Yep, that definitely made it look better. You should use similar particles for other actions too. Are those particles sprites or something? Anyway, good job, keep it up.
Hey thanks! We are planning to change the item pickup particle effect as well, kinda make it twinkle and disappear. No that particle is actually a 3d sprite I threw together in Blender, and my genius programmer buddy made a particle of it!
I saw (and played) something very similar in the NASSCOM gamedev conference in Pune India last year? Not sure if that was you? In any case this looks very promising!
Yes that was us! Thanks for your kind words I had shown the game to a number of people at GDC. I guess you were one of them!
Do you have a playable build yet? You could put up a demo for the game on dropbox or your website. That way anyone can easily get a hands on experience without going through installation of test builds. Just an idea, see if you have time to spare.
Hmm, that's not a bad Idea at all. Yes we have a playable build and we have done a lot of focus testing in our community ("Hey kid, wanna play a new game??") but it would be nice to get some of the gamers here test our game. I'm gonna think about it quite seriously. Only problem I see is that it's a very awkward game to play with mouse and keyboard. Will still think about it...thank you!
Testflight Couldn't you use Testflight ? It has become easier to test games since Testflight has been bought by Apple and is integrated into iTunes connect
Yes, we are definitely planning to use Testflight; it's just that we are looking at some pre-beta feedback, mostly it has to do with the difficulty of the levels. I'm making the levels and I always make them too hard. Dunno why, I guess I like a good challenge and I always make games like that
Update #3: Teleporters! Hello there! We've been busy and are happy to show off our latest feature: Teleporters! In level 14, we introduce a new kind of placeable cell, one with teleporters. You can place these cells in pairs anywhere on the grid (in an empty space, of course). The art is kinda placeholder, so you will see a sphere where the exit teleporter isc Do let us know what you think!
Yeah, we're looking at implementing some really rad particle effects for the teleporters. The good news is, we've managed to find some really cool 3D artists who are collaborating with us on this game! We're probably going to end up re-doing ALL the artwork, including 2D and 3D. Thanks for keeping up with us!
Update #4: All-new Art!! Hello good folks of Touch Arcade, I'm happy to announce that we have managed to secure the collaboration of some wonderful new artists and a musician! We had made all of the art ourselves until now, and as you can imagine- it wasn't very good. We have started replacing the old art already, here are a few Unity editor screenshots of our new 'Islands' as we like to call them. They will be connected with bridges. Do let us know if you like it and/or have any suggestions or feedback. Thanks!!
Everything has changed! Hello everyone We are back with a new name, all new art and a new trailer! Do check it out and let us know what yo think Thanks!