Jaqulin is a pain the the neck to acquire I reach stage 1150 and got the decrease cost artifact still really hard to get him and I hate his name.
Bruh i just reached mm and getting to pp will take forever, i think i will just prestige. Btw should i get new artefacts or lvl tue ones i have
Total noob question here. I have prestiged once and now my artifacts give me a total +715% all damage. My main hero is level 20, tap dmg is 432. I only have one other hero assistant (takeda the blade assassin) level 10, dps 437. However when I click on a monster, my total dps is only 1.13k. I'm pretty sure that's not an increase of 715% damage?
I dont know how they calculate it but assistant are not part of tap damage. I think the 715% is already calculated into your tap damage and hero damage when you buy them. You will notice sometimes it says +20AA from this hero and when you buy him it goes way higher than that. Sometimes even more to +40AA
So thursday morning i will partakr in the lvl 1 no boss challenge. The rules are this; you may not level your champion only fighters an second you are to not defeat the first boss. See how long it takes ya to get to evolving your first hero. Im gonna keep going after till im ready to prestige. If you continue, take picture before you lvl up to prestige.
Hey guys. I am yet to prestige and before I do, would like to know. What donyou lose? Do you characters all reset too?
Gt unsalty about this game so I came back. I have been stuck at the stage 300 range FOREVER. This is going to be my fourth prestige(at about 3000% FPS now) I just cannot reasonably bridge the gap between i to k. Are there any tips at all? The game is just becoming stale to me at this point. The only time I've ever been able to collect flavius was during the evolution bug and hamlets Tap damage buff era lol.
So spent my last 400 diamonds to recycle an artifact, prestiged and bought the next artifact... Drew the same artifact I just recycled. That might be the straw that broke the camels back.
Does anyone know why fairy bonus videos dont work? I press view video and it opens another screen within the game that wants me to "click add", and even though i press i nothing happens