Take "THAT" Barry Bonds!! - Baseball 9 newbie intro

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by TUDA MUN, Feb 22, 2019.


Would you like to participate in a "Baseball 9 Records" thread?

Poll closed Mar 24, 2019.
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    TUDA MUN New Member

    Feb 21, 2019
    74th HR - Game 87, 7th Season(consecutive) - Master III

    Hello fellow Baseball 9 players. The name's Tuda and I started playing towards the end of Fall after my Red Sox won the WS. With the 2019 season beginning to warm up and because I've been really enjoying this simple(but GREAT!) game, I thought I'd try to find a community and see how it goes. I'm a "Gamer of antiquity" which means I was a wee lad when "Pong" debuted in 1972, but really got the gaming bug when the Atari 2600 entered the fray in '77. I was a HARDCORE EverQuest and WoW player back in the day and split 15 years between the two franchises. I "retired" from the MMO world about 4-5 years ago and have been putzing around with these little apps for a couple years. I'm a huge Baseball fan/collector, but outside of that, I don't know why I like this game so much, but I do...weird. Anyways, just wanted to say "hello" and actually thinking of making a "Baseball 9 Records" thread for those that wish to participate, I think it might be fun. Take care all and "Swing away!".

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