Universal Talisman (by Nomad Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    back in the store also the Nomad version updated, seems to be the same file.
  2. Son of Anarchy

    Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2015
    Shadow Runner
    After updating both apps, logging out and back in with both apps (make sure to log out and then in with the original game first) everything seems to be in order... thank you Nomad and Asmodee. It was a very noble and fair way to handle things and I respect that a lot. I imagine it was pretty crazy behind the scenes getting things fixed.

    For what it's worth, I hope the 'new' Talisman app doesn't keep the name 'Talisman Free'. Maybe 'Talisman Plus' or 'The Talisman' would look better? Anything but 'lite' or 'free'. #
  3. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701

    same here, installed both and everything is ok... but why the hell the Nomad version costs 5 bucks now :confused::confused::confused:
  4. Praymettin

    Praymettin Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    I am very worried about this sneaky transition, just after cross platform IAP thing. F2P is now poisoning Talisman too.

    I got through all those troubles of not "tranfering" the IAP and at last the responsive support managed to fix the issue, well kind of...

    Then I realised something. When I log out, it the Frostmarch expansion disappeared. They didn't fixed that because it is free to try this week, they overlooked it. But that is not the real problem.

    Real problem is they are NOT "transferring" any purchases at all! They only link them to an online activation system, which recheks it every time you log in and out! The old version had all the IAPS we PAID for, even without logging or anything! It is registered to APPLE! The new atrocity is a sneaky new version that will force us to login to get a remote use of all purchases we actually made. If you don't logout, it works offline but if you logout and not log in again, you can't see any of the purchases!

    That means they sacked all our purchases with the old version and gave us a new version with no IAP's restored but an online check in system and no improvement or difference between apps, other than the annoying, forced, constant "go download the new one!" messages.

    I think this demands a full refund so we could buy a really complete and proper expansions in the future. Some of you will say, "they gave you all, just login you complainer!" but it is a principle problem. They took all the iaps we paid for from us and tied us to their online requirement. :(
  5. Patjelol

    Patjelol Active Member

    Jun 22, 2017
    I've logged out, restarted the Ipad and played not logged in with my expansions. So I don't see the problem.
  6. Praymettin

    Praymettin Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    I may not have been clear with the issue. The issue I was talking about was on "Talisman Lite" the new app which is exactly the same as the old one minus Apple confirmed IAPs we bought in the other one. To "transfer" the purchases you made in the other one, you have to link an Asmoodee account in your old full Talisman app, then go in the Talisman Lite app and login the same Asmodee account. It works fine as long as you are logged in(even offline but in the account!) but if you log out and restart the app, you will see no purchases restored.

    If you see them even in that state, then congratulations to you as you must be one of the very few lucky ones. This all means, they RESTORED NOTHING in the new app, they are infact only ceased updating the original version and only giving a wonky account tied reactivation method to old customers. NO IAPS given back! Just access to the content and only if you are logged in their Asmodee account.

    The thing I am pointing out is that, in the case they finish this cross-platform iap thing, there goes all the content we paid. The requirement to be logged in(account name on top right, no need for internet after that) is a minor annoyance.
  7. korossyl

    korossyl Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2013
    I'll admit to no one being my superior when it comes to hating IAP! That said, I also don't see an issue, for two reasons.

    (1) The new system does not, as far as I can tell, restrict me anymore than the original version. In both, upon downloading the app, I am without IAP purchases and medd to re-download them -- in the original from Apple, in the new from Asmodee. Perhaps Asmodee seems less "sturdy" than Apple, but should Asmodee go under, Talisman will also disappear from the App store. Since the new apl doesn't log you out and since it doesn't require an online connection, once you sync your account the first time, your purchases are as permanently installed on your device as in the original.

    (2) If that's still not satisfactory for you, then note that you have not actually lost anything. The old app works and will continue to work until some iOS update breaks it, likely years down the road. Deleting it, reacquiring it, and restoring purchases will all still work. You might not like the direction the game's going, but that's all happening in a completely different app than what you have completed your purchases in. Asking for a refund seems baseless, as none of your original purchases in the original app have been affected in any way.
  8. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    #448 Gwarmaxx, Mar 12, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2018
    nobody answered my question... why the hell the Nomad version is now at $4.99?????????

    aren’t both the same version?????

    edit > maybe here nobody wants to rubbish Nomad???
  9. Praymettin

    Praymettin Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    #449 Praymettin, Mar 12, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2018
    There is some truth I can accept in your words but the main thing that bothers me very much is not updating or transferring the app but releasing a new one dropping the old one. Not to count the constant reminders to "update" the app in the old one. Even the app itself is nearly identical.

    If they consider this an update or a transition, they should give our IAPs fully and properly, that's all I am saying. If not, they should drop the false advertising to "restore IAPs" and put a good explanation in the description for all those old customers.

    Edit: Here is the original message we get when we run the old app to remind the message: "Talisman has moved! This version will no longer be updated. There is a new version of Talisman on the store! To keep your in-app purchases for the new version, you need to create and log-in to a free Asmodee account. Would you like to do that now?"

    Now I ask all. Did we "keep" our in-app puchases? Did they only "moved" the app or released a new one for f2p community and forced us a half hearted content access method?
  10. korossyl

    korossyl Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2013
    As far as I can tell: yes, we kept them. The old app has them, the new app has them. The old app is dependent on Asmodee/GW/Nomad continuing to support it, the new app is dependent on Asmodee/GW/Nomad continuing to support it. I don't see a functional difference between the two -- not just no difference between in practical use, but also no difference between ownership, or between anything else.

    If anything, there IS an advantage: you can now keep your purchases across devices. I plan to transition to android soon: this will save me $30 or so.

    BUT -- it IS concerning that the Frostmarch didn't transition over. That's a glitch, however, and I expect it'll be ironed out shortly -- especially if I contact their tech support.
  11. Praymettin

    Praymettin Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    OK. If it does not bother you, I have nothing else to convince you.

    They had already given the cross compatibility long before this F2P transition. It is never meant to be a trade off.

    If we let them do this now and not raise our voices, they will surely do worse and worse. I though you were a DRM-free advocate like me and thought I found a likeminded person. Now I see that it was a misconception.

    I am clearly pointing wrong things in a wrong place. I am tired of trying to stand against this digital tyranny and get no reasonable support. I am done. I will go back to my physical version of Talisman. But beware: what majority says is not always the truth. I wish all that who live under corporate shackles and tackling with inmumerable accounts a happy and contended life.
  12. Son of Anarchy

    Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2015
    Shadow Runner
    #452 Son of Anarchy, Mar 14, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2018
    I see what you are saying now and I 100% agree with you. I just logged out of my account and all the purchases disappeared. Not cool. I'm pretty sure Asmodee are not trying to be sneaky, but at the same time I'm pretty sure Apple has rules in place that does not allow purchases to be controlled by a third party. In short, we should be able to restore purchases by simply pressing the 'restore purchases' button.

    And you are not pointing out the wrong things in the wrong place. You are pointing out exactly the right things in what used to be the right place. But this place is no longer the place it used to be, as you now know.
  13. korossyl

    korossyl Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2013
    I'm not trying to shut anyone down! I just fail to see the functional difference between Apple or Asmodee administering the IAPs. They're equally secure -- or insecure -- for the consumer, aren't they?
  14. skoptic

    skoptic Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2015
    I don’t believe so. If a 3rd party administers them, company closes, servers disappear..... then what. I think there have been cases of this, but can’t remember now!
  15. korossyl

    korossyl Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2013
    Right -- but if a company closes, then its games disappear off of the App Store as well (and after a year, from your purchase history as well). At that point, you're in the exact same boat.

    I'm not saying that's good -- it's terrible -- but I don't think this is any worse at all.
  16. Son of Anarchy

    Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2015
    Shadow Runner
    The latest update (paid version) has made the game un-openable (at least for me). Nothing happens at all when you touch the app icon. Very odd, the 'lite' version seems ok though.
  17. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    I assume that's somewhat intentional as they want to phase out the premium version of the game.
  18. Son of Anarchy

    Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2015
    Shadow Runner
    #458 Son of Anarchy, Mar 19, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
    Edited: I reset my iPad and it seemed to fix the problem, whatever it was. Either way, nothing shady was going on which is the main thing.
  19. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    You should be fine either way as all purchased exps on either are linked to your Asmodee account, but I'm fairly sure they flat out said they would no longer support the full version. As far as I know the 2 versions are identical with the full version having some stuff pre-purchased (not sure on this).
  20. trystero

    trystero Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2009
    So I downloaded the new app, created an Asmodee account and transferred IAP but only the Highlands expansion was transferred. I own nearly all the expansions in the previous app. Went to their support link in game but it takes me to Nomads site. Does anyone know if that’s the right place to go? Figured it would link me to Asmodee.

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