Yeah I love her quotes! Though my favorite quote in the game is Cyborgs: "My feelings!... You hurt them!"
Let us have the conversation about how she has so many funny lines. I also like when Robin does her voice, "Oh Robin you are so the strong..." actually that's a little disturbing.
Does Robin like her? I actually had no idea he was imitating her. Though to be fair the other girl Raven doesn't seem to like Robin very much at all..
BTW, if you want to watch, Teen Titans Go is stupid funny but the original Teen Titans show it is based on is GREAT, probably one of the best things DC has done out of all their TV shows, movies AND cartoons. You'll also get a lot more of the jokes and things if you watch it... not that the stuff in the game isn't funny on it's own. But if you like the Titans, the series was fantastic.
In the comics they dated and almost married. I think in the original cartoon they had a romance (or it was hinted at, have to watch again). In the new cartoon (and game) they allude to the fact he has a thing for her but she is an alien and doesn't realize it lol
I built up the "normal" Titans (including Silkie) as a team that covers all classes (after watching Teen Titans Go not sure I can call them "normal" anymore). Built up Croc+Manta+Beetle to beat the scary door. Now working on an all-villain team (Rose, Trigon, Terra, Mallah, Robo Blood, and Harley) that covers all classes. Doesn't seem like you can build an all Young Justice, Titans East, or HIVE team that has one of each class unfortunately. Has anyone found any other teams that cover each class and all get bonuses together?
Manta+Beetle alone can go 2v3 most of the time. Beetle's buff is persistent, unlike the ones from Robin or something similar which only buff one attack. Beetle's buff also stuns for a very short time, which is an awesome bonus to charge your bar just a little bit. Because i only really use Beetle for the buff, he gets a tanky stat build. Dance chip mod completes his build for me. Manta at max Crit chance + Sleeping Duck Mod (stun on crits) just wins fights. Just make use of the stun duration (on crits) to charge up a bit of the bar, and chain stuns this way. If you somehow get unlucky and dont deal stuns frequently, Manta can charge himself up to full to just keep spamming his 1st skill and try to chain those stuns. Just want to mention that Manta's 1st skill has double crit chance when golden, which is really what makes this dood a powerhouse, and my current favorite figure in Teeny Titans. The third character can pretty much be anyone stated as a tank and modded with a Dance chip. I just make sure to pull this dood out AFTER Beetle's dance wears off. Alternatively, Kid Flash is a fantastic third man because of his Improved Dance, and his Cleanse ability (Nuh-uh, which removes both negative buffs on you and positive buffs on the enemy). Sometimes i use characters with Multi-hit just to bypass those with the kitty armor or the bubble shields just to mix it up, but Kid Flash usually takes care of it.
i already maxed out almost every figure in this game. already make a video on all team you mentioned above. still trying to figured out another possible combination team for the new figures. good luck anyway, its going to take some times to built them all ps. this version contained lots of bugs which i didnt found on the previous version. from half black screen (on ipad air 2) and when i use some skill the character became zoom out and didnt do any damage to the opponent. or sometimes the animation just freeze that also doesnt cause any damage to the enemy.
i think i stay out from this bug fix for a moment since i definitely sure that it will fix the "grumpy chip" bug hehehe.
I miss the grumpy chip already. My Trigon has gone from a 90-power one-shot kill on his final attack to just 42. Sniff... Still, it does make the scary door a little more challenging again. I just lost a fight!
I have collected all 7 of the new updated figures, but I can't recall which one I am missing from this list. I have 55, 56, 59, 60, 73 & 75. Which of the new 7 am I missing?
We could kick start some Wiki, right? Bizarro: - Laser Sneeze (Damage): "Quick 'n Easy damage. Pow!" (+ Bonus Power) - Freeze Breath (Bar Depleter): "When it comes to beinge a super guy, this is a classic. Instantly shatters your opponents battle bar!" (+ Waffle Chance) - Butterfly (Damage): "Me am Bizarro! Me love pretty butterfly!" (+ Undodgeable)