There are many characters, one is a lizard(frog as you call it) and another is a monkey, as well as a ninja etc....
i had to friggin rewatch LOST last night because i got too carried away playing SWAY and forgot i was watching LOST this is saying a LOT since LOST is like my son that i will have in the future.
Well, when's the last time you saw a lizard swinging along? Frogs jump from leaf to leaf, and ninjas and moneys from tree to tree
Thanks, Anders. I played the game for around 40 minutes and finished 8 levels before I decided to put it down or I would've finished the game too fast. Of course I don't care about gold medals, I'm not that kind of gamer and I agree with jack000 that not everyone would bother collecting gold medals just so they can play the game longer. As arn said in his review: Suggestions: 1. Make each character has his own voice. Like when they jump or die. Unlocking characters is the best part of this game. I much prefer doing it than collecting medals. 2. Put some variety in the background, eg: some areas are slippery, so our characters will slowly fall if we just hold on. 3. Marathon game mode might be fun. For future level, you can have one very long level. In the checkpoints, we can place certain characters for substitution, so once we reach the checkpoints, we can change characters. Here, a certain amount of strategy is included, eg: monkey is best for early part of the level while ninja is best for middle part and lizard is best for end part. I imagine it would be fun. 4. We should be able to jump a little higher. At the moment, the character dies even when he could've landed on further island just because the angle was rather high. Sorry if I can't say this point properly. Have a look at Sapus Tongue. I often did that trick to skip obstacles, except when collecting keys. 5. 'Kill me' should be more satisfying! Like have him explode, fall apart or something. That's all for now. Will post more suggestions later.
LoL. Same thing here!!! Last night didn't really do it for me though... Not as good as last weeks....
OT: it's because the storie felt SOOO hurried. from the locke story jumps to mini interaction with the little black guy (no spoilers) to the death of one of the characters they built up for so long it's as if they had to sacrifice a LOT of story since they shortened the seasons and everything. we shouldn't have complained before when the story ran sooo slow since i think that's LOST's greatest strength
Wow, this is just too much fun. IMO this game should be the trademark of iPhone/iPoT gaming. I think it's a bit too short though.
thinking about it a bit more. I think even requiring a Bronze metal before unlocking the next level might be enough. arn
Beat it, got all the characters, really liked it. What it needs is public leaderboards for the levels, or even better specific time challenge levels added on. Replaying the same levels for better times is a lot more satisfying if you are climbing a leaderboard.
That would be pretty tough though I'm sure eventually with my ninja at my side I would destroy it and any other sway barriers. I have to be careful how hard I launch the little guy as the sheer force of my fling often kills him
i dont like the heartless robot. what does he do special? NINJA is the bestest! forever! i think you should have moved him to be unlocked later because he's a monster of a beast!
monkey doesn't do anything. i unlocked the robot using ninja, changed to robot, OMG he sucked, went back to good ol ninja!
Does anybody know what is different about each character? I know the monkey has long arms and is slow and the ninja is fast with short arms but what about the rest?