This is such a great game, nice side scrolling beat em up that get's fun at stage 6. I thought that doing spin kicks and that "johnny cage flash kick" was just too easy to take the ninja's out until stage 6 then it was full of action. using all of your abilities to take down foes is amazing and felt great. Bring on the Pirates! Anyone prefer the gestures than d-pad? The d-pad didn't respond as well as the gestures did and having no icons on the screen gives more to look at.
Hell ya! I like the gestures too. I'm all for games utilizing the strength of the device. One of the many reasons I enjoy Samurai so much, and this is quickly becoming one of my fav's as well. I'm really glad they didn't just throw in a cookie cutter d-pad scheme but implemented the gestures as well.
Oh yeah, Johnny Cage's Shadow Kick! Haha, not quite the same but I totally see what you're saying. Personally I prefer the D-pad for accuracy, (also because I nearly broke my thumb extensively testing gestures ), but gestures are a lot of fun still. Also, you can only get the Master Combo bonus in gestures mode whereas D-pad you can't. Awesome signature btw!
Okay, questions to the people that have it. I have $20 left in my itunes account and I probably wont be getting any more for a month or so. Do I pick up this game or is there something else big coming that I should get instead ? Thanks in advance. -SG
I hope the gestures work well. I usually hate virtual joysticks ! (at least the 4-way ones like on castle of magic, 2-way are much more tolerable)
I've only played it for like a minute, don't know if I like it yet or not, but I just wanted to say that the art in this game is wonderful. Really pretty game.
I really don't like this game. Too repetitive, gets boring fast, and no gameplay variations whatsoever. Story line is funny but weak, and the game is not worth the $3.99 in my opinion. Visuals are good and all, but after playing for a solid hour, I don't want to play the game anymore.
I guess it's just a matter of opinion then. So far, I think everyone, including me, has been lovin' it.
I'm tending to side with theone1007 on this one. The graphics, core gameplay mechanic are great. No question there. The survival mode, however, really doesn't hold my interest. The difficulty ramps up very slow, and the enemies aren't that varied. I would, however, LOVE an extended story mode. And something more involved than what is in chapter 1. I know more chapters are on the way. But I'd like actual level progression. Obstacles, gates, novel enemies, etc.... like any of the old school beat 'em ups. arn
Hey guys, I'm the other programmer for Tap-Fu. I just wanted to say thanks for the tons of (mostly ) positive impressions. It's really great seeing people truly enjoy our creation. We put in a ton of things just for our fans to enjoy (like the pixel art which is tremendously more expensive to produce than the shortcuts that most other games are doing today). If you take a look at the credits list, you'll see there's a pretty good number of people involved to make this game happen. I also wanted to point you at my blog. I've been doing some writeups about the evolution of Tap-Fu and the technology behind it. There's a lot of concept art and programming information there. If you are interested in that kind of thing then here it is: There's also going to be a really cool post very soon about an experiment we did, so stay tuned Thanks again for the wonderful feedback! Tod.
Well I've played it for awhile, game is really pretty, but gets boring fast. Really repetitive, but will keep it on my iPod because of the upcoming updates. Is it worth 3.99? Ehh I would say gameplay wise no, but you can still tell the dev. put a lot of effort into the actual graphics and if talking soley about graphics then yes it's worth the asking price.
i think if they would make the different enemies get damaged more with certain attacks and take almost no damage from others it would go a long way to killing the repetitiveness of this game. as it is, you can just side kick everyone (it's unblockable) and roll away when the enemy crowds around you. all the other attacks aren't really needed that much. BUT, this is coming from someone who has only played story mode, and is at the end of level 6.
Yap, there is more to the game than just beating up ninjas as fast as possible. The Combo meter and Style Points are there to give you extra points and more depth than just tapping away. Plus getting the blue candy will level you up as well as allow you to go into Super Power mode. Things get a little more interesting then. You can check out how others are playing around the world on our online high scores page here: We will setup a table that orders by highest combo and style points as well. We are well open to suggestions to improve and add things to the game. Not only new chapters, but we have been thinking of adding new modes as well. Now for those that missed it, here is one of the characters from the upcoming Chapter 2: If you have suggestions for what you want to see in Chapter 2, let us know. Arn's suggestion to add more platformer-type level design is something we have been thinking about as well.
Twitter help Got a twitter account and wanna help promote Tap-Fu? Tweet Tap-Fu on your Twitter and then send us your twitter url by PM or email ([email protected]). Also join our new twitter here: We will select 5 random twitter accounts to send out promo codes of Tap-Fu by end of day today.
Bought and will play in the morning when I wake up. But man, well done on the visuals and it looks like it's no slouch in the actual gameplay department either. I'll do a review here and on the App Store. I was a big fan of Karateka and Double Dragon (and wish they'd remake/port them to iPhone) BUT you have something with the same essence that's above all, FUN. Something that many developers just don't get, they try to do something too complex that doesn't work in execution. Looking forward to seeing this game grow.