Hi all, I'm a hobby developer and just got my first arcade game out for IOS and Android. It's names Switchit and is a perfect time killer for on the daily commute. Take a look and if u like it give it a rating ^^ Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Ricky.Switchit https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/switchit/id1434075552?ls=1&mt=8 Appstore: Switchit ricky leemans You are the last of the Grey, all others have been vanquished by the White clan and his colorful minions. Do what u have… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsYou are the last of the Grey, all others have been vanquished by the White clan and his colorful minions. Do what u have to do to survive as many waves as possible! Mechanics: Each enemy has a specific color, change your beam to match the color to defeat it. If hit by a wrong type of beam, then the enemy gains a bit of life. Enemies give gold which can be used to buy shields, nukes and checkpoints. Shield = shields u from damage for a little while. Nuke = kill all spawned enemies. Checkpoint = every 5 levels u can place a checkpoint if u have one. This means if u die u can start over from your last checkpoint. Note: for example, for the level 15 checkpoint u need the level 5 and 10 checkpoint and so on. Levels: There are 70 carefully scripted levels to start with, going from easy to just full out crazy. The difference in level is the combination of speed, obstacles, floating obstacles, rotation, multiple obstacles and so on. After these 70 levels comes mayhem, here start the random generated levels which u can keep playing until infinity. Developer and notes: - This game is made by one person and is also the first. - Contains advertisements (ad), but the game is very transparent with it and won’t appear during gameplay. - U can see the timers for when the certain ads are available. - Revive ad = when u die u can re-spawn with 50% life if u decide to watch this ad, possible every 5 minutes. - Reward ad = watching this ad will reward u with gold, possible every 5 minutes. - Mandatory ad = not greedy with these type of ads, will appear every 20 minutes. (Starting once u have placed your first check) - This game does not feature cloud saving, my next game will though. This means your progress is not accessible on different devices. - This game does not need the location or anything but access to storage for the save file. - Does not contain in app purchases. Information Seller:ricky leemans Genre:Arcade Release:Sep 01, 2018 Updated:Sep 02, 2018 Version:1.0 Size:81.1 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Best regards, NightHowler App icon: (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in