New version shipped up to Apple for approval! We have reworked the main menu to be more simple. A lot of people do not know that there is a checkpoint based save/load system - so we fixed that hopefully. Also the new main menu will get you faster to campaign 2+ Also - we added a hardcore difficulty mode! Its been a slight pain to decide how hard the game should be - without destroying the nice balance in the normal game. We ended up making zombies more dangerous basically. And when are zombies most dangerous? Up close! So in hardcore mode they now have more action points - bringing them up close faster. And once they are up close - they hit harder to deal more damage. The new hardcore mode is switchable - if you are stuck somewhere you can go into the options menu and turn it on/off. And all your old save games are compatible too. ETA? 2 week'ish when Apple has approved it - hopefully first time! /Thomas
Anytime! I just hope its hardcore enough - else we will have to tweak it. Although I'm certain that some people already think the normal game is hard enough. And some people who cant have a game thats hardcore enough. Hehe. Anyways - the hardcore difficulty was supposed to alter the tactical aspect without destroying the general balance of the game. So you have to be much more careful to let the enemies close. Looking forward to your input when you have had a chance to play it! /Thomas
We just got our 1st i device last week, an iPad 2. And somehow I found this game - as a big fan of XCom and Jagged Alliance, this game is awesome! I'd play it even if it was on the PC. Could be a little harder sure, I didn't have to use any real tactics til now (at the level with all the jail rooms). 50% harder though? Ouch! Keep up the good work.
This is a great suggestion - seems to me if you miss you do 0 damage, if you hit you do the weapon's full damage range. For automatic weapons or shotguns, you should have partial damage. I'd also propose carrying 2 weapons - make it take 4-5 APs to switch weapons. You'd have to rebalance the game of course but with only 3 guys I hate leaving sniper rifles and shotguns lying on the floor.
We would really like your feedback on the hardcore mode. Give it a shot and see how it plays. As explained earlier - enemies have gotten higher amounts of action points. So they should in hardcore mode get to you fast - and once they do, they deal extra damage. The design of that feature was a matter of sticking to the survival theme. Now you need to be extra careful not to stick your nose too far forward, and make sure that you finish off zombies before they are upon you. Hope you like it! /Thomas
I know it was asked quite a while back, but has there been any change of heart with regards to a releasing a lite version? I've always been on the fence with turn-based strategy games and either love them (Highborn) or hate them (Great Little War Game). The reviews in the Japanese store are right across the board with 2x5* 2x3* and 1x1* so it's hard to decide and I'm sure mine can't be the only sale you are losing without a trial version.
There's no immediate plans for a lite version, no. (currently we're focusing all our energy on getting campaign 2 ready. )
I've played both Highborn and Great Little War Game and agree with you that Highborn was better. Tactical Soldier is better than both those games, as well as Hunters (which would be the most similar), and is the only Ipad game that I have every finished. I'm looking forward to trying the new difficulty level.
Hey everyone! Just wanted to come in here and give a small status update. It's been taking a lot longer than we wanted it to (both due to us adding more stuff, and due to other things we've had to work on to pay the bills etc. ) But in either case, campaign 2 is VERY close the being done now! I'm still not going to promise any release date, but I can say as much as there's maybe a week or so left of development time needed. Then we need to do a final round of testing, and doing all the annoying, but necessary release thingys. So best guess, look out for it sometimes early next month or so!
We posted a trailer for C2! Real close now, it's been submitted to apple a few days ago, so pending any review snafus, it should hit next week! Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Tactical Soldier sale, and campaign 2 release date! We're not really big on lowering price and having sales and such (which I'm sure some of you noticed )... ...but today we're making an exception! First of, we got the release date for campaign 2; it'll hit Wednesday, October 26th. Up until then the first campaign will be only $2.99... So better get it before we change our minds, hehe.