If you have never programmed before, it will probably be good to learn a little bit about programming first. For people who have some programming experience, the transition will be easier or hard depending on what you have had before. One important think is that Objective C uses what is called the "object-oriented" programming method. Other languages, like Java and C++, use a similar way of organizing their programs, so the transition is not as difficult as from something like BASIC (Visual Basic might be an exception here, I have done virtually nothing in VB, but I do believe it has an object-oriented syntax. On the other hand, I think VB hides a lot from the user so there still might be some rough patches). PHP and some of those languages look like C, which is helpful, but they also hide a lot from the user which means you will have some rough patches, but at least you will know how program logic works. Of course, Objective C also shares much common with C--really it is just C that has some added features to make it object-oriented--so if you are familiar with C, then you will be familiar with the way in which Objective C programs look (its syntax) but not the way in which the programs are organized. If you have never learned to program, a class might be better than a book, but it probably depends on the person. At least, it is good if you learn how to program well. This means not just getting code to run on your iPhone, but learning how to write well-organized programs that are written clearly, so that three months later you don't go back and look at your program and wonder, "How does this work?" and that kind of thing. But I have learned best with hands on experience. If you have a Mac, get the SDK, download some of Apple's code samples. If you look at the code samples, you will probably not understand 99% of what is going on. That's ok. Choose a simple one, like how to display text. Go find the text and change if. As yourself, "how do I make it green?" That sort of thing. If you change something and break it, no problem, just download it again. I would say, don't get too distracted by having your final game in mind. Just work step by step on simple processes like: how do put text on the screen? how do make text appear when in push a button? how do make a menu? how do I drag something around on the screen? Figure out how that kind of thing works first, and then step by step you'll have all of the tools you will need to make a project. Buy the book and refer to it when you have questions, or just Google them.
Man i really wanna develop, but there are plenty of things holding me back. (lol like not having a mac) Also, it just seems so complex. I haven't the first idea on programming (seriously, i have no clue about anything having to do with programming) All i have are ideas. If only i could IMAGINE games and then poof they were on my iphone.
The mac is really the biggest barrier to entry. Don't worry about what you don't know. That comes with time, study, and practise. Don't concern yourself with how hard it seems or how long it will take before you're proficient enough to do something useful. If you obsess over the length and difficulty of the journey you'll never take the first step. (Believe me, I know. I'm a world class procrastinator, but I also know that once you take that first step, you'll see where the next one should be, and then the next, and the next ... before you even realize it you won't be able to see where you started anymore, and you'll have learned more than you thought you would.) The key is figuring out what needs to be done, and then focusing on doing it, or finding a way to get it done.
This comment actually helped me a lot, and heres why. Its gonna seem off topic, but bear with me. I used to think learning the guitar was impossible. I used to think there was no way i could learn another instrument without proper lessons. (I spend 7 years learning the piano and i figured that would be the extent of my musical knowledge) For some reason, watching House triggered me to want to learn the guitar (don't ask me why; i think i saw an episode that had a cool song and i wanted to learn it on guitar) So i went on youtube and i got some books from the library and two years later (today) i consider myself pretty proficient in guitar, despite the fact that two years ago i knew NOTHING about playing it, i was merely motivated to do so. I believe the same can be done with developing. If ANYONE puts their mind to it and actually has the motivation to try, with baby steps, they will become a capable developer like Ian or John Kooistra (spelt wrong, sorry ) But like i said, it took me two years just to consider myself PROFICIENT in guitar, and i already had a partially musically inclined background. If i wanna get into developing, I have no computer based background whatsoever, so i'll be starting from scratch. That first step is always the most difficult, because your diving into something you've never done before, and once i make that first step, (getting a programming book, starting to actually write a small program, going to a computer class, etc.) From there i can expand and in retrospect, having a Mac will seem like a very small issue. And i know that this seems more like a "philosophical" aspect of wanting to develop rather than an a factual developers post, but its an aspect nonetheless, and certainly something that you have to overcome if you wanna get into the facts about actually programming a game at all.
Yep, I also thought about it. After all me and one of my best friends are both iphone users and decent programmers (he's far better than me, to be honest). We are not good with graphics but we know a good artist, so maybe also this problem could be solved. We already have some gameplay ideas, although I think we don't have a real "winner", yet. And I need to get a mac!
Your background doesn't matter, when it comes right down to it. It's what and who you are as a person that matters. I was born to a mother who was a wonderful artist who made gorgeous oil paintings, and a father who was a trumpet player in a variety of jazz bands. While I do have artistic inclinations, and I also do compose music, no part of my background contained computers. That's just something I picked up myself and learned very well over the years. If you have inclinations toward programming, and if you have that sort of mentality (see this post I made about the typical traits common to programmers based on my own experience) then the only thing stopping you, other than the lack of a Mac, is you. But it's not only possible, it's probable, if you're determined enough, and the iPhone dev community is fantastic and many, many devs are willing to help out newbies and get them on their feet.
We are just 4 people here at Illusion Labs (old friends from college), and ReadyFireAim is more or less just one person. I wouldn't go as far as calling that huge You don't need to be big to do great games, I would say being big is a bad thing.