Universal Tap Heroes - Idle RPG Action (by Daniel Hjelm)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. Zero Ehxe

    Zero Ehxe Active Member

    Sep 16, 2014
    That has been addressed in earlier posts.
  2. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014

    I would love to see a prestige mode. I also was wondering if you could make it so we can press anywhere on the screen to attack because I have big hands and having to tap on the monster blocks everything for me. I really like the game and purchased some IAP and purchase the paid game too.

    Also does the little dragon ever change its appearance since it's supposed to grow with every level?

  3. Voley

    Voley Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2010

    1. Make abilities cooldown go down when app is offline.
    2. Add an option to keep device from dimming down and shutting down.
    3. Add a way to check out what abilities do without buying them.
    4. Extend the game screen on iPhone 6 Plus.
    5. Reduce actual abilities cooldown. Whats the point of so long cooldown? Will you lose anything if you make them 1-2 minutes instead? It will add more fun for sure.
    Wave on 30 min cd is absurd.
  4. VaragtP

    VaragtP Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    Just rushing by at the moment! But I just wanted to say I will put in an update today that should expand the whole screen and also enable auto rotation when turning the device. It needs to pass through apples approval though but it is usually pretty fast!
  5. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Awesome! Also I see a rogue on sale but when I click him I cant buy him?
  6. VaragtP

    VaragtP Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    Do you have the required gems? He only cost 2 gems so you should be able to afford him after just 2-3 bosses if you have not already got a chest with gems in it.
  7. Dailion

    Dailion Active Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    Indie developer
    Why in the flash version all cost less ?

    Banker only cost 5 gems 50 gems ios version
    Familiar only cost 5 gems 0.99 € ios version
    And Inn only cost 5 gems 35 gems ios version
    Potions only cost 1 gem 5 gems ios version

    Im very disappointed with that. I buy the familiar on ios version , and now im thinking in a refund.
  8. VaragtP

    VaragtP Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    1. Yes this was my original thought, I think I have to revork the cooldown system in a future update.
    2. I would love to do this if possible. Anyone know if this is possible or if any other game does this?
    3. You can see instructions for items better by pressing down on the screen and then without lifting the finger slide it over the buttons you want information about.
    4. Coming in next update, I have sent in it for approval, so I am only waiting for Apple now :)
  9. VaragtP

    VaragtP Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    I want to make a prestige mode! It is problem with having whole screen attack though since you also need to be able to heal. I have made quite a big area for hitting and healing, but it might still be small if you have really really big hands.

    I was actually thinking of doing so the dragon grows and develops when it gets stronger, I had to cut it out before release but I want to add it in an update! It would be super cool if it morphs every 10 levels or so!
  10. VaragtP

    VaragtP Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    Yes I am planning to add some bigger buffs you can get with buying more expansive upgrades for your characters. Things that actually have a visual effect so it looks like the Warrior gets beefed up with a new helmet and sword and increase his damage by about 25% or so to really get you feel he is stronger.

    Someone mention that the Dragon-pet should also grow visually and I really want to add this also. When I thought about I am not sure how to do it though since you can buy him late in the game when you have already beat 50 areas for example, and then he will already be level 50 and have grown. It works well in the paid version since you get the dragon-pet included from the start so you see him grow. But would it not take away if you miss to see his earlier grow stages if you buy him later?
  11. Laire

    Laire Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Overworked Graphic Designer :)
    I may just be rehashing topics from earlier posts, but ...

    Instead of being a "tapping" game, it feels like your ultimate objective is to get the Warrior to Speed 100, Crit 80, and then just let the heroes do all the work.

    I only use tapping during the boss fights, exclusively for healing. The Mage can keep up with all non-boss damage without needing assistance. I'm sure the Rogue's slowdown helps with that, but it's hard to tell.


    With no off-line grinding, I found myself going back to Level 4 frequently and just leaving the game playing itself for periods of time, coming back to use the money I'd acquired. It seemed to be faster revenue than staying at the higher levels where the monsters take longer to defeat.


    Because of the low max HP and ability for the Mage to full heal from a single cast, in-app purchases like the Potions and Inn seem useless (if they work like I've heard). You'd need a much higher max HP and a damage system where you'd eventually be worn down and defeated (unless you retreated to earlier stages to suffer less damage for awhile) to make the Inn worthwhile.


    For powers, only "Gold Rush" (Gold x2) and "Battle Cry" (Warrior Damage x2) seem worth it. I suppose you could make an 'offensive build' where you used Healing Light and Arrow To The Knee so you could ignore manual healing VS bosses and use Hand of God throughout the entire fight. Great Tide, as mentioned, has too long a cooldown.


    It's an enjoyable game, but it seems to reward passive autopilot over actually interacting with it. I'm not sure how to mix up the formula to change that without boosting Max HP and damage taken considerably.
  12. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    No I am 1 short but it was saying something about I need a mage with healing powers lol.
  13. Voley

    Voley Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2010
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setIdleTimerDisabled:YES];

    Yes, some apps and games do this.
  14. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    So guys what does the inn and the banker do?
  15. VaragtP

    VaragtP Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    Hm interesting, I have to see if I can add this!
  16. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014

    The inn allows your characters to be at full health in between levels.

    The banker doubles the coins you earn. You can upgrade the banker multiple times to equal 4x the coins.

  17. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Thanks for the response!
  18. VaragtP

    VaragtP Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    That was a good explenation! With the power of double money you can also get 5x coins for short bursts.
  19. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    #99 LordShad0wz, Mar 1, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2015

    Hi, thanks. I like to help where I can.

    Can I be honest with you ? Truthfully your prices for the blue diamond power ups are too expensive. I can see them for 1 each. No way would I pay 3 for 1. So I have not purchased any of those IAP'S. If they were lower priced I would be glad to make a purchase, I already bought the game and purchased the 100 diamond IAP. I got the inn and the banker. I would like to upgrade the banker for a x2 banker but I really need to stay at my limit. The blue diamonds are too expensive and you don't get enough from playing the actual game until level 39 boss. That thing stops you cold. So you must grind and grind. When you grind there are no chest spawns. So you cannot make any blue diamonds. You see where I'm going?

    In short, lower your prices a little. See how many more IAP's you get? You have an awesome game. I've done like 29,000 taps.

  20. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    I'm really enjoying this game so far. It's great for playing while studying, working on papers, etc.

    One thing I found frustrating was that there is no way to learn what the powers that you buy for three gems are before you buy them. When they became available, I figured I could tap on one to get a description and then tap again to buy, or something along those lines. Nope! Now I have a power I wasn't ready to purchase and I'm three less gems towards buying the banker. :(

    Also, I agree with the poster above that the IAP is simply too high. I would gladly spend another couple of bucks or so to get the banker and his upgrades, but as it stands, I would need to spend $6 just to get enough gems to purchase the banker, and who knows how much more to get him fully upgraded. That's just too steep for me, and that's coming from a guy who's dumped over $300 into Age of Warriors and Heroes Charge over the last four months.

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