Personally, im looking forward to sword of fargoal 2 and am patiently waiting its release. Good luck madgarden! U deserve all the time u need!
It's clear that Madgarden is doing the best he can, and has been very conscientious about how the Kickstarter funds have been used. However, Mrmojorisn (sp?) has a point, and has been careful to be respectful when voicing his frustrations. Laying into him for raising reasonable concerns just because you are tired of hearing it somewhere else, or want to support the developer seems wrong.
Had I been a backer on the KS I might be a bit upset and that would be understandable, since I do believe the "marketing" stuff in the KS mentioned 2012/2013. That being said, yeah, whenever it gets done, I will throw money at it. Sword of Fargoal has stayed on my IOS devices since it came out and I really do enjoy the game, never gets old. In the meantime, I wish Paul the best.
You get what you give. Paul has been ridden for years by people on these forums. I'm surprised he even still posts here at all, as our community has successfully chased away almost every other old school iOS developer.
Developers have to have tough skin when they mingle with the community, especially when it comes to forums. Sadly, it's part of the program. I frequent a lot of forums and honestly, people here on TA seem to be fairly tame compared to others I've seen.
Treating someone like they're not human and not worthy of respect should never be "part of the program," sorry.
Have you been on other forums, though? I definitely don't approve of the behavior and never participate. My point was that it's a sad consistency found throughout most gaming forums, and any developer has to unfortunately steel themselves against it. An example of the worst offender I've personally seen are the steam forums. Terrible. There's a lot of rude, arrogant and entitled gamers out there, and one of these will stand out amongst 100 other, more positive voices.
so... remember 500 years ago when i started this and everyone told me to be paitent.. anyone else wondering wtf is going on now? at what point do you say " ok i've kept backers waiting for years, let me release something and update as we go"? right now all people are seeing is "dont back this guy ever again" and i its something that can be avoided.. much like with star command.. hype turns into hate very quickly.
Oh boy, got really excited when I just saw this thread come up again... Well, back to Cardinal Quest 2.