I was just deleting and redownloading, to have another go at the free draw. You will lose all your progress if you're already invested. You also get a new player ID. I'm still playing as Konan, but my ID is now 261163602117 - in case any other UK (possibly EU) players are out there. EU... Sniff...
I've heard people have gotten banned but the only cases I've heard were from Android when they messed with the system files to skip the tutorial and keep rerolling. However not everyone has been banned who have done this so I can't be sure as to why they were banned in the first place. Just to let you know rerolling can take a LOT of time so you'll have to consider if you want to do it or not. I noticed this before however it only did it for a day and never did it again. Not sure what happened..
Hopefully you got some good stuff! I actually don't mind people spending money here to help support this game. It's so rare to get a well-known anime mobile game translated to English (damn you Fate series!) so I hope this could be the first of many. However SAO is super popular in general so that's probably why they took the gamble to localize it.
I wouldve killed for a "Fate" game ! By far my favorite anime series... and it mever gets any kind of love in the west #
I did a 11 drop last night for $17.99 and I already had Sigurd and that gave me 3 of the same kind of him and I gotten like terrible characters but 3 new ones that were a 2 star and had others that I already have
I believe the cap is 100 for new multiplayer encounters, according to the subreddit. Definitely a great way to get easy crystals though!
It won't be available until some specific event shows up according to reddit, so no luck for now^^; Got 4* Seven (never heard of her from the anime?) after two-day pull and since she's not so bad according to ppl, I'm going with her. Actually I'm gonna go with any lady 4* whichever I got to pull lol. Great for MP since she has great healing, but hard on solo since I can't use guard and parry^^; Add me at 260977203431 - Hyuei if you want!
Seven is good! You should make followers easily, her healing makes her one of the best supports you can get in the game. I actually don't know who she is either, maybe later in the novels?
Added! Yups, all I did was waiting in the back, spamming attack to raise MP while healing lol. Can't finish the Kirito event though, I should raise my 4* free asuna first I guess^^; And as poster above me said, yup just learned she and strea and rain comes from another SAO games
I want to like this game but all the waiting around for the game to download and load content is really testing the limits of my patience.. It doesn't appear to be a once off content download. Is anyone else finding this?
Yeah, finding the repeat downloads of content a drag too. Kinda want to finish the story section, but we'll see how it goes. I think at some point I may rather have my 660MB back on the phone. I also kinda want to get to 250 memory crystals so I can do a huge pull on the scout. If I don't get any five-star characters then, I might rage-delete...
Is there a way to reroll? Just delete and reinstall? It only seems u get 2 initial pulls... want the 4* females