Sword & Poker

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Vovin, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. starmonkey101

    starmonkey101 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2009
    FLA, USA

    ps, welcome to the forums!
  2. MisterDrgn

    MisterDrgn Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    I've been playing this game a lot...

    I have to say, though, that the final magic ability combined with the final sword really take the challenge out of the later levels. Unless a monster's immune to paralysis (and almost none of them are), you can kill it before it even gets a turn...
  3. RetroGuy

    RetroGuy Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    I'm really enjoying this game.

    To the devs, I just tried to leave a 5-star review in iTunes (on my PC) and although I clearly own it, it's telling me I need to own it to rate it or to write a review. It's doing this with at least one other game too. I have the latest iTunes, and my 2nd gen Touch is over a year old so I can't speak to someone at Apple. Is there a problem with rating apps or is it just me?
  4. starmonkey101

    starmonkey101 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2009
    FLA, USA
    this has happened to me before on other games:eek:
  5. Wingy

    Wingy Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    I've got this game and had to say it's seriously addictive like everyone else has said. It's defintely worth it for the money as your gonna get hours of gameplay and even if you complete it once - will take you a good few hours which for a 99p is an absolute steal.
    I never thought I would see "grinding" in a poker game but it's well worked out!
  6. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Great game, super addicting.
    It's a pity that, if not for TouchArcade, I would have surely missed this one...the Japanese description on almost every AppStore does not help too.

    I do not want to sound ungrateful, the game is really THAT great, but, for my tastes, I really cannot stop thinking that with some kind of story about your progession and maybe some twists, it could reach a masterpiece status along with titles like PuzzleQuest.

    Everything is done so well (polished, little touches like the evident upgrade on your PG icon) that playing it sometimes I miss some background story and some motivation, other than the sheer fun every battle is.
  7. mrkgoo

    mrkgoo Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2008
    Personally, I like it better without a story.
  8. Harejordan

    Harejordan Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    Library Page
    San Jose, CA
    Just completed all 36 floors earlier today, great game. I wish there was some incentive to keep playing after you beat it all. I didn't unlock all the swords/shields yet, but to be honest, I just can't grind away the 200k to get both.

    But even with no replay value(to me at least) still a great game that was addictive from start to finish. Can't recall how many hours it took to beat, but it was definitely no less than 5.

    Here is to hoping for some more content!
  9. tochan

    tochan Well-Known Member

    I hope they keep this updated.. I reached level 22 now and even if they update with in game purchase, I will still buy it. Except of course, if its useless.. but things like more level packs, more characters, etc are always welcome

  10. Bad Hanson

    Bad Hanson Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    The Westcountry UK
    Agreed. If the Dev is reading this and wants some more money -I will gladly pay for more content. 36 floor packs would be ideal.
  11. Dtale

    Dtale Active Member

    Nov 22, 2009
    This game is really good!

    my wife loves it, pitty for me cause there's only one iphone in the house rofl :)
    Actually we've been playing this with real cards just to battle eachother :D

    Love it, keep it up!
  12. cprloe

    cprloe Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2009
    Katy, Texas USA
    This game is fantastic. I started playing it on Friday night and spent lots of time with it over the weekend. It is very well done and very well polished, especially factoring in its current price point.

    If you have any interest in card games at all, or like the battle format of games like Puzzle Quest, you absolutely, positively must buy this game. It may end up in my Iphone game top 10 list.

    I am getting ready to leave a 5-star review on Itunes. I hope this game sells well and makes it on the front page of the App Store. New weapons and level packs would be fantastic. I would gladly pay for more DLC. The game is that good.

    UPDATE: I just tried to leave a review on Itunes, but I was unable to because it said I have to buy the game first, which of course I already have. Has anyone else run into this glitch?
  13. deckard

    deckard Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2009
    Tampa, FL
    Ok I've played through to floor 21 now and one thing I'd like to suggest.
    Given you have the ability to equip yourself strategically before each battle, the game *really* needs a bestiary! I mean the info is already there once you're *in* the battle but at that point it's moot as you can't change your gear once in a fight. We need to be able to reference monsters we've beaten before (unlocking the info only as we beat them) to remember their strengths/weaknesses easily without having to write things down (or develop photographic memories).
    This game is simply fantastic, everyone who ever loved classic RPG's will simply adore this game. Substituting dice rolls/damage model with the randomness of drawing cards and playing poker is genius.
  14. Neehan

    Neehan Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Awesome game! I really resisted buying this one and finally broke down because it was just a buck. Now I can't put it down! I do like the above suggestion about adding a bestiary. I like the unique blend of RPG, poker and strategy. I spend a lot of time thinking before each move. Before I bought it I thought it would be mostly about luck but the poker battles have a huge strategy element. Thanks for the game, now lets get that bestiary!
  15. LuisRM

    LuisRM Active Member

    Dec 17, 2009
    Love the game. Just got the hammer. It's kind of a game-breaker. Way overpowered right now.
  16. wheatie

    wheatie Active Member

    Dec 7, 2008
    Game Impressions

    I bought this game during the $.99 sale. I'm not a huge poker player, but I like Motion X Poker and it got such great reviews so I bought it.

    This is a great quick fun game. I haven't been able to put it down. The game moves quick and it sucks you in, with the just one more game mentality.

    I'm on Floor 11 and can't wait to unlock more RPG elements to smoke some monsters. I like my 83 coin bag and am really enjoying this $.99 game.

    It is great to pick up for a quick game, but I find myself making myself stop 30 minutes later. No one should sit on the toilet longer than that anyway :).
  17. Wingy

    Wingy Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    I am on floor 28 now and could do with some tips to be honest. I've beaten the "end boss" but stuggling with the constant powerful enemies now on the later levels.

    My setup:

    Trident Weapon
    Coin Pouch Lv 21
    Master Shield

    And using 2 heals and the beserk.

    Depending whether to get the Kotesu as I don't think I can can grind that much to get the Exacalibur. I've only got 31000 in the bank. Didn't realise you can only get the BIG Jewels once in the chests.

    Any opinions on this or the best level to repeat to get items to make the later levels easier...

  18. Wroth

    Wroth Member

    May 3, 2009
    I swear this game cheats! Everytime I'm about to get a good set of cards, the enemy always places a silly "one pair" move in the exact place they could've gone D:

    I love this game.
  19. Uhgii

    Uhgii Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2009
    New York
    This is the first game in a long time that I've been unable to put down, on any platform.

    Incredibly well done. Looking forward to any/all updates.
  20. tymora01

    tymora01 Active Member

    Jul 2, 2009
    Enjoying this game as well. Extremely well done, and both fun and challenging as you get into higher levels. I'm afraid to show this to my wife because I don't want to lose my phone for extended periods of time!

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