This isn't 100% complete yet, but it does have those three.
Island? How the heck do I get into Bwana Beast's island? Finished the game, done all missions ( that I can find) and have 69 Figures. Any guidance would be great
Big Thanks! I just wanted to take a second to publicly thank appunwrapper. Not only has she been helpful to various individuals, she's gone above and beyond to create guides to help all players. Thanks for being a great contributor not only to this thread, but to TA and the community. 2 thumbs up buddy, you rock.
Spoiler me too but once I beat the game the sparkle turned to a starfish and then every day a new sparkle would appear that turned into a starfish eventually creating a path.
Amen, and that's been true of SO many games over the years. Such a selfless gaming community contributor.
Interesting. Makes sense, especially since nothing has ever pointed to that area (like a mission). Just happened to notice it when scanning the map. Thanks.
Actually, he is a she, but everything else you said is very true. AppUnwrapper also has a site which everyone should check out.
Just best the game. Nice collection of final pickups! Some strategy thoughts: Beast cats double waffle is handy for disabling at times all three if your opponent's abilities. Wonder Raven at 23 strength (I think 20 might be max, but I had a mod) can take out gangs by herself. Her first ability does great damage and Charges quickly. If you get a flash tofu you basically get to go again immediately. Dark Starfire is also really awesome. Blood brothers Robin is nice against karate folks, pair it up with the stun duck mod. Go heavy on luck with him, and anyone else that has a damage over time. Mukti-hits are also good to spring more luck on. Dr. Light is a character you only need dodge, HP, and a speedcast mod. It seems like his Hubble lasts a really short time, I guess that's because it's the 1st ability.