+1 for this. If people are struggling then they should request help via PM from those that have completed it, there are a lot of iPhone users that haven't even had the chance to sample it's delights yet and I feel the experience will be ruined for them if they are keeping an eye on this thread (which I'm sure they are). Please folks try to keep this spoiler free!
You seriously owe it to yourself to at least try it with headphones on to experience the difference. You will probably miss a lot of the little environmental touches in the game without headphones. I feel all the little touches (and there are many) really do enhance the game tremendously. In my opinion, the wonky little mono speaker on the iPad (especially the nearly rear facing one on the iPad 2) can't come close to doing the music and sound justice. S&S + Sennheiser = Audio Bliss For Me. Speaking of audio, I think I'm just going to call this one right now. 2011 Best Audio Technical Excellence / Soundtrack in a game: S:S&S EP If it can get better than this, I can't imagine how.
and this is whats wrong with america. the game came out 5 minutes ago and you already want a walkthrough.
I loooove this one. I'm already on my second play through just to make sure I saw everything So epic. Amazing work. 10 star review.
Agreed. I bet they'll win a lot of awards for that. Hell, it's so inspiring I bet new categories are made just to give them an award...
The problem with America is people want walk-throughs for video games? Damn, we sure have it easy over here. I wonder if other countries besides America have to endure this epidemic? I wonder if anyone from Canada ever wanted a walk-through in 5 minutes... maybe even 3 minutes. Just crazy to even think about.
just so ya know ! Starcat and Robotwars: The reason I was asking for a walkthrough is because I got stuck at the known bug in the game and I was not able to advance. I had absolutely no idea what to do at this point. After reading here about the bug I was able to advance and now things are going smoothly. Awesome game still !!
I'm not sure if I have encountered a bug or not, but I am mostly stuck on session 3. I'm also not sure how to place the spoiler tag. SO, I'll try to be vague. A door in side B will not open.
What is the deal with the glowing circle with the bubbles in session 2? I know I need to summon the third thing, but this isn't working.
Hardly a spoiler since it was the stone hut, and as soon as I took my iPad out of the case it worked. I was getting a dead zone on my screen. I panicked.
I have started discussion threads for each session on the facebook page so people can ask spoilerific questions: http://www.facebook.com/sworcery?sk=app_2373072738
Look at the link above. Keep all spoilers out of here, please! There's another thread on ta and Jori posted about it as well. Please ask there/use those
Whoops sorry, posted my question in the hint thread again but this time with a solution. Thanks for your link, got my answer really fast.
Sorry if this been asked before...will the iPhone version be a separate app or will the iPad one become universal? Thanks!