It just dawned on me that the old version works fine and I can still play it with my collection. I checked my purchased section in the App store and it is still there.
Yes, but the old app will not receive any updates in the future. Therefore, we are forced to move on to the new app, which is atm called lite and given out for free for a limited time.
I bought every expansion and nearly all the characters. Now with this hot unnecessary newness I only have The Reaper and a few characters. Hopefully they get this resolved since I also dont plan on repurchasing anything. Ive had issues with Asmodee in the past with my online asmodee account (Mysterium) and its unfortunately now the case with the current Talisman.
I also have both versions on my ipad pro and both play fine. I'm sure they will fix the IAP issue, hopefully very soon. If not, and in the meantime, I'll stick with the old version. I also keep a backup copy on PC as a precaution. I've always been able to retrieve old purchases online anyway, so really its a bit of an overkill. I use ifunbox or imazing to install games from PC.
Downloaded the free game, played two games now. First was the base game with the Warrior, lost hopelesly as I got a lot of bad rolls. Second game was with the Reaper expansion (apparently included in the free edition) with the Assassin (randomized start) and I've won. Both games against 1 AI-player, to get my bearings. Quite enjoyed it and as I thought it suits me well. I have no problems with RNG, I'm a Blood Bowl player and I've seen a skilled Ghoul that I leveled into a topscorer die because he tripped over a Snotling and had both the first roll and the re-roll only show skulls. And yes, I laughed, really hard. As said before, the help was much appreciated and I'll slowly add expansions to my game. Though I probably end up buying them all (there is a season pass of sorts) and mixing the expansions. Just as I do with Ascenscion, with that I also simply look at what I'm feeling at the moment of starting the game to see how I set up the game.
Woooo! I remember the first few times I played, I rage-quit and deleted the app. I must've reinstalled it 4-5 times before it "stuck." Using the Knight in the Reaper expansion is what really got me hooked, and it took off from there. I think you've got the right idea, gettig the expansions slowly. Even if you know full well you'll get them all, it's worthwhile to ease in, step by step. For me, Talisman really scratches the RPG itch when I just don't have the time or willpower to do 1-2 hours of a 30+ hour game. I'm glad you're enjoying it! And if you REALLY can't get enough, there's also Talisman: Horus Heresy. It's the same game, basically, but a Warhammer 40k setting, so it feels pretty radically different.
As I said, I'm a Blood Bowl player, that helps with accepting the odds when throwing dice and playing with chances/luck. And yeah, I'll probably buy them all at once, but play them one by one, so I get a feel of what they do. Looking forward to discovering that, actually. And I know what you mean. I love RPG's on my laptop or the big consoles. But I don't always have the time or chance. And this does scratch that, yeah. Building a party, finding loot, killing enemies, building your story. Love it! I know of Horus Heresy. Might check it out in the future but I've always been more of a Fantasy guy than a Sci-fi guy.
Got this this morning: Hello, We are deeply sorry about this. We understand what an inconvenience it has been and this is why we will make sure everyone gets their content back. Please note that all our teams are currently working to fix this issue, and we've got a new way to solve your problem. Please can you remind me of your Asmodee account login name and the e-mail address linked to it, and give me a list of the expansions you have already paid for? Again, all our apologies for the trouble. Thank you very much for your patience and understanding. Asmodee Digital Support.
Problem is all fixed for me since this noon! I must admit the support was really good on this one, guess we can trust them after all ;-)
Still have none of my purchases here so I may have to deal with support. I kinda wanted to wait a bit for subsequent updates and see if this issue is addressed for all users without having to contact support. I still have all my purchases with the nomad app without signing in to my asmodee account so hopefully they can autocorrect their issues.
Seems like you have to contact them. If i dont get things totally wrong, they manually restored my purchases. They are very interested in sorting this issue out though, so I guess they will be quick to help you out.
I think Reaper 'disappeared' because it was the 'free to try' expansion of the week. And this week it is Frostmarch. None of my purchases are being recognised in the new app even after doing all the signing in and out tricks. I'm hoping for an update that fixes the problems so I don't have to contact Asmodee personally.
I had purchased Reaper a long time ago (in the old version). They fixed that somehow without my having to do anything so I have all of my content now. They sent me an email letting me know that they are still working on this. So if anyone has issues let them know.
I would contact them. They have been very responsive. I sent them screenshots and all that, so I just had to wait for them to fix it, and they did.
We've been working hard all week to get this fixed and have submitted an update to Apple today. Sorry for the inconvenience guys! We'll get there in the end.