This is a very nice time killer. Love the visual style and customization. Love that there’s no timer. Edit: Are there really no ads?!
As the dev explained to me bones are your "clan points" if you will. The more you have for your clan the higher the score
Ads are coming soon, sorry for the false hope on that one. They'll follow a similar pattern as our other titles, so they shouldn't be too intrusive. No timers ever, though Hmm what device are you on? Edit: Nm, we were able to recreate. Fix coming shortly! That's right!
It looks like our original TouchArcade Clan could soon fall behind. But we're in 1st place right now. Let's stay there! # I'm really enjoying the game. Hope some others are too.
There is some stuff that is undefined, like what the specials next to the weapons do, like bow has a skeleton icon that I guess is an automatic skill used when it fills up. But what it does isn't specified anywhere I can see. And the skull and crossbones that appears on the playfield is just a dead square or what? I thought it gave extra points sometimes, but haven't seen that in a while.
Skull and crossbones is excellent. It will follow your hit with a second, brutal hit which may result in the enemy's quick demise.
PM me. I can get you an invite to a top 10 clan if you have 100 or more bones and can stay active. Hey dev. Can we buy specific gems instead of a pack in future update?
We could really use iCloud saves/transfers for this. I have been playing on my iPad Pro but sure would like to pick up the same game on my iPhone. Any plans for that? Edit: A couple other things -- 1) Need screen flip! 2) Once you get to higher levels the ad requests get annoying after every chest drop. I'm also seeing quite a few more ads now.
Cute little game, but I think I'm out. Gets too grindy at the third set of worlds -- just too big a spike in difficulty.
I know my clan isnt cool like any of the TouchArcade clans my clan is open to anyone Invite code: JYWYG347
It does get tougher, for sure, and you certainly need patience. But if you get some of the good weaponry and beef up your stats as you go along, it's not at all impossible. I'm just entering the 7th world (3rd from last) and I haven't lost yet. Ok, I think I lost a couple in the Graveyard tutorial and 1st world before I knew what was going on, lol. Save your gems until you absolutely need them. Then again, I think I've used less than a dozen to this point, and then almost exclusively on bosses. I also have not bought any gold or IAPs, not even the coin doubler (which I now wish I had, and might still just to support the dev). Most of all, take your time and be aware of how the tiles are going to fall. It's often possible to plan a move ahead. I might not have convinced you to try again, but maybe a hint or two will help someone else. Admittedly, it's a grind, but I enjoy word games, especially with a touch of RPG. At least until the next game grabs my attention. Squirrel!
Coin doubler is excellent. Removes much of the need for grindy. Difficulty level I feel is just right - early stages in a world are pretty easy if you just bought the new available equipment but by the end stages you really start to sweat (had to use a few freeze gems here and there).
Booooo... a couple of clans have quickly taken us over. Time for some new recruits. A better chat system would be nice. Any updates and additions planned for this? As much as I like the game, I can see myself tiring of it once I've completed each world. We'll need some enticement to keep us coming back. Being top dog on the clan ladder won't be enough, I'm afraid.
Really don't know what you guys are talking about, I'm midway through 3rd set of worlds, have not been able to buy remotely all unlocked equipment, and do fail levels at times. I'm fairly good at word games, know a few scrabble only words like qua and qat, and it still feels random whether I get by a level or not. I mean, I can average high damage with 5 or 6 letter words, but if the enemy gets a freeze in, and I never get a dodge, than enemy 1 of 4 takes 2/3 of my health. Maybe one of the later weapons is better than the bow, but since there is no tooltip, I haven't bought any others. Maybe you guys are watching ads for gold, but that doesn't work for me.
You will struggle if you fall behind on equipment. Coin doubler really helps. Buy it and support the dev. Appearance is all aesthetic (boosts are permanent once you unlock) with exception of weapon. Weapon gives you the ability shown (freeze, shield, sword, etc). I find the best abilities are freeze/shield, and skull & crossbones (extra damage after)