TA shutting down - so where to go now?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by RoaringKitty, Sep 16, 2024.

  1. RoaringKitty

    RoaringKitty Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2024
    The North
    So where do we go from here?

    I have never explored other places besides TA for my game info and discussions about iOS stuff. Tips??

    Only other place I know and use is AppRaven, but that doesn’t fill TouchArcades spot.
  2. Fireball926

    Fireball926 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2010
    I used to be active here a long time ago, lots of a great memories. The early years of iOS gaming were some of the best.

    I don’t think anything will fill the niche Toucharcade had.
    Hailey likes this.
  3. Samuel Dodee

    Samuel Dodee Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2024
    #3 Samuel Dodee, Sep 16, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2024
    Games info maybe on Pocket Gamer. It's different from TA, but not too bad.
    Discussions I don't know. Something on Reddit or Discord.
  4. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    #4 psj3809, Sep 16, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2024
    Ahhh gutted. Just seen the news. Depressing

    did seem the traffic here had slowed big time. Such a shame

    from day 1 I loved this site. And was happy as hell to be a mod as I hate spammers !! Also in the past I used to check competitions as there were people who created lots of shill accounts to enter competitions lots of times ! That was quite fun weeding out the cheats.

    totally gutted. Unsure where to go now for news about upcoming games

    been posting like mad on this forum for surely 10 years or more myself

    in the heyday of iOS gaming I was buying 7 or so games a week. So many classics. Apple Arcade and freemium changed that for me but there’s still gems around

    to all the fellow mods I wish you all the best

    and to Jared and co thanks for an amazing site.

    Ahhh I’m gutted
  5. RoaringKitty

    RoaringKitty Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2024
    The North
    I tried to google it, but I don’t really find any other mobile forum. Only a bunch of game review sites and places where mobile gaming is not in focus. I never liked Reddit. I never understood their style of posting threads.

    I want something like TA. A proper forum and focused on mobile gaming. Preferably iOS.

    This is so sad.

    Yeah, it’s awful.
    Ijipop likes this.
  6. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Still processing. :(.
    Anotherkellydown and Ijipop like this.
  7. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Anyone know when the forums themselves will be shut down?
  8. zebe

    zebe Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Sep 11, 2013
    Redwood City, California
    Just want to add that the TouchArcade Discord server will continue to operate for the foreseeable future, so come chat with us there about mobile games and whatever else you want. You can join for free: https://discord.gg/toucharcade
    Anotherkellydown, sebgo and Boardumb like this.
  9. killercow

    killercow Well-Known Member

    So many great games and memories from here. So long and farewell!
    Anotherkellydown and Boardumb like this.
  10. RoaringKitty

    RoaringKitty Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2024
    The North
    As moderators you must have devoted a pretty big part of your life here on TA in that role, this must be pretty rough. Like some kind of big hole that soon will be empty.

    scary stuff

    I wanna know that too.
    squarezero likes this.
  11. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Just saw on Discord that the forums are going read only. And yeah, this is a huge bummer for me. But it’s much worse for Jared, Shaun, and the rest of the paid staff. My loss is emotional — these guys are looking for jobs .
    Ijipop likes this.
  12. Ijipop

    Ijipop Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2012
    This will probably be my last post, which saddens me.

    I’ve been around, mostly reading you guys for the past 13 years. As a gamer, PC, console, handheld and such since the age of 4, now 42.
    When I got my first Iphone and found out it could also be a portable gaming console. I ultimately found TA. The writing and the community was incredible. I discovered hundreds of games because of the site and it’s people. (My wallet does not say thank you)
    But I am!
    I have spent countless hours reading here.

    This site have seen 3 girlfriends, 2 jobs, my wife, 2 kids, a stroke and numerous happy and sad moments.

    I always came back to TA and found an article or a thread to make my day a bit better. I could go on and on about why this site was a cornerstone of my daily life but in the end, all that matters now is the joy it brought me for 1/3 of my life. Which is, in itslef a phôking feat!

    To all the Staff over the years and to it’s awesome community.
    I say thank you. I will definitely miss you guys and gals.

    (once again sorry because english is not my native language)

    If any of you comes to Montreal, Qc, Canada, find me on the TA discord and we’ll cry over a beer.
  13. adin

    adin Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    New Mexico
    #13 adin, Sep 17, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2024
    I’m looking at a hole in my week—I didn’t realize how much TouchArcade and the weekly ‘out now’ thread was really the heartbeat of the past decade and a half of my life. It’s been the bright spot of my week through all kinds of medical horribleness—whether I was able to talk, I had the TA community to at least read.

    I’m so thankful to everyone for keeping TA going for so long. I hope that the community will live on in some way, whether on the discord or the Patreon or some other platform!
  14. Raztog

    Raztog Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2011
  15. agreen437

    agreen437 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
    Will the forums be up a while thought touch arcade was shutting down looking forward to this game though I think there’s controller support as well definitely trying this out
    elcrazy likes this.
  16. RoaringKitty

    RoaringKitty Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2024
    The North
    But they lack a forum, right?

    It feels so empty with just reviews. What makes a place nice is when there is some kind of community you can be part of and interact with others.
    adin, Ijipop and Samuel Dodee like this.
  17. slamraman

    slamraman Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Aug 27, 2011
    oh man - where to begin (and end). I haven’t been on for ages and will ramble here but fucking hell for a period of time TouchArcade was quite possibly my favourite thing in the world. I’d read when I woke up; had breaks; and even brushing my teeth. I never join forums or anything like that - i was in my 40s for christs sake - but when that iMame hit the AppStore I was desperate to play Defender - the best game of all time including the future - and joined to ask a question. psj - god bless him - helped me and i even got some old zx spectrum roms going on my iPad 1 with my iCade - oh man what days. From there i started commenting here and there and built up some great online friends and even joined that Fight Club (sorry for mentioning) but ended up leaving because of the way Bronxsta got banned. Fucking hell that was a storm in a teacup with SkyForce 2 but that’s how much TA meant to people. I think AWP69 got banned or something at one point and even though i didn’t know him i felt quite upset by it. Makes me smile now but it was a terrific time. The legend that is Quantum Sheep; that 7lilwhitewolf chap that made me laugh out loud; metal casket; synthetic void; exactpsyience; cygnet7; drummerboycroy; peteozzy; fuck me - too many to mention but online it was the time of my life - when the free to play saturation happened and the end of the TA app (RIP
    in peace TA App) kind of took hold it was kind of the end as i had more games than actual life left but TA is still my go to every thursday morning. I used to even find myself listening to the podcast whilst working on a Friday. Mike Meade is a motherfucking legend. Honestly all the best to all - Eli and Jared - i always felt bad about that Connector chap who clearly had issues and i really hope he’s okay now / but my biggest thanks is also to my 3no people that I think I could even have a drink with in real life - CloudPuff - superstar - AnotherKellyDown - top top chap; and the legend that is AndyC83 - my kids ( who are no longer kids) still ask how Andy’s getting on. Jared et al you will all do terrific with whatever you do next and if you don’t it’s the world that’s fucked up. Many thanks for all the good times and memories from someone old enough to know better.
    all the very best…….slamraman
    sebgo, Boardumb and Ijipop like this.
  18. elcrazy

    elcrazy Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    Toucharcade shutting down….

    Ahhh! Noo! I can’t believe it. So sad to see you guys go. Been coming to this site multiple times a day for the past 16 years. Not sure what I am going to do with all that extra time??!!

    Where will I go to read game threads? Where will I go to discuss my iOS games. Where will I go to find the newest and best games? I only trust you guys here at Toucharcade.

    Truly thank you all for all you did for the mobile gaming community. So sad to see you guys go. It’s the end of an era. I honesty not sure what I will do without Toucharcade! Wishing you all nothing but the best in all future endeavours!!

    All the best,

  19. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I’m very sad to see the news, I’ve been around on here for a long time although sometimes in and out over the years when something else has taken up my spare time instead of mobile gaming.

    The site has always been and still is my favourite iOS gaming site. Sure I read pocketgamer daily too but it’s not toucharcade and the forums here. These forums have helped me find so so many games over the years and helped me decide on others I was unsure about or wouldn’t have even taken a second glance at if it wasn’t for everyone here giving their thoughts on the game.

    I don’t know how I’ll fill that void and feel we will all end up missing out on some games we would have otherwise found together here. I would say I’ll never understand why apple didn’t give affiliate links to websites like this that gave them a share of the money for each purchase because I’ve sure purchased a lot over the years because of here and wouldn’t have otherwise in a lot of cases so it’s made Apple money. But I know the answer to why they never have and it’s just greed, I don’t know that it even would have helped anyway but was a thought I had.
    Chq, Ijipop, squarezero and 1 other person like this.
  20. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    If the site is apparently staying up I would think the forum would as well...? That would be a second tragedy to lose this forum.
    decript and elcrazy like this.

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