one thing i would enjoy is a way to zoom out and get a better grip on how the level looks like. like you could do in Touchgrind. Sometimes you just swing out and hopefully grab onto something and thats kinda frustrating at times for me atleast. other then that, i cant wait for the upgrade!
I see your point. However, the game would probably be easier, perhaps too easy, at least the new bigger and harder levels would be, where you have to go back and up etc. I've jotted the suggestion down. It wouldn't be that hard to implement, so we'll see!
Nice to see the update is already submitted. Let's see whether I can beat the last 2 remaining levels in gold until the release.
Yes, and different characters handle in different ways too, I often just gambol around with a character, just to see what it can do and indulge in my free-climbing fantasies . You have to use different tactics with different characters, too, which is pretty interesting. The game is perfect as is, but if the Devs intend a feature update, I'd really like an addition of "speed run" and "all stars" awards and character-tied awards. Like, after getting all silvers with the Ninja, I'd like to knock myself out trying to do the same with Monkee .
Idea! I think Illusion Labs and ReadyFireAim should kind of team up with Bolt Creative and get an OK to use one of the islanders from Pocket God as a character! I really hope that they add more levels, too. I love Sway and I hope that they don't leave it alone as it is and keep on updating! Go Sway!!!
YES!!! that would be AWESOME. I would love a pygmy character in sway. The devs of sway should talk to Dave, or i can since I beta test pocket god.
If you are considering another update for sway, is there any chance we could have a samurai as a character?
A samurai isn't all that different from a ninja... I heard someone mention the request for an Anders character though... hehe
The next update will require some HW upgrades to your iPhone/iPod Touch:
Sorry but samurai and ninja are nothing a like aside from coming from the same island. I would much rather have a samurai character than some stupid ninja....Sorry I'm a little biased toward samurai.
Ah sorry about that, I don't know anything about ninjas, samurais or Japanese culture in general. Ninja = fighting dude Samurai = fighting dude To me anyway, didn't intend to offend anyone, sorry
Sorry Ander's I have a personal deep seated love for the samurai. I know I'm lame but whatever. Sorry for getting so defensive So can I have a samurai character now. I'll take that Andrea girl out on a date, and show her a good time if you do this for me