Expansion and iPhone version Just curious when we are going to get the Black Witch character and pack and Dungeon Expansion. Can't wait. I keep checking every week.... Also universal support PLEASE!! If Prologue worked on both iPhone and iPad then there is no reason why this wouldn't. I love the game and love the work. Keep more content coming... Thanks
Hi guys, couple of bugs, one serious, one not. 1. Since updating the game, I can't use any of the expansion characters or endings, despite having bought everything. The expansion cards still show up during gameplay though. EDIT: Never mind, I guess this one fixed itself after I restarted the game a few times. Will keep playing and let you know if it comes back. 2. Thanks for finally fixing auto zoom, I realize it's probably not one of the most important features. It almost works like it's supposed to, but I still have to push the manual zoom button after I end my char's turn, despite being active during the AI's turns. Isn't there a way to set a Boolean 1/0 command that always zooms the game if possible? I like playing with auto zoom on, but it's a pain to keep having to press the manual zoom button it every turn I play. EDIT: after starting a few new games, the auto zoom is back to not working at all again, just like pre-update. All that aside, love the game still, happy I got in on the ground floor on this one. Looking forward to the dungeon expansion like crazy, especially since I saw talisman featured on the Big Bang theory in one of their old episodes I'm glad y'all tackled this classic. Best regards and best of luck as always.
I'm really glad Talisman is now Universal. But I can't wrap my head around this: a turn-based game of this nature with only synchronous online multiplayer? A game Talisman is nowhere near as quick as plenty of turn-based titles for iOS that DO feature async, so the game could benefit from async more than many of its ilk. (Properly implemented, async mechanics only come into play once a player leaves an active game (look at Carcassonne and Playdek titles for good examples of this), so asynchronous multiplayer has no bearing on the realtime multiplayer experience. And, since devs sometimes reply that they want to keep matches fast-paced, include an option to force realtime matches, or for turn timers.)
I so agree with this... Carcassonne still the gold standard for async play and I feel like other developers just take the lazy way out using crap-tastic GameCenter support. But even that for async play with Talisman would be preferable to the current situation of synchronous-only play.
Yep. GC async has never really been more than a temporary solution, or a substitute for devs without the resources or time to implement their own solution. But it is far better than no async at all.
Is there any reason (any unique features or content) to play the Talisman Prologue again after purchasing this?
On the fence between this and warhammer quest. Is the mp community active? Is it deeper than prologue? Does anyone own both games?
I own both this and WQ. It's apples and oranges. I don't know about the MP community here, but both games are IAP sinks if you want the most out of each. Warhammer quest has procedurally generated dungeons, but they're generated one room at a time, and each are fairly short. However, it does have a hardcore mode where the chars die permanently. My only gripe with it is that the fact that the rooms are generated one at a time, and are usually in a linear path, there's no exploration. Just a fight to an end. Very fun game, and a great visual representation of the fantasy warhammer world. The license is fantastically rich, and they don't shy away from being gory, but in a melodramatic PG-13 kinda way. Big replay if you buy the extra chars. If not, you'll get about 30 hours from the base game. There are a finite nu,her of story missions, and the chars only go up like 9 levels if I remember correctly, so it's a short game, not a lot of point to playing after you max your chars and beat the story line. Talisman, on the other hand, has a ton of chars, but each are a variation on the mechanics, and only tweak the rules to force you to play the game differently, they don't actually have mechanics that alter the gameplay significantly. However, WQ is a strictly single player experience, whereas this one isn't. It'll feel like prologue I'd imagine, except with an AI trying to do the same thing. While the AI is competent, it's not great. Talisman does however have longer games, mainly because of the randomness of moving around the board using dice. There's no control where you land, and sometimes that's a bad thing. Both are fairly RNG heavy, with some strategy. If you're a warhammer fan in general, get WQ. It'll cost about $17 bucks total to buy all the extra content (not like, unlock the game or anything, just expansions.). However, talisman provides a much bigger replay value, at a much higher cost. There are about 8 expansions, total, give or take two or three. With all the current ones, you have about 300 event cards that you can draw from during a game (enemies and random events), so the more money you put in this game, the more replay able it becomes. Each expansion comes with 4 or so chars, and you can read on Wikipedia what the future expansions are gonna have. --------------------------------------------------------------------- TLDR: WQ is cheaper in the short run and more fun if you're already a warhammer fan, but less replyable, Talisman is more expensive in the long run, but the more you spend, the more replayable it gets, and it has semi competent AI. Dunno about the MP community, but I've tried playing it with another human next to me, and it's fun. Don't know about more than 2 players in hotseat, it'd mean 4 people crowded around an iPad screen that needs to be oriented on only one way. Please feel free to chip in or disagree with any of this. Hope it helps.
Hey y'all New to this game and thread. Any plans on changing the multiplayer to asynch ? Otherwise this may not get a lot of playtime
This and the DLC are apparently on sale until the 13th of October according to the Devs on Steam, and (hopefully) cross platform play later in the year (I finally caved and bought the iOS version & expansions though not characters, after having got the PC version + Season Pass a couple of months back). I do prefer playing it on the iPad though it's a bit of a pain as a left handed person. I'd much prefer the Contuinue / Roll Dice buttons were on the left. Nomad have done a great job of converting the game to a digital format, though the AI needs a few tweaks
$3.99 sale + ** HALF PRICE SALE FOR A LIMITED TIME!! - Game half price and discounts ** HALF PRICE SALE FOR A LIMITED TIME!! - Game half price and discounts on in-app purchases **
They would a week after I finally get it! So, people, can the AI actually WIN? So far I've seen it put up a good fight and build up to amazing levels, but never enter the central zone.