Yap thanks for explaining it well. I guess in the future we will try a intro sale right away. Also, we would have waited on the sale but Apple is featuring us at the moment and we want to capitalize on that. If they hadn't we would have held out at $4 and just ride it out until our next update. We barely made enough so far to cover the cost of 1 character in the game.
This is a good point. There have been a lot of games where my anticipation level was through the roof and months went by before a release (Peggle, AMF Bowling, Zen Bound - to name a few) . In those cases, I was easily ready to pay 9.99 or whatever I had to pay, because the importance of the game to me weighed out the price - price goes away when it's something I really truly care about. In the case of a game like Tap Fu, this was a game I thought would be kind of cool to check out. I do agree with supporting indie developers, but you won't find me supporting all these indie developers that come out with the next 15 piece puzzle game or pong clone every other freaking day. Point is, if I have been waiting for a game with very little patience, I am buying it on it's release date regardless of price.
This game is creative in that it has more than one attack (unlike most others button smashers out there >.>), but it's extremely frustrating in that everything depends on finger gestures, even movement. The game frequently confuses between movement, jump, roll and attack, making it practically unplayable. Sometimes it's necessary to have some translucent HUD for simple movement, placed at the bottom so it won't obstruct.
That's exactly what I'm saying. I've been desperate for a good brawler on the iPhone, so I picked up Tap-fu the second it was available -- without regret. Something like Dark Harvest, though, it took a free-for-twenty-fours deal to get me to even look at it (not a match-3 fan at all). Funny thing is, I ended up loving Dark Harvest, and now I feel a bit sad that I didn't pay anything for it !
Thank you to put it on sale... i've buy Tap Fu the day1 and now, after few days, is on sale... thank you to respect so much the first buyers...
I beat the main story line using gesture controls and I'm now on the 20th wave of the 100 wave mode. I find that the multi-touch support is excellent, to the point that I can use left thumb swipes as basically a virtual joystick while doing all my attacks, jumps, and rolls with my right thumb. The one thing that could be a bit better is the fireball attack -- I find that drawing the circle doesn't always work for me.
Have you enjoyed the game? Do you think it was worth the original price? If you do, then what the heck are you complaining about? That someone else got it $2 cheaper than you? Why does that matter to you?
Get over it ! It's only $2 Developers have to adjust their prices according to demand. sheesh ! Enough already with the prices...you win some, you lose some. Let's talk more about the games.
I picked this up today at $1.99 and really like it. I did notice it when it came out but there were too many other games I was looking at to buy it then. Overall, it is a very fun/polished game.
I will delete my post, but there's a reply. I like very much Tap Fu, i've just spend 2 hours yesterday and enjoy every moment. I'm a little sad because the first buyers are in most case penalized, the developer can put Tap Fu on sale the first week and after put on regular price, like Castle Crusher.
You don't get it. The developer did not intend to put the game on sale. It was put at the price they thought was fair for the game. Because of slow sales, they decided to put it on sale. It is nothing against you personally Enjoy the game !