Hey guys! I just wanted to say I started the new year very productively! First, there's another content update coming for Tower Fortress 2 weeks from now. This features new mode Daily Tower, new themes and much more. Next, I've started learning Unity to make games! It's the beginning of my fifth week learning and we're moving on to February so I decided to share the game. This is the first game I am making in Unity. It's called Swishy Hoops. Swishy Hoops is a 3D casual game but offers unlimited randomized levels which is based off from a random seed so all players will get the same level setup. This concept is also what I used for Tower Fortress to make Daily Tower, I basically hit two birds in one stone! The game plays like a solo basketball but you shoot from the side making it more challenging and you progress on infinite levels. It offers 4 modes so you can still play in classic Court or Timed which are highscore based. The level based ones are created from a level generator. The most fun for me is 3 Point Mode which is shooting 2 platforms away outside of the screen. This mode becomes something like Angry Birds as the screen pans right when your ball flies. There are over 40 unique balls to unlock by using SwishCoins (yes a fun jab on CryptoCurrency like BitCoin). You can get SwishCoins by taking one randomly floating along the way, or doing two consecutive Swishy hoops (ringless shots) or making every tenth shot inside a golden hoop. It features awesome 3D art by professional animator Ramon Del Prado and we used a colorful street theme to give it a unique vibe. Check out the gameplay video below and some screenshots. These are works in progress so there will be updates on the placeholders.