It's probably been mentioned in this thread, but I would totally buy some of these FIGS for my shelf...
This game gets more and more addicting. I'm still learning some things as I now realize my figures have lower level during tournaments obviously as well as I believe when doing vs battles. Also trying to learn more about the mod chips (or whatever it is called) as I understand you can use one per figure and change them but once you change it will no longer be available to be used by the original figure or another so it is not transferable.
Sorry if this has already been answered and I missed do u get out to the island for Mulltiverse B'wana Beast?? I read on appunwrapper to go during the day and click sparkle in water for 1 star to appear each day. However I've went by 4 days straight and never saw a sparkle in the water??!? IMO B'wanna is the BEST beast fig so def wanna c what the MV is about. I dunno if it matters but I have already won Mega Tourney & beat Mr Chibi so have no more current missions.....should I of went for MV B'wa sooner??
There's unfortunately a bug where sometimes the first sparkle will not show.. using the hotel and returning and seeing if it's there for you. If you're still not seeing it, a fix will be on the way soonish for this. Sorry for the inconvenience! And yes, B'wana is the best B) CN is still running contests on their twitter to win 3D printed figs... so be sure to check that out
hi chris, just a quick one here, will you add Slade character on the next update? he supposed to be the biggest final boss in teeny titans. thanks.
Haha yeah, we definitely wanted to poke fun at that fact with Spoiler the Hooded Hood bearing some resemblance to him, and Robin even picking up on it There were a few of the 'bigger' characters that we were asked to hold off on (you can probably guess some of the others), but they are all definitely possibilities for the future. Nothing I can announce/guarantee yet, but keep an eye out for sure!
well thats an awesome one for starter. thanks chris. still maxed out every character in this game. ps. im still waiting for a good news on how to get multiverse beast and multiverse gizmo from the store after you beat them on the side mission quest.
Yeah, no way to get duplicates of a few key figures you get from missions... yet! This is something we are looking at adding
i've got some ideas, how if those figures will be added to some specific location only after you beat the side quest. the second one: you must beat the hooded hood with 3 figures(any of them) of those titan to re-collecting the key figure, again, only if you have beat the side quest. hope that'll give you the idea.
This is the perfect game to play in between sessions of Pokemon go. I never played Pokemon and after getting this based on the TA forum I was so impressed with the overall game! So much fun and the different teams we can create is awesome! When I think I find my perfect and favorite figure or group I end up Mixing it up with others since it's fun to see how well they might play together etc.. This will definitely go down in history as one of my favorite mobile games!
I know I'm a bit late to the party, but damn, this game is flipping amazing. I said way back in January that it would have to be a pretty incredible game to beat Crashlands for GOTY, but I was looking forward to seeing something that could. I think Teeny Titans might be that game.
Beat me to it! First full-fledged content update is coming soon, and Harley is just one of the goodies in it. More info soon! Here's the video of the reveal:
Excellent! Only got my path to Bwana Beast to build, and I'm done. Ready for the update when you are! Also, thanks to Appunwrapper. I really don't think I would have found that last hotdog otherwise...
Like a few other people, I've had problems getting the first starfish to the island. Just couldn't get that sparkle. However, I did eventually crack it: Spoiler Look on the map for other sparkles, especially in the water, and when you click on them, the sparkles will move to new locations. I hit a sparkle in the water on the western pier, and instantly the sparkle appeared down at the beach.
Just bought the game. Haven't played that much but so far I'm liking it, only problem I have is that the loading screen (two Ts) is kind a buggy on my iPhone 5s iOS 9.3.3, I hope you can fix it and do more optimization. Have a nice day!
Wow, this game is really awesome!!! Just confused with Raven's ability (Black Hole), how is my opponent disabled by using it? It just swaps it with another figure or if its one vs one, it is pretty useless. I thought it is a combination of stun plus the effect of a waffle attack (to all abilities of the opponent). -I know how it works now. My bad.