Yeah, I noticed that last night as well. I think I probably spent close to an hour on one single level because I kept finding tunnels taking me to different places. I thought that one of the tunnels actually took me down a level but I might have been imagining that. From what I have gathered, things that you find in chests like enchant weapon scolls and amulets must have permament effects (?) while spells have very limited effects. I might be wrong on that, but I am guessing that unlike Rogue it might be better to go ahead and use the enchant weapon scrolls as soon as you get them. I have a hard time remembering that this game isn't turn based like Rogue is. You have to be ready to use a healing potion or teleport spell in the middle of a fight many times. You don't have time to think in the middle of battle. Another interesting difference from Rogue is that the different monster types can have different levels and you don't know exactly what you are getting into until you engage them. Fighting an inexperienced swordsman is much different thatn fighting a master swordsman (two hits = end of game)!
As far as I can tell there is no reason to not enchant your weapon ASAP and yes, it is permanent. I think this is the only permanent spell effect. Not sure of any definite trends in what you find in chests, but always something.
Nice game but it's very different from nethack and rogue touch, more simple and gameplay is not the same.
RossC, that's a good suggestion about the minimap! I'll definitely look into that. I could make the minimap 2x larger and a bit transparent. More stuff is coming soon... I'm aiming to submit a small update with a few little fixes and sekrit stuffz this weekend.
I'd keep the map the size it is right now and just have it expand if tapped on or something. I think it works okay the way it is, but it would sometimes be nice to expand it and get a more detailed view of what's what as needed. More stuff is always welcome.
Seriously, this is becoming my favourite iPhone game of them all. I don´t know why, but when I am not playing it, I always find myself thinking about it. And if the developers really add new stuff, then I am in heaven! Fantastic game.
Give up? So I retrieved the sword and was immediately faced with a mage who stole it and then teleported himself away...i have cleared map 20 several times so guess he has gone up or down...i assume this can be the case and pretty much makes recovery of the sword impossible?? never played the original so perhaps i should have been prepared for this...although very little i could have done differently as the mage was right in front of me after i collected the sword...still 4500 (seconds?) left on the counter so guess i could continue on looking for a while...but as i went up and down 1 and still didn't manage to find him i wouldn't rate my chances...
I got this one too. How could I resist, being recommended by Commander Data of Rogue Touch, one of my favourite games. I haven't got too far into it so the gameplay is still just revealing itself to me (sounds like I'm talking about some fancy wine), but I absolutely adore the look and the feel. The 3D dungeon is excellent, the music really atmospheric and it's quite surprising just how much touches like those little stair sequences add. Came at a bad time as I'm up to my neck in a project so it will be a while before I really get stuck into it but it seems great so far.
Hi Madgarden - I am impressed by all the heartblood and the effort you put into that Fargoal title. I am no rogue player (so I won't play it normally) - but I bought the title to support people like you, because I can see your dedication; you just love what you do. But I promise, when I am finished with Puzzle Quest (1+2) and SOMI, I'll give it a try.
I am enjoying the game a lot, I am surprised because I am not a rogue game fan but after playing for 2 days I am becoming addicted. I love the art in the game, graphics, sound, design and the balance in general. Is very fun to explore the dungeons leveling up and discovering items and spells.
What do I do with gold? I keep getting weighed down and burying extra gold found. Where can I spend it??
Man, thanks guys for all the great comments. Really means a lot. Congratulations on making it to the sword! They will try to steal the Sword at all costs, and they will run with it. So do your best to keep it safe and track down any thieves who lay hands on it. Hope is not lost! Just be tenacious.
Nasty we know if they are likely to dive deeper or is it completely random??? i.e. could take any stairs/pit/rope, etc...
While not super sure on this assumption, but there is at least one aspect to take with you. Nothing is happening on levels you aren't present on (is that right, guys?). So whether they took the sword up or down, they'll be right where they entered the level when you then come to the level (although if you didn't see where this was, this may not be much comfort since they then could start running all over the place once you are on the same level with them).
I probably shouldn't be saying this, but... they will take the Sword *down*. So you shoul@-3A-5 ^&~._NO CARRIER
Thanks Madgarden....understand if you can't say but will they continue to dive or as Lordgek suggests stay at the entrance of the level until you get there? i.e. no movement on levels you are not on?? To be honest this game is a goner as i have been searching multiple floors...but it would be good knowledge in case i ever get this far again....
Hi Madgarden. One thing I could suggest is a page (somewhere on the pause screen maybe for easy reference while playing?) where we could have a summary of the items and what they do and/or a color legend to know on that map what is the meaning of the different colored little dots. Truly an excellent game. I play whenever I can. Litteraly.