I could go for more moves and more variety in baddies but PLEASE no platforming, I HATE PLATFORMERS WITH A PASSION!
Any of you finish the game, and would give a comment on how much play time is in the game? maybe a comment on replayability?
Finished the story mode in about an hour. Survival mode is endless, but difficulty ramps up a little slowly in the first ten rounds, then it gets interesting! 100 rounds is about 2 to 3 hours, and in training mode you can just hone your skills. They've also already started developing the second chapter for story mode (with pirates). IMHO, Tap-Fu is worth every penny. Hope that helped!
It's not so much "platforming" specifically but more story/level progression. it's funny to read that Karateka was the inspiration because that is what I was thinking it should be more like when I played it. That said my memory of Karateka is pretty sketchy and I don't think I actually made it very far in the game. arn
I just finished the 100 rounds thing and it took me about 2 hours... I did not loose a single life and the whole game is quite easy when you got hang of the controls. still a nice game but more content/difficulties are very much appreciated...
If you've played Viewtiful Joe, you will probably agree that it's a beat 'em up with light platforming/puzzle elements: at it's heart it's very much about knocking the stuffing out of countless enemies. Mainly I'm talking about using the vertical dimension as a combat environment -- there's nothing like kicking a baddie off a roof!
http://tapfu.neptuneii.com/highscores/ Wow, check out the Rounds section guys. Someone delivered 1991 hits without getting hit him/herself! Absolutely insane , I salute you. Anyone wanna try beating that streak? We're proud to say that we're featured on Hot New Games in the App Store! Thank you Apple! To everyone who found the game easy, we've been listening by implementing Difficulty settings and making the game tougher overall. Look forward to it!
Tap-Fu is on sale for $2 for 1 week. This is due to being featured by Apple, and due to pretty dismal sales since release. We'll put it back to $3 next week. Please note that this price change may take a few hours to propagate, so please wait till then before buying. I want to deeply apologize to those that bought Tap-Fu at full price. I promised no price change, but when you see the sales stats as we do, you would probably do the same. The mechanics of the App Store have changed a lot this year, and we are feeling the heat of the highly competitive market. Even being featured didn't seem to help, and we think its because of the price. We know that the feature only lasts a week, so we are trying to grab as much market share as possible through this sale. It really sucks that we have to do this. If you want to write me hate mail and anything else, feel free to do so if it will make you feel better. Again, I apologize for the $2 drop. I wish I could give it back. Or hope that you feel it was worth the asking price. We are working on a quick update to make the game tougher with difficulties, and then we will continue with Chapter 2.
You'll have haters, but don't listen to them. Do what you've got to do. I feel like my money has been well spent...it was worth every penny. This game deserves recognition, and if it takes a temporary sale, so be it. I just hope you don't have to go to the $.99 bargain bin...this is worth so much more than that.
I think the regular price is fair, we'll see if it picks up after a while. The real problem with the Appstore is that now 15 spots are guaranteed to be taken up by Gameloft and EA.
I didn't really like the game very much, however I'm not mad about the drop. It's the price you pay sometimes when you want to play something the moment it comes out. Plus with the promised update, this game will only get better and after playing 7 cities I trust you guys with things like this
that is kind of odd with the sale after promising no sale just a few days ago... actually I dont care about the couple of bugs but it definately does not build trust in the developers (so, one could ask now, will there definately more chapters to the game? or might that change too in a couple of days...). Maybe devs shouldnt promising anything at all that they cannot garantee... Still, great game! And i do not regret to have bought it at full price And I have a suggestion for improvement: when a game is over and you see your local high score after typing your name, there should be a button for online submission of the score right away. I think that would greatly improve the number of people that submit their score because you dont have to to go to stats submenu from the main menu.
It's a real crappy situation to be in. We hope to earn that trust back. We will definitely make the pirate chapter. That's a great suggestion by the way. Let's see if we can throw that into that quick update. Btw, by our counts the game has a 86% piracy rate on the high scores chart. That's truly sad as well.
It's 2d with 3d-enhanced environments. It controls just like a regular side-scroller, but it looks amazing.