Actually, if you read one of my other posts this would be a quiet thing to silence the distractions. It would be a mod to officer thing.
Let's just lock the thread. Everyone says it's a bad idea. More mods will solve all are problems, but in reality a higher number of officials simply undermines power.
It undermines the authority of the mods. I understand that more mods can keep the forums in check, but there has to be a chain of command. Having more mods simply turns them into the police that you don't want. Unless of course you think the mods are the only police needed.
In a word, yes. The current mods are doing fine. If people would just mind their own business - joining conversations they are interested in and ignoring the other ones - things would run much more smoothly. But instead, we have this unofficial, amateur police force that insists on injecting their rude, snide and inflammatory comments into every thread they don't like. Take that "avenger" kid that was just banned tonight. I was following a thread that people were actually responding to, maturely and cordially, when all of a sudden, in come the militia with their insults and off topic comments. They couldn't just leave it alone to either die off naturally or get bumped to the second page due to disinterest. THIS causes more work for the mods. If people would just mind their own business and report actual offenses, the mods could do their jobs. And by ignoring posts that are out of place, redundant or generally of disinterest, they will go away all on their own. This forum doesn't need MORE moderation. It needs some of these ultra militant members to relax.
All the yes votes could help by PMing people that don't follow arn's options and tell them to stop it. Offtopic discussion and Corrections There's been an ever greater rash of people posting just to correct people who have posted multiple threads or duplicate threads or if you think a thread is useless. There are a few options. 1. If it's a duplicate thread or similar, you can kindly add a link to the other thread. 2. If someone has already added a link to the other thread. Simply move on. Don't post "I agree" or prolong the discussion 3. If it's just a really bad post, just report it, but don't reply to it. These side conversations that emerge are cluttering things up as much as the off-topic or otherwise "bad" posts. thanks arn
yea, i learned 12 mins ago this was a serious thread and im with HJJ now, we dont need dat crapola >:l
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++!!!!!!!!!11111111!!11111111++!+!+! imo, I dont think regular policing is going FAR enough. Instead of deputies, how about SECRET POLICE with SECRET POLICE type powers? Like enough power to drop dox on violators and then go to them IRL and throw them in a goddamned gulag. Or dude, THOUGHT POLICE. Like get a bunch of dudes that just scan emails all day, and if someone mentions ipa transfers, or like something offensive, then BAM BAM BAM, off to the Ministry of Love for reprogramming.
LOL. TA Police? What, you see someone spamming and call 911?? I'm a secret police officer and I'll take you out with my BAN-O-GUN!! Grow up a little.
Stangest thing happned last night.....I dreamed I was a TA mod.....And in my dream it was fun.....and cool I wish I Could be one lol...