SwapQuest - Puzzle/RPG

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Rebusmind, Jan 29, 2014.

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  1. Rebusmind

    Rebusmind Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
    Game Designer
    Berlin, Germany
    #1 Rebusmind, Jan 29, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2014

    SwapQuest is a puzzle-rpg that combines the depth of traditional rpg's like Dragon Quest with easy-to-learn puzzle mechanics similar to those classic Pipes games.

    In SwapQuest, you play as Prince Wilbert or Princess Wilma to find the holy sword Sturmwind in order to defend the kingdom from the Evil Horde that has invaded the land.
    You have to swap the tiles to build a road for the prince/princess. Collect gems, fight monsters, buy or find equipment, avoid traps, but above all don't get caught by the evil horde at the bottom of the screen. The game features an epic journey through over a dozen different areas, each with their own unique enemies, special tiles and graphics. A branching path through the game world, two playable characters each with their own strengths, and a customizable character development allow for multiple playthroughs. A New Game+ will present an even greater challenge for all the SwapQuest experts. Add massive boss fights, character classes with powerful and diverse abilities, and an enchanting soundtrack and you've got a game that will keep you busy for hours and hours.


    SwapQuest will be released for iOS, Android and Windows Phone around October 2014.

    Check out the trailer!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I would love to hear some feedback from you! :)

    Constantin (Rebusmind)
  2. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Genius concept. Looking forward to this.
  3. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Looks great I'd definitely give this a go.
  4. slewis7

    slewis7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Houston, TX
    Nice! Will this be Universal? Hopefully, it will also not be free-to-play.
  5. Rebusmind

    Rebusmind Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
    Game Designer
    Berlin, Germany
    Thanks a lot! :)

    The game will be universal and will also be released for Android and Windows Phone. And no worries, you will pay for playing it beforehand. :cool:
  6. background

    background Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    Looks good, will keep an eye on it.
  7. Rebusmind

    Rebusmind Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
    Game Designer
    Berlin, Germany
    There will be a lot of interactive elements in each level that are meant to reward curiosity (or in random cases add a bigger challenge). For example in the second level (the forest), you can touch the trees to find jewels, a bee hive (the bees attack the nearest creature) or little sparrows that fly off screen.
    Also there are piles of leaves that you can touch to unveil what's hidden in them (which can be friendly or not).


    Additionally, the forest is filled with small animals like squirrels or ferrets. They seem friendly and innocent at first, but should they touch an item that lies on the ground, it will run off with it, so be careful.
  8. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009
    Cool. Will be a day-one-purchase for me.
  9. Rebusmind

    Rebusmind Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
    Game Designer
    Berlin, Germany
    @Vovin Thanks a lot, very appreciated. :)

    One important feature of SwapQuest I'd like to show you are the different character classes.

    In total there will be 5 classes in SwapQuest: the noble, the rogue, the fighter, and two classes that are still a secret. I'll give you a brief description of the different classes to show their roles in the game and how they influence the way you (can) play the game.

    In general, every class has three forms, an initial form that you start the adventure with and two subsequent evolutions.

    Let's start with the most basic 'beginner' class.

    1. The Noble

    Evolution: Noble -> Prince/Princess -> King/Queen
    The noble class is a very balanced class with no big disadvantages, but also nothing it is exceptionally good at. The prince/princess and king/queen evolutions give the class a slight defense bonus, which makes it very suitable for the first playthrough.
    The abilities of the noble class include the Royal Instinct, which marks tough enemies with a red aura, Expel, which stops the Horde for a short amount of time, and Last Wish, which gives you a second chance should you die, but only if you are successful in a minigame.


    2. The Rogue

    Evolution: Rogue -> Thief -> Ninja
    The rogue class is leaning more towards speed than power. The rogue tries everything to stay alive by collecting every item on screen and moving as swiftly as possible. He/She is accompanied by his/her faithful dog, Shadow, whose role is to get items that are too far away to collect.
    The abilities of the rogue include Jump, which allows you to get to a new position fast, and Lockpick, which lets you open a chest from afar.


    3. The Fighter

    Evolution: Fighter -> Knight -> Paladin
    The fighter class is kinda the opposite of the rogue class, with a main emphasis on combat and strength. He/She gets high attack bonuses and also a luck bonus, which increases the probability of evading and critical attacks.
    The abilities of the fighter class include Counter Attack, which does just that every time the enemy attack misses, Shout, which deals damage to every enemy and object in a certain area, and Battle Cry, which boosts the attack whenever his/her health is below a certain value.


    Leave feedback if you like and have a nice weekend! :)
  10. Bleau

    Bleau Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2013
    One half of MoWOW Studios, an mobile indie game st
    Koblenz, Germany
    The concept and the cool balance between luck and skill get me all tingly. Looking forward to more content and trying this out :)
  11. Rebusmind

    Rebusmind Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
    Game Designer
    Berlin, Germany
    Thanks a lot and here's more content. :)

    In the gif below you can see Shadow, the faithful dog of your character, should you choose to play as a rogue. Shadow will look for items you can't reach on the map and bring them to you. These items can be jewels, hearts or even new weapons or armor. You can even upgrade him to make him faster and give him the ability to carry more than one item.

  12. Rebusmind

    Rebusmind Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
    Game Designer
    Berlin, Germany
    Our composer Andi has been working on revised versions of all tracks in SwapQuest. Listen to them, they're awesome. :)

    to set the mood ;) (click below)

  13. background

    background Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    The dog looks really cute.
  14. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Wow, this looks brilliant!
  15. Rebusmind

    Rebusmind Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
    Game Designer
    Berlin, Germany
    Today I've got a new screenshot of the world map for you. Our artist Jussi has done a great job so far. You can almost see 5 different locations on this image (Castle Sturmwind, the Meadows, the Light Forest, the Dark Forest, and the Crystal Cave).


    Hope you like it! :)
  16. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    The more I hear and see the more I know I'll get this on day one and certainly wasn't expecting there to be classes in the game, I hope there's a Mage class of sorts too I like those type of characters.
  17. Rebusmind

    Rebusmind Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
    Game Designer
    Berlin, Germany
    There's been a lot of progress in this week.
    Below you see the new character selection screen with nice artworks by Jussi.
    As always, please excuse the bad quality.


    More will follow soon! :)
  18. slewis7

    slewis7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Houston, TX
    Thanks for keeping us updated. This is looking good!
  19. Rebusmind

    Rebusmind Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
    Game Designer
    Berlin, Germany
    @slewis7 Thanks, I'm always happy to get feedback! :)

    Another addition is a short tutorial that shows you the very basics of swapping tiles and interacting with your environment. It's happening right after the castle got attacked by the mysterious 'Horde' and shows the king as he tries to save his children.


    I also changed the way the swapping works and now you see the new path as an overlay before putting it down.
  20. _Max_

    _Max_ Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
    Great one, nice concept game, will looking for this.

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