Universal Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Capy_Nathan, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. gwet17

    gwet17 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    I just went on iTunes and disliked every one-star review:)
  2. ErikTheRed

    ErikTheRed Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    I think it's ok if a few people don't like the game as long as they gave it an earnest and open minded shot. It may not be for everyone and that's ok. I think most negative reviews will come from those expecting it to be something it's not. But I respect anyone who at least gives it a chance.

    Besides, for every one naysayer, I'm pretty sure there are a thousand people that really enjoyed it. I'd take that kind of ratio any day. ;)
  3. gwet17

    gwet17 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    Well, yeah, but people just said that they hate retro art, when the screenshots are RIGHT THERE! I disliked those ones!
  4. ErikTheRed

    ErikTheRed Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    Ok, I agree. That is just douchery. There are a few people in this world that seem to exsist solely to whine about things for no apparent reason.
  5. Flowermilk

    Flowermilk Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2010
    Game Concept Artist
  6. Videotape

    Videotape Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2009
    student, journeyman
    pallet town
    i read the whole thing... really? a few quotes i really have problems with

    "The controls are sluggish, the fight sequences are frustratingly tedious, and there's little else in terms of action."

    -- sluggish controls in a point and click adventure game, wtf? you point where you want the guy to go then he goes there, i get that he walks kinda slow but the whole game is played at a slower relaxed pace anyway, its part of the package, but if you didnt like it fair enough, just seems weird. As far as the combat being tedious, well thats just silly there really isnt very much of it and the fights are very short, personally icould have doen with more.

    "Throughout the game, you are constantly submitted to a flow of heavy prose, way too sophisticated for its own sake. But it's also strangely mixed with slang like "dude" or "badass", and a modern informal tone, as if to create a new genre of literature."

    -- Constantly submitted to a flow of heavy prose? well thats an outright lie, the dialogue is told in TWEET LOGS with a very tongue in cheek fantasy tone. It really seems like you had too many preconceptions when playing this game.

    "I can break down the pixel artists into three categories; the bitter nostalgics, who rant on forums about how much better were the games, back in the time; the lazy opportunists, who won't spend the time and effort to do push the art, and see the trend as en excuse."

    -- could you have written a more pompous write off of an entire graphical style, cool brah you dont like pixels anymore, doesnt mean that everyone who does is a mindless nostalgia whore, or a "lazy opportunist".

    "Their authors seem so obsessed to show how smart they are that they forgot to do a good game, or maybe they did the ultimate hipster game. Now all my hopes rest on Journey."

    -- And to conclude a hysterical outburst of hypocrisy, calling this the ultimate hipster game after you just wrote a 5 paragraph diatribe on how this game isn't as artful as Shadow of the Colossus, and Ico. Do you write for pitchfork or something, what game is this review about?

    SotC and Ico are my two favorite games ever, they fit my very strict definition of art, S&S EP doesn't but thats not a valid criticism of the game. Seriously, this review would work better if you titled it as a juxtaposition between S&S EP and SotC seeing as you spent a good portion of the review talking about it. i have no problem with you thinking whatever you want about the game but that wasn't a review it was a self absorbed rant
  7. ErikTheRed

    ErikTheRed Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    #247 ErikTheRed, Mar 27, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2011
    That's fine. No one holding a gun to your head demanding you like it, right? At least you tried it. ;)

    I think my biggest points of contention with your review are the remarks on Another World, Zelda, Ico and SOTC comparisons.

    To quote: "I can see the influence of Fumito Ueda and Eric Chahi in S&SEP, but it makes me cringe when people compare the game to Another World, or Ico." Remember that.

    and then

    "Another World had an incredible sense of pace and accomplishment, supported by great gameplay mechanics. To this day I still regard the first sequence as one of the best ever made in a game. But S&SEP offers nothing like that."

    and further

    "Shadow Of The Colossus showed vast, sunny meadows, misty valleys and forests. Ico and Another World were beautiful in motion. But S&SEP animations are a bit stiff for the most part, and its blocky art style never truly gives any sense of wonder."

    So... you, yourself, are making these comparisons to these games as well? That's kind of, maybe, a little hypocritical?

    Inspiration was certainly drawn from all these games, but S&S didn't set out to BE those games. Pitting S&S against those games and saying it's "not as good" or "not the same" is kind of odd. The S&S team ended up making their own kind of game. It doesn't really fit in any genre. It pulls little bits from every genre and ends up as something rather unique, I think. I think Frazetta once said: "And let me say this: copying someone else is not art."

    Anyway. Although I don't really agree with your review, thanks for sharing it. At least you tried the game. :)
  8. griswolds

    griswolds Member

    Feb 27, 2011
    I do not understand why the majority of the people posting here act like you are kissing their sister when you make a negative comment about this game. This game is not for everyone, and those that have a constructive opinion should be acknowledged as having such. However “disliking” someone because they do not feel the same way is a little ridiculous. Dare I say snobbish, like your tastes are more refined and cultured, because they might prefer a “low-brow” game of angry birds? Pretty arrogant of some of you.
  9. Derek800

    Derek800 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    Could someone please pm me where to find to moon gratto at? I completed the game, but it still only says 97% complete, and I never used the key, so I would like to go back and finish it completely.
  10. ErikTheRed

    ErikTheRed Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    Totally agree. It may not be for everyone and everyone is absolutely entitled to their opinion. However (and I didn't check this) if someone seriously left a one star review because of disliking "retro pixel art"... come on. That's just absurd to do with this game.
  11. Mfox76

    Mfox76 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2010

    Thanks for your review...after reading it it kind of articulated what was subconsciously holding me back from buying it...I wanted to like it and buy into the hyped-praise but everything I read about the actual details of the game play screamed to me to be completely counter intuitive in terms of the games I actually play and have fun with...I got the feeling that it's something I'd like to check out for a few mins and enjoy as a tech demo for the asthetics but not something I'd want to purchase, because 5 minutes of enjoying it would then be replaced with it collecting dust in my old/unused app folder that I just have to keep around because I spent money on it and I hope someday I'll suddenly find an affinity for it and get my money's worth:)
  12. ErikTheRed

    ErikTheRed Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    #252 ErikTheRed, Mar 28, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2011
    Just remember that while there may be those that feel it doesn't provide as great of an experience as the games he mentions, there are others (me) who feel it absolutely stands with those games very nearly as an equal.

    I wouldn't put too much stock in reviews. Make your own opinion. Maybe try it after a price drop or iPhone release? But I certainly wouldn't dismiss it out of hand because of someones review. I highly recommend it. ;)
  13. JoshCM

    JoshCM Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2009
    Game Designer
    Upstate NY
    someone gave rimelands a 1 star because it was turn based.
    I've seen people give ratings that make no sense with the reviews - like 'this game is awesome!!!! 1 star' or 5 stars this game sucks.
    Serious. Anyway this is a cool game I'm diggin it.
    Reminds me of out of this world and old Zelda.
  14. Derek800

    Derek800 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    I just finished this game yesterday, and I have to say I think this is the most fun I've had with a game on my ipad so far. In my opinion, everything about this was great, the music was awesome, the art was fantastic, the puzzles and the battle were lots of fun. The only problem I have with the game is it is over and I am left wanting more. I will definitely be picking up the soundtrack whenever that becomes available. Does anyone know of any other games on this platform that are even remotely close to this experience?
  15. aurorajorealis

    aurorajorealis Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Artist Liaison @Superbrothers
    I would like to point out that there are now 1054 rating in the American iTunes store, and 973 of them are 5 stars! The overwhelming love is making the last year and a half of crunch time totally worth it.

    That said, I totally appreciate the lower reviews when they have a good explanation behind them. They will help us do better next time. (though I doubt Superbrothers is going to change our long-established art style just because some people hate it)
  16. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member


    Commenting on a game and providing constructive criticism is VITAL. It shows intelligence and a desire to help the situation.

    The problem is with most of the negative reviews is that they're mindless or devised from people who didn't actually pay attention to what the game would be like. Saying "I don't like the graphics" deserves to be slashes and vocally berated because they graphical style is CLEARLY shown in the app store description. Nothing is hidden.

    Comparing this to SotC and Ico is TERRIBLY unfair. Do you realize the budget and team of people they have working on games like that?

    I'm not saying that, in my opinion, I feel that S&S is lesser than Ico or SotC or better, but that money/platform/personal taste is very different between the 2.

    You think they could make Ico or SotC for the iPad?

    And Flowermilk, I appreciate that you took the time to do the review, but your entire review is filled with so much personal dislike of the game, that it clouds any real weight your review could hold for other people.

    What I'm saying is that I give your review 2 stars ;)

    Not because you didn't like the game, but take a look at good quality constructive reveiws. Yours fits none of the criteria that those reviews have. It comes across as being self important and "Look at me, I don't like something someone else does, I'm important!"

    Maybe that's not, maybe you just wanted to get your impression across, but it sure doesn't read like an unbiased review. And until you're able to do that, your reviews will continue to hold no weight.

    Am I biased in my post her? Most certainly. I loved every minute of the game. The music sucked me in. The writing was great in that even though it seemed to take itself terribly serious, it didn't. But yet it still held so much weight in its depth and character development. Of course, that's my opinion. I had a few issues with the controls at certain sections of the game, but other than one area I was never "Stuck" or "Frustrated" that the game or anything it offered was unfair. As for the control issues, I made sure to pass them onto the developer and I got on with my life.

    Simply put, this style of game isn't for you. Your complaints are ones that would have been quashed if you really paid more attention to the gameplay videos or ENDLESS information provided about the game. The fact that you hate pixel art is exactly why you should never have reviewed the game, right from the get go.

    I hate country music, and that's exactly why I don't review it or voice my opinion on it.

    If you hate sci-fi movies, do you think your reviews OF a sci-fi movie should be considered?


    Therefore, I have deemed the fate of your review.....

    Wait for it....

    Wait for it...


  17. 5duc29

    5duc29 Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2009
    Icon looks great!

    What's the length of the game? I am thinking about buying the game...
  18. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    Depends on if you get stuck in any areas of the game. I'd say I spent about 4 or 5 hours on it, give or take. I didn't really count.
  19. 5duc29

    5duc29 Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2009
    Last question-- are there going to be any updates to the game? Didn't read too much into it but I do see "EP" on the title..
  20. aurorajorealis

    aurorajorealis Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Artist Liaison @Superbrothers
    There will be updates!

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