Anybody wanna join me? Im gonna try to rig my game for Mic Spamming so I can play some "Barbie girl" or other annoying songs of that sort. lol. Post Steam ID in oneee sec. Oh BTW. What classes do you guys like? Scout FTW.
QFT, Spy/Demo FTW and I will not give you my steamID in fact I would love to stay away from any mic spammer, thanks...
I agree about the sniper. Uber heavy ftw. And I only mic spam fun games like 4chan servers. Just got gmod too. The new war update is going to go live in about an hour! Woot!!! Just in time for my B'day!
My friend play TF2. I've actually tried it a few times. I don't really get what's so fun about it :/ If you want something fun, pick up Counter Strike Source. With all the mods on it and how much accuracy is needed for the game, it's seriously the best FPS.
I prefer Battlefield for my more "Serious" FPS online games. I think TF2 is just awesome to play around on, it's pretty easy though...
Just looked up Battlefield. Looks like a new one will come out March of next year. Video looks super realistic and I'm wondering if I should get that or COD MW2.