I am looking for a talented, passionate programmer for my company. My last programmer was very good at by the book features, but when it came to creative gameplay he struggled. My last game I did was Infinity Control iTunes Link http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/infinity-control/id422627169?mt=8&ls=1 My demographic is 18-34 men so that's who I make games for I don't really care about games for children or teens I try to make games that are more mature Not really "mature" as in blood and guts because I feel that ams more for teens But mature as in games for adults I have some really talented artists And I try to make really enjoyable interactive art So if you find what I just said sounds like fluff Then maybe your not right for my company But if you like what I'm trying to do here And you would like to work with some really good artists Then please apply I would like to start with a basic prototype with place holder art (made by you, very basic)made with Cocos2d and the Infinity Control source code to start in January after the Christmas rush Then combine it with some really good art I will pay about $30/hour Please apply at [email protected]