I love these dungeon crawlers for some reason, and I don't understand why some don't (actually I do, but still). Keep up the good work! Oh and for rogue touch, I really don't mind what you chose to do with the gold. In fact I like how it's a measure of success. It still holds value for me cause when a leprechaun steals some I get very angry.. and sad but seriously, if you were in a dungeon, what else could you do with gold? It's not like there are shops in dungeons.. Duh. Oh damnn, just thought of something gold could do, Bribe the enemy!
This has been my main concern as well. I'm having a hard time getting into it because of the controls. I can't move as accurately as I want with the swipe controls, I'm might be doing it wrong though.
Ah, just discovered double tapping the screen auto zooms out, which is really useful for seeing what monsters are lurking about! Still haven't found a use for the magic sack yet! but I think not having a guide that tells you what all the spells do actually adds to the fun by having to find out for yourself. Not sure we can avoid spoilers on here though
Wow! What can we say!! That is about the nicest things that we could expect to hear, and we are honored by your impressions. Sorry to tell you, but "your wish" for being able to "toggle a different size map" is ... eehm ... what can I say, but "is our command." Try a double-tap zoom next time you play! ;^) We love that people can discover these things as they go along, but we also hope to have a more active "in-game tutorial" in upcoming versions, so one can choose to learn that way too... Zowie-wowie! -- Jeff McCord
The magic sacks are for collecting the gold. The more sacks you got, the more gold you can carry with you.
Oh my... I really hate to quote myself, but... o.k. ... As I told you, I bought the game to support you guys, but after all these comments on this board, I put puzzle quest aside and tried SoF yesterday night. The outcome? My wife nearly kicked my butt this morning, because I played for 4 - 5 hours (I don't remember exactly) and went to bed much later than expected, accidentally waking her. I simply love that game! Dunno if my wife expected something yesterday ( ), but I got really stuck with this software gem! This game is really worth its price and even more. There are games you pay 5 to 10 bucks for and they aren't nearly as addicting as Sword of Fargoal is. I hadn't more fun with the last RPGs I played. As a hardcore RPGer, I wonder, how you made me playing this rather simple game... until I understood, how deep and challenging the athmosphere in this game is. It's really charming. I would love to write more but - you know... the dungeon awaits. Keep on rockin' the dungeons - I am really looking forward to your next updates!
I just noticed a small grammatical mistake within the game. Whenever you fight the assassins it says a assassin instead of an assassin. Sorry about being a stickler about grammar it is just bugging me.
The Running Man... oops! I thought I fixed that one, heh. I will take a look. Thanks everyone. Make sure you go and rate the game in iTunes... it helps us little guys compete with the big boys like Zenonia and Ravensword.
I have a serious problem - I can't freggin stop playing this game. That doesn't happen too often for me. Help!
I have to say I was hesitant to purchase this since I prefer more complex RPGs (The Quest being my favorite on this platform) but I am enjoying it much more than I thought I would! My one minor request would be a 'message log' where I can review all of the messages at the top of the screen - they scroll so fast I sometimes don't see what items I've picked up. As others have said an explanation of spells and items would be helpful too - I tried the 'Regeneration' spell and as far as I could tell all it did was give me heartburn I just submitted a 5 star review for this, and Kevin will be pleased to hear that I just purchased Rogue Touch as well, based on my enjoyment of SoF and his feedback and support of both games. I guess SoF really is a gateway drug
I think that part of the fun is to remember or forget what the items and spells do. The discover factor is one of the best things
SoF Anonomous Dear Jorlen, It may interest you to know that we may soon be starting a thread on our own official forum (soon to be launched) called "Sword of Fargoal Anonymous" -- so please stay tuned! -- Jeff McCord.
Game Impressions Ok so bought this yesterday and played for a while. Not gonna lie, played for about 20 min. But considering it was right before bed, that says a lot. Anyways, early impressions are that I really like the animation of the fog of war but havent made up my mind whehter i like it or not. Been trying to figure out whether it'd be better without it but cant tell yet. I was having a tough time with the controls. I know how to use it, hold down and move to direction wanted. However, i found it a bit inaccurate several times. NOw obviously I havent played the game long enough to get used to it, but these are "early impressions". Also, it wasnt immediately obvious where health was so I spent a good amount of times getting killed so that I could figure it out. I liked how i didnt have to manually pick up loot, that was very nice. I agree with what someone else said, a log to scroll through the messages would be nice. For the first 20 min I at first liked the controls but sort of missed a d-pad with a button, there were times i wasnt as accurate as I wanted to be. It wasnt immediately obvious to me how to attack an enemy either, had to swipe towards them i believe and swipe again once in front of them. In terms of auto-save. If I have a game in progress I'd prefer the game to start on previously saved game, rather than going to load a slot, also having the option to go to main menu ( which i think there is) if you load it up so you can play different slots. This is just so that the game starts off fasters, unless I'm missing how to change the setting for this ( already disabled movie) As far as the actual game is, i was a bit overwhelemed initially b/c i got lost falling in holes, going through walls etc. But then it just became "fun" killing monsters, finding loot, finding secret passageways. I need to play more of this for deeper impresions but so far I'm not regretting the purchase. Will post more impressions as I play game longer.
onewithchaos, there is a "fast start" right on the title screen that will resume your current game in progress.
I'm surprised a lot of people want a dpad. There's an invisible dpad essentially anywhere you place your finger. The trick is to put your finger down and leave it down, and then slide to whatever direction you want to head to. This means that you never have a stupid pad blocking your screen, and you can choose where to put your finger if it happens to be blocking your view. Honestly this is my favorite iphone controls of any game ever because it's so versatile. Maybe the devs can include a small tutorial that explains it because I was also confused at first. Also, you can turn off auto-hide to always see your health in the settings. IMO by default, auto-hide should be off. Oh and to Jeff: Please let me know as soon as this is in place, otherwise my personal life is in peril!
lol, i found the "fast start"...how did i miss it? Well I havent had time to get used to the controls, but I think for new people like me, it would just better to have something that we're used to. I'm not saying a dpad would be better, those are my early impressions, I'm sure I'll learn to use the controls better and probably like them even better.
Thanks Jorlen, "Sword of Fargoal Anonymous" will be on its way soon! Also, a live, in-game tutorial to learn controls is in the works for a future update! -- Jeff McCord
Gek, luckily once you change a "setting" like auto-hide, it stays that way for you! So you can enjoy that as your own personal default! -- Jeff