The controls ROCK ASS! Simple intuitive swipe controls, as well as a tap-to-run control (optional) that will make the dude go to wherever you just single-tapped westgd, thanks! I'll still look into that to see if there's something to address for the next update.
I gotta agree, I like the controls a lot. The little warrior dude(ette) is really responsive as well.
Couple of quick questions: Do you level up? Are there multiple scrolls, potions, spell types? Different weapons and armor? Ok, more than a couple... a few =) Munkie!
This game is fantastic so far! I wasn't a huge fan of Rogue Touch mostly due to a clunky game interface (you must take off the armor first!! You must equip the weapon! Etc.) and overwhelming difficulty (hunger? Really?). This game seems to really streamline the Rogue experience. Nice graphics to boot. Love the 8-bit sounds too. Gonna be hard to pull me away from Wesnoth but this game rocks.
You do gain levels which increase your fighting skill and health. No armor, your one basic sword (which you can enchant up with the right scrolls) other than THE SWORD, a few tools, a couple of potions, and several different scrolls. This game takes the concept of an RPG and turns it into a nice pickup and play streamlined experience chock full of style and interesting creatures to vanquish.
Yes, yes, yes, and yes. No and no on the last two, but that will be changing shortly... with special "artifacts" that you can seek out. However, we don't want to make the game into a micromanagement-fest, so each artifact you find will be rather special in its use and purpose.
Been waiting for this. I probably would have downloaded it anyway, but the positive impressions sealed the deal. Downloading now.
Wow. This game is really good. The controls are flawless the sound are great and the graphics are well done. It is also a lot of fun. I'd say it is three dollars well spent.
Okay, I've had a chance to get more into it now and I'm really getting a kick out of it. It's very well done as a roguelike, but tends to simplify some areas of the genre, while managing to make it a little more dungeon-like. That is to say, it's more like a kind of planned dungeon instead of a random set of interconnected rooms. As you go down there are dungeons with other, separate, but interconnected areas accessible through holes in the wall. There are pits, and some of them you can climb back up. You can even climb up to previous levels, unlike most roguelikes that dump the level as soon as you descend. It lets you roam around a lot and gather experience and health until you're comfortable moving on. Overall it feels kind of like a more accessible version of a Roguelike for those who maybe can't really get into even something as streamlined as Rogue Touch. Even those who like real (deeper) Roguelikes though should like this one as well. It offers simpler yet somewhat different gameplay from your average Roguelikes. With the planned additions to the game it could get even better, too. But I'm really liking it so far. The visuals manage to be neo-retro with subtle, less-is-more effects in a kind of 2.5D (in the traditional definition, but from a top-down perspective) perspective that's subtle but remarkably effective. Definitely worth every penny, especially at the intro price.
Anyone know what the various (non-obvious) items and spells do? I'm always hesitant to use special items/scrolls just to see what they do, especially if I only have one of them. For example, I have a Light spell. Does it just light up the area? Maybe remove some fog or something? And I picked up a Magic Bag item, it seems that it increased the gold I could carry from 100 to 200. Having a great time with the game Been anticipating this one for a while. Good job!
Agreed. I wish the the game had a list of everything. I used drift and still have no idea what it did. Beacon also. I set it but don't know where to go from here
OK I don't want to give away too much... but these are pretty common items, so here goes: Drift spell: Basically feather falling... protects you if you fall into a pit Beacon: It is a multi-purpose spell, acts as a homing beacon for your teleport spell, as well as having another use...
Long time roguelike player here. I remember in 1984 downloading moria through Compuserve at 300 baud so I could play it. I love roguelikes. I played Fargoal on my C64 way back in the day, and have played it on the PC with the new remakes that were made. I love Rogue, too, the basic simplicity of it that Fargoal echoes. This version really rocks. The retro sounds, the lovely cutscenes between levels (the down stairs animation is really cool). The controls are great, and the visuals are really nice, especially those subtle 3-d effects. I'd recommend this to people who like roguelikes, people who like dungeon crawlers in general and to the un-initiated who have never played one of these. Its classic enough for the people who can tell you the difference between Hack, Larn, Rogue, Omega, and Angband; yet modern enough to appeal to anyone who likes a good dungeon crawl. 10/10, IMO. ======= Rixx
What an absolutely wonderful roguelike implementation this is. I've never heard of Fargoal before, but I'm a big fan of Nethack, etc, and RogueTouch is a staple on my iPhone - I think this will see just as much playtime. The controls are simply excellent, the slightly more casual feel to the game is a great change of pace, and the visuals and sound are superb. Bravo, sir. This is a top-notch effort and I'm going to recommend it to whoever i can.
From one RPG fan (and creator) to another! Hey CommanderData, You are very kind to have started this thread and begun playing the game! We are big fans of your game too, Rogue Touch, and we want to create a "Friends of Fargoal" page on our website to post links to some of our favorite games -- inspired by you! I'll talk with you offline about it on Wednesday! Again, thanks for the vote of confidence. It sure means a lot coming from you! Sincerely, Jeff McCord Buy: Sword of Fargoal