Just tried a few games against a couple of easy opponents, and the 11 star difficulty opponent (which I'll never, ever, ever beat..) in quick game mode. Really loving this game, amazing production values and great controls. Speaking of controls, I'm still trying out both absolute and relative and haven't settled on either yet. I'm playing this on the iPad Air, so holding the iPad the way you usually do, like a game controller, controlling things with your thumbs is a bit hard with absolute controls (which would be the controls I'd use if I didn't have to hold the iPad with only one hand, and control it with the other hand). Would an optional portrait mode be a too far fetched feature request? It would make things so much easier (and most likely even more awesome-er!) to handle when playing on a full size iPad using the absolute control option.
It's not a true simulation, so it should be recatogorized. It like calling a flight Simulator a sim if you can't crash the plane. It's not fully realistic It's a great arcade game, I'm still loving it but to call it a sim is a bit wide of the mark. There could even be a new wave of interested players if they enjoy arcade based TT better and might have been put off by calling it a sim GaZ
@Table Tennis Touch reg arcade VS simulation: maybe you could set a switch in the options menu to make it a bit more simulation. I'm not looking for 100% simulation, just a bit more chances of the ball going out of the table or hitting the net. I've unlocked nearly all the events of the national, and I've yet to hit the net. Don't misunderstand me: the game is amazing and I'm enjoying it a lot, up to the point where my thumb hurts, it's just that player mistake % is near zero. I win most of my points by putting the ball at the top right corner of the table. No matter how fast I hit the ball/move the bat, I always put the ball in the top right corner and win the point.
You can't hit the net in play, just by simply putting the bat in the way of the ball as long as they connect with no power added to the bat the ball will always clear the net and just drop the other side of the net. No skill is required other than making sure the you get the bat to connect with the ball without power. This I would love to see addressed along with being able to hit wide which again never seems to happen. I hope this game gets updates and I hope the actual game mechanic can be enhanced for more realism at the touch of an option button GaZ
I just want to say first off that I'm really enjoying the game. I played a little before bed last night and ended up playing all night into the morning. The mini games are a great way to break up the normal games and can be pretty addictive. That being said, I'm really disappointed in the lack of backspin. I read the comments on why it was included and can definitely understand, except that the computer can use it. I'm playing an opponent right now that can really mess with the tempo of the game and punish me for expecting a fast and deep return, but I can't do the same to him. This is really what aggravates me about it. I would be a lot less frustrated if I felt like I wasn't getting the short end of the stick in some matches. Am I wrong here? I could very well be missing something.
sim·u·la·tion noun \ˌsim-yə-ˈlā-shən\ : something that is made to look, feel, or behave like something else, It certainly passes the look and feel test but fails on the behave test Still loving it, glad I bought it, brilliant game still but I long for a more sim like game GaZ
I'm sure it's mentioned somewhere within these 15 pages of posts, please pardon me for not reading them all on my drive home from work can someone please comment on the GameCenter integration? Just achievements or leaderboards? Both? Thanks. Edit: never mind, home now, bought the game...it's outstanding! And to my delight GameCenter is fully loaded with 15 leaderboards!$! Also, plenty of achievements too. I'm very happy with my purchase so far $4 we'll spent. I do have a quick question: in the shop there are two items that say "sold", career and ad-block. Is there going to be a free version of the game?
Game Impressions So I played until 19,680 R and I think that the "control" of the bowling ball mini game is what some people want. Its very easy to hit the ball off the table in that mini game. I'm surprised I already got 3 net ball points seeing how some players say they never hit the net. After playing the first tournament's final opponent, its seems they never fail to return the ball and the only way is to wait until they mess up that return.
From the Developer Wow, I missed a day and a half and I have some catching up to do ... Hi chris1a - the 11 guy, Kao, he's quite a challenge. Just to confirm, he can be beaten with the bat you're given in Quick Game. There is another bat that remains locked until you unlock it in Career - and that bat makes it easier to beat him. But as I've said before - you don't need to buy the Boost to beat any opponent if you're using the best bat you have available at the time. Now, whether you'll get the skillz to beat him - that depends on how much you practice! Keep going. As for the portrait request. We'll note it down. Speaking honestly, it'll not be as high a priority as multiplayer or the translations that some of our non-English speaking players are asking for. Thanks for playing! I'm really glad you're enjoying it. We'll note down the option you suggested but remember we're just two guys and we're getting LOTS of requests for multiplayer too. Hi Gaz - the game will definitely get updates. But since we're a small team they will have to be carefully planned to make as many people happy as possible. Multiplayer seems to be getting the vote right now. Hi TheGanner - I'm happy you're mostly enjoying it, all except the backspin. I can't say that it's ever annoyed me that I can't backspin, but that's clearly because I went through the pain of coding in backspin, watching people fail with it and then having to remove it. It's very interesting that you find the opponent's ability to backspin annoying. It's too late for me to address that now but I will note it down for future games - we're still learning lots. Thanks! Hi rich_952000 - thanks! In reply to your shop question, no. I put in a long reply to this very point over on this forum. http://thechatroom.freeforums.net/post/34496/thread Hi Everlasting - yes, the hit mechanic works differently in Skittles. This is because you need to be able to aim differently. You're generally not trying to hit the table top at a given point but the top of the skittle/pin. The aiming in Skittles is super-precise. I've tried using the same style of hitting in a normal match and, personally, I hated it. It was the most frustrating thing ever. Try taking on a fast opponent with that type of shot and you're 11-0 before you know it! Hi popjam5 - we're still designing how multiplayer will work. There are several technical obstacles to overcome, principally, ensuring that the fast moving ball (it moves v. fast in advanced matches) appears in the same place on both devices, even when being spun. I can just imagine the response I'll get if we send out a half-baked version. We'll get there!
From the Developer Hi all - the pace is really picking up and I'm finding it harder to spend much time in any one forum. I'll keep coming back (since this was the first forum!) but bare with me if I don't reply the same day. I need to do some coding soon too. Enjoy the game! James
This is a fun game, although I'm finding it hard to play over time. I think my finger puts additional oil onto the screen of my phone, which causes an irritating resistance to my swipes for some of the longer rallies.
Can anyone PLEASE confirm this?? Does boost refill for free? I have in app purchases disabled but in one of the matches, boost just refilled! I started playing with a stylus and maybe rested my pinky near the button... I have no intention of buying boost so why did it refill without warning or confirmation, I'm not going to get charged right
Thanks for clearing that up , it would had been ridiculous if there wasnt a prompt to confirm buying a boost