I've got it working! I don't know why this makes a difference but give it a try. Quit out of the game, reboot your device, turn off wi-fi in general settings then turn it back on again. After doing this, the hot spots are displaying and working now.
Well played killer! Fixed mine as well. I didn't need to switch the wifi off but it worked like a charm.
Well I have had no issues playing the second episode... Just that scene with the eye ball kinda creeps me out lol
I try not to come here often and avoid watching trailers ect because I played the first chapter and it was as awesome as I had expected so decided I had to wait and play it all once it's all released. Purchased the season pass and just waiting on them all to be here but it's so hard waiting! I was tempted to play it as it comes and go more and more as I wanted more turns on chapter 1 to see how things changed
I wonder if instead of a season 2 they will do tales from the borderlands prequel- maybe how ryhs got his robotics etc etc
If i never play or know anything about borderland should i buy this i'm itching to buy the season pass since the season is complete now... Episode 1 is awesome though...hmm... Anyone?
If you enjoyed the first episode, go for it! It's an excellent game, and you don't have to know anything about Borderlands in general to appreciate this one.
It will be especially good now that the full game is available, and you can play as long as you like. I had to wait for months between episodes, and I still thoroughly enjoyed it. Have fun!
Thanks man I always wait for the episodes to conplete before i buy it, especially in ios they'll make the 1st ep free right thats what i do with walkind dead, the wolf amongst us, and next month time for game if thrones ####
Why it keep getting failed to download from server i've purchased the season pass now can not download... And my 6+ getting super hot when trying to download
Do I purchase this, wolf among us or batman..... I got the season 1 and 2 of walking dead in the sale for £3.99 and £2.99 for the whole series episodes. I like look of borderlands, but the graphics are low res with jagged edges.... is there a fix for this? I'm sure walking dead games was same, but they are fine now