Yeah. I think mobile games in general have been a financial deadend for 99% of devlopers for a few years now.
Which is a shame cause I can't help but feel it's cause of Apple's restrictive software architecture. I crapped a brick when my buddy showed me he got Dune 2 to work on his android tablet. I'd legit pay 10 bucks if I could play that wherever I went. But I'm really hoping talisman'll make enough money to keep on doing at least the board expansion DLCs (which is realize is wishful thinking since those're the ones that take the most coding. I really want blood moon though...
I actually think Android, if that's all there were, would make things even worse as I hear there are more pirated games on Android than on iOS. That hurts developers even more. I think the minimum price of 99 cents which caused the race to the bottom is one cause of the problem. Thank God that games, good ones at least, are getting more expensive. 10 or 20 bucks. But it is probably too late for many developers.
That's a good point, cause I honestly don't know if that's a legit copy of the game (given it's age,I'm can't imagine that' she case). I wish the industry would go back to the demo system. There're a few companies on the App Store that have try before you buy models, and Those're usually the ones I buy. The 99 cents thing îs a problem, cause in de-incentivizes quality titles since the customer base expects 99 cent quality for that price. I'm happy though, like you said, that some of the bigger publishers are bringing more expensive ports of AAA titles, watered down as they are, to the App Store.
The recent sale was to coincide with a big sale for the PC version on Steam. We like to keep all platforms on sale at the same time if we can, so that that it's a simpler message to shout about. Expansion packs are currently on sale!
Fantastic, thanks for the reassurance. Still can't wait for bloodmoon in that case, but every new expansion brings awesome stuff with it, so as always, y'all keep churning them out cause I'll forego the fast food trip for the week in favor of the talisman expansion purchase lol.
Highland is next, followed by Sacred Pool then possibly The City, but I think Bloodmoon will be close behind.
If I'm not wrong, I think yall are doing them in the order the season pass lists on steam, but either way, much obliged for the preview. Love yall's work with this game. Very clean. Wish the AI was a tad more aggressive, but I think ya'll are getting an impolite earful of that on steam, so no worries here.
Ugh, I speak about wishing we had the seasons pass, but the IAP are REALLY on sale right now, $0.99 for everything seems a pretty great deal. How long will the sale run?
It's coming soon! We've just released an update for the PC and that includes PC/Mac cross-platform, so that's the first step. The Android and Kindle versions work against each other, so we just need to introduce iPad to the cross-platform party now. Depending on how the submission for the update goes with Apple, it should we be released in 2-3 weeks. Carl
Next Expansion is: The Highlands Source: - First question and answer quoted: Screenshots and article over at Pocket Tactics - link
Any update by chance? We are a group of (very old) long time players...each one with a different platform and scattered around the world, so we are really anticipating this
We're on target for a submission to Apple next week, and then it just depends on how long they take to look at it. It's usually a week. The next update will make The Highland expansion available, plus the Shape Shifter character as well as the cross-platform multiplayer. It's a big one!
Looks like the IAP are on sale, though not all the way down to $0.99 each. What's everybody's thoughts on the expansions/characters so far?