Universal Taco Joe - the world’s first endless taco tossing adventure! [BETA TESTERS WANTED!]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by StickyToffeeGames, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    #21 JoshW, Apr 23, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
    This game is awesome! The graphics are great & very original. I love the gameplay but wish the field was a little longer before getting to the wire, giving me a little more time to toss the tacos and see the customers coming but that is my only small problem. Otherwise, this game is great. The unlockable Joes look great - can't wait to try some of them and looking forward to seeing what new ones you'll add.

    This is definitely a game that I'll keep coming back to & feel like I'm only just beginning to discover all the fun stuff that can be unlocked and earned (always the sign of a fun game.) And like others have said, I really love food games and this one seems like a top contender in the category.

    Great job!
  2. Hi guys, an update for you!

    First of all thanks for the feedback, not just on here but those that have emailed too. All bugs should now be squashed and the final version has been submitted to Apple (fingers crossed they decide to feature it!).

    In the meantime here's a little trailer that will be shown in the App Store alongside the game. It shows off a few more of the unlockable Joes.

    If anyone else wants to beta test before the launch next Thursday then please fill out this Google Form.

    Thanks again :)

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