Universal Tales of the Adventure Company (by Eric Farraro)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. Jerutix

    Jerutix Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    I'm also seeing some Game Center achievement issues. I have also had the Game Center achievement screen randomly pop up when I start the game. Also, I finished Episode 3 earlier today and got the achievement for that. Then I went back and finished the other three achievements, but none of those registered. All 8 from the previous 2 episodes did register with Game Center correctly.

    After I finished the tasks for those 3 things, I tapped the achievements button in game. After doing that, the Game Center logged in banner came down from the top of the screen. So, I guess the game hadn't connected to Game Center yet? Not sure, because it usually logs in when I open the app.

    Anyway, aside from that little trifle, I'm still having tons of fun!
  2. wigzisonfire

    wigzisonfire Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2012
    Art Director
    Just gonna shout out the dev here and say, he is an awesome dude! Very active in the forum and very open to comments and criticism in the name of bettering the game!

    Super glad for the great PG review and glad the game is getting attention. It is a little premium indie gem amidst the rough stones of a weak week.
  3. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    @Jerutix: Thanks, I'll check on that. Enough people have mentioned something about Game Center, that I must have broken something in a later build. I'll try to nail down what exactly the problem is, and then find a way to retroactively honor achievements (if possible). Glad you're otherwise enjoying so far!

    @wigzisonfire: Thanks for the kind words! My favorite threads are always the ones with lots of good developer interaction, so I want to try and do the same for my game :)
  4. Gratuitous Ghosts

    Gratuitous Ghosts New Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    Weird, it works fine for me. I'm on iOS, if that helps.

    Attached Files:

  5. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    what a great gem, has a lot of strategy, like change heroes at the right time according their abilities... so it's not only a "tap to reveal" thing, like other overmentioned ones!
    congrats pal for this game & good luck!
  6. NOEN

    NOEN Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Wow! This game is so much more than I expected. Definitely my GOTW for sure. Lol, it's the one game that actually pryed me away from Battleheart Legacies and that says a lot!! Totally recommend this gem. Props to the developer.
  7. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    I've created a spreadsheet that I've made public (for viewing, not editing), to help track any bugs that people have found. I've indicated which version is impacted, and which version the issue will be fixed in. If it's a "?", it means I haven't yet reproduced the issue, but will be doing more research to identify the cause.

    Feel free to take a look if you're curious what I'm working on, as far as bug fixes go:

    Current bug list

    I love all the impressions so far, and appreciate everyone that chimed in with bug reports or issues they noticed! Taking a break today since it's my birthday, but I'll be going full speed ahead with 1.1 feature testing/bug fixes starting tomorrow, and through the weekend! I'll keep the thread posted with my progress.
  8. bcredonk

    bcredonk Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2014
    Hey happy birthday! I'm on the slime episode and loving it!!!
  9. Krisjet

    Krisjet Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    Happy birthday! Hope you'll get some more reviews and mentions, this game deserves all the attention it can get :)
  10. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Thanks for all your support guys! Checked App Annie this morning and see that (at least briefly), Tales of the Adventure Company his #100 for all games, #4 in RPG category for iPhone, and #10 for strategy! For a no-name developer releasing a small game, this is amazing, so thank you to everyone that supported the game :)

    I saw a couple questions people posted previously where they were having trouble getting through the first level. Once you understand all the mechanics, it's fairly easy to get through the first level every time, so here are a few general tips to help you get past it.

    Keep Moving
    One of the most common questions I get is "should I kill all the enemies on the floor once I find the exit?" That answer is generally no. Tales of the Adventure Company is a race against the clock. You only have a certain number of turns to get to the bottom and kill the boss, and continuing to explore and kill enemies weakens your party, and decreases the number of turns you'll have available.

    Choose the Right Leader
    It's important to choose the right leader, in and out of combat. Of the two characters you start with (the Knight and the Archer), it makes sense to explore with the archer. While the archer is the leader of your party, any enemies you reveal will take 2 damage. The knight's power only affects enemies in combat, so there's no reason to set the knight as the leader while you're exploring.

    Read What Power the Enemy Has
    There are two ways to find out what an enemy does; clicking the enemy's pattern at the top of the screen will give you detailed info about what that enemy does. You can also click them during battle. For instance, on the first stage, the Spider power is "When revealed, the party leader takes 2 damage". This means, for instance, that you shouldn't explore with a hero that is low on health, if you know there might be spiders present.

    Heroes are Expendable
    Heroes don't level or get stronger over time, so it's okay to think of hero's is expendable. For instance, if I have a full party of 4 heroes and there's another hero to rescue on the floor, I usually wait to rescue them. Instead, I have one of my weaker heroes suicide to kill an enemy, and THEN rescue the new hero. If you rescue the new hero too early, you'll replace one of your existing heroes, and waste valuable attack power.

    Use the Camp, but Not Too Frequently
    The campsite (which is present on every floor) will completely heal your entire team, but costs 10 turns. For me, this is something I use as a last ditch effort, when my party is on the ropes. During the average dungeon run, I'd say that I use the campsite once, MAYBE twice. If you use it too frequently, you'll quickly find yourself out of turns.

    Hope that helps! I'd love to see as many people as possible beat the earlier stages, so that as many people as possible can enjoy the new content that will be added in the upcoming updates :)
  11. icepulse

    icepulse Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    Is there a chance of that last enemy attack (when they're reduced to zero) can be fixed via update?
  12. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Sorry, saw this earlier and meant to answer it, but it got lost in all the other posts.

    For now, I'm going to say "probably not", mainly because it would involve rebalancing every monster in the game so that the overall balance of the game isn't impacted. It's also a good deal of work to change the battle engine to support this as well. To be clear, I don't consider it a bug, per se; more of a design choice that might be confusing to some people.

    Based on your comment and the other comment, I can see how it can be a tad confusing/unsatisfying to have the enemy attack you when they're technically at 0 health; that said, I think that once you understand how it works (that both the hero and the enemy get to attack), it's not too confusing. I'd like to focus on fixing other bugs (like the Game Center one) and expanding out the content with new episodes and other features, since I feel like this will make the majority of people happy.

    Sorry -- probably not the answer you wanted to hear, but I wanted to be as transparent & honest as possible on it.
  13. Jerutix

    Jerutix Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Maybe an easier change would be to make the enemy attack first everytime? I'm not a developer, so I'm not sure what kind of work that would take. Then people would be happy their character got to attack if it had 0 health.

    But I agree overall, once you figure it out, it's not a big deal.
  14. icepulse

    icepulse Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    It's really not a big deal. U just have to factor it into your strategy.

    Initiative is simply not a factor, so technically, the attacks are simultaneous, although it doesn't appear that way.

    Nice game.
  15. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Kepa of @rocketcatgames is currently streaming live on the Touch Arcade Twitch channel. I'm online as well answering any questions: http://t.co/9lOTarm9O5
  16. Alex Wolf

    Alex Wolf Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    I love the art of this game ... Looking foward to play this when ill get apple money
  17. wigzisonfire

    wigzisonfire Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2012
    Art Director
    Wolfie my heart bleeds for you. You are missing out on great experiences with this and 99bricks for you have no money. If I wasn't a tight ass id gift you the games lol!

    Anyone feeling kind?! This dude needs to play adventure company!
  18. gquiller

    gquiller Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    Much Better Than Dungelot 2 IMHO

    Thanks slothwerks (Happy Birthday) for being so active on this forum.

    If I may, suggest having the game being able to switch orientation...
  19. Alex Wolf

    Alex Wolf Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    Haha thanks <3 ... Butt that will probablby... No definitely not happen :p
  20. wigzisonfire

    wigzisonfire Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2012
    Art Director
    What's your email address wolf? I'll gift you this gem.

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