They didn't like that people were changing the time on there phones to get free diamonds. This is a silly Internet game ( originally ) where you played for a few than closed the site. This isn't meant to be a hardcore - online only - spend a ton - real money game. They've updated to connect us and also increased diamond prices / coast. Lol. I threw down 2$ to support you guys originally. Hope yall have fun! I've officially worn myself out from taps.
Anyone know how Crafters Elixer works? It says +% of gold "while playing. I have it upgraded where it shld be +330% but I only get the 65% bonus from my other artifact thats just says +% "gold collection". Im assuming Crafters Elixer is supposed to work while im actively playing and the other works while away yet it seems only one works and the other is totally useless. Can the developer plz help clarify?
Is it true that Future's Fortune ONLY affects "offline" gold collected? So it doesn't do anything for gold collected while playing?
Hmm I didn't know or realise that either.... I'm on my 3rd prestige and I've spent a fair bit on upgrading that and I wasn't entirely sure if I was seeing any difference with it or not
The new updated prices on things are straight garbage. And IMo, the evolution 'bug' was the only thing making evolution relevant. Once you get to the unit just after evolution is necessary, it becomes pointless again. iE: progression in this game is whack.
Does the update affect people under stage 300? Im on my 4 pr 5th prestige and furthest i got is 300 because i used my powerups from250 to 300 for the achievement.... ii hero to kk takes really a long time... And hero level aint worth upgrading after u got ur last skill..
New update Finally they've got cloud saving. I just got a new ipad, installed the game, made sure i've got the updated version on the old one before that and I instantly had my game up and running with all my stuff on my new ipad. great
i'm also trying to reach pp hero, not sure about how effective evolving is really (because you'll lose the abilities they got from level 1-800) I just evolved every hero i could afford at around level 510 with about 60oo gold. damage before: tap: 439,76mm, hero: 39,01mm damage after: tap: 355,15mm, hero: 35,81 so, i don't think that evolving is any good (except just before you want to prestige so you get some extra prestige points) another thing: does it make any sense leveling up my hero beyond 600? (it always says +0 damage) the gap between kk and pp hero is huuuge!! not sure which artifact i should level up first: i have: warriors revival (level 6) parchment of importance (level 5) death seeker (level 20) unread aura (level 8) knights shield (level 36) saintly shield (level 10) - MAX sacred scroll (level 10) - MAX drunken hammer (level 22) chest of contentment (level 10) universal fissure (level 5) worldly illuminator (level 5) - MAX futures fortune (level 11) heros trust (level 5) axe of resolution (level 1) if i don't see max level on an artifact, does that mean that there is no max level and i could go on upgrading forever? i really dislike the feature that bosses can kill my heroes without any indication. i would find it way better if i could see when the monster is going to hit me (maybe it should kill a hero when the boss timer reaches zero). it's really frustrating when you think 'just this hero, then i'll prestige' - then the boss kills your hero after 5 seconds of fight and you have to wait for 24 hours until you can prestige (because otherwise you'll lose 50% of prestige points) or maybe you should have a small visual hint that the boss is going to kill a hero in the next few seconds so you can react and leave boss fight. so you don't have to be so frustrated if a boss kills one of your heroes because it was your own fault that you didn't pay enough attention.
No point levelling him beyond 600. Bosses can't kill heroes in the first few (5?) seconds, so if you make sure you can kill them quickly enough, your heroes can't die.
Only your heroes levels give you more relics when you prestige, not your main character. It's your main character it's not worth levelling about 600.
Ok. So before I would only have to worry about losing a hero of I was lax during a boss fight. Now I've had eight bosses kill a hero in the first five seconds since this new update. F this game right now lol. Gonna go not play it
I completely agree with the boss being able to kill your hero at a completely random moment. Here is a suggestion. Whenever the boss is going to kill a hero the game pauses (the boss timer stops) and you have to do some sort of mini game. Say like you have to tap the screen really quickly like 50 taps in 3 seconds or you have bubbles pop up on the screen at random and you have to touch them to eliminate them in 5 seconds or so. Just something to make the game a bit more interactive and not so unfair to the player.