Super Tower - Billiard Dungeon Crawler [Soft launch]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by FAAM, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. deadjam

    deadjam Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2010
    Digital Designer
    London, UK
    Icon looks spot on.

    I'm jumping into the beta - thanks :)
  2. tjuven

    tjuven Member
    Patreon Bronze

    I’ve only played an hour or so in total so take this feedback for what it is :)

    First of all the game looks and plays super nice. The graphics and animations are ace, well done!

    Here are some other random thoughts:

    - I only want to tap the chest at the end of a level once.
    - Menu/GUI: when selecting character, I get the feeling that the selected character is in fact deselected and the other unlocked characters are selected. This is mostly confusing when there’s only two characters available to choose from. I think it’s because it’s pushed down and greyed out. The same goes for the whole menu. My gut feeling tells me it should be the other way around, the page I’m at in the menu should have its icon larger then the others, and the other icons should be greyed out/toned down.
    - Also menu: the scrolling in character/weapon/shop screen feels a bit weird, moves faster than your actual scrolling speed.
    - At start screen: Tapping play leads you to the tower screen, and there the game freezes. Game is loading in the background but nothing on the screen indicates this so I get a feeling that the game has frozen.
    - I would really like if the characters had something to differentiate them from one another, perhaps some abilities or something. Now the characters are all the same and the weapons are all the same, it doesn’t really matter what you choose to play with.
    - At game over screen there’s sometimes this “get a prize”-button, clicking it just takes me to the Shop.
    - Since characters and weapons cost green gems, and these are super rare, I feel it will take me forever to even unlock just one character or weapon. However buying chests with the yellow gems mitigates this some (giving you a random weapon/character).
    - Getting a special shield in a chest at the end of a level feels really nice! It looks different from my regular shield and also acts different (one gave me +2 hearts at one time).
    - I don’t quite understand how the score system works, and what I need to do to improve my score (other than reaching far up in the tower). Do I need to speed through the level fast or kill all enemies etc.
    - I like the progression with how the tower and enemies evolve (I think I’ve only reached like tower three though).

    That’s about it for now, thank you for letting me try it out! :)
  3. FAAM

    FAAM Active Member

    May 1, 2016
    Hi tjuven,

    Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it a lot, and I will try to answer to some of your points here.

    -I will try to improve the menu as much as possible, but you should be able to see what character and weapons are selected at the top of the screen. I will probably change the page's buttons, since this has come up with other users.

    -Concerning the characters, at the moment they are only re-skins but I will try to add some abilities to each of them before release. The main way of unlocking characters is through the shop with Gold, that's why the "Get a Prize" button takes you there at the moment! And that's why Diamonds are so hard to find!

    -At the moment, the scoring system only takes into account how far you managed to go, but I might introduce new modes in the future!

    Obviously I am still improving the game before release, so that feedback is very important to me.
    Can I ask you what you thought about the saving system in between towers? Did you understand how flags work and what the timer is for? You haven't mentioned it and it's one of the system that I am totally unsure about, I would love to hear your thoughts on it.
  4. tjuven

    tjuven Member
    Patreon Bronze

    I would definitely take a look at the scoring system and see if there’s some way to make it more interesting and dynamic. Like combos from hitting several enemies in a row, or almost falling down a hole rewards the player with a “close call” bonus, stuff like that. Build on the gameplay one could say.

    Yeah the flags, I missed that in my feedback. I don’t really understand how it works. I’ve seen purple flags and green ones, I know they save the progress in some way but I don’t know what the differences between the two are. On completing a level it says “save progress” then there is an icon of a flag, a number (4 in my case) and then some other numbers counting down. The number 4, I don’t know if this is the cost of saving, or my current number of flags. The number counting down, is this when I can save, or do i get more flags when this number reaches zero, I don’t know. Perhaps this could be simplified or more clear in some way :)
  5. FAAM

    FAAM Active Member

    May 1, 2016
    Thanks tjuven!

    I revamped the saving system and it should be way less confusing on the next version! Speaking of which, after getting some good feedback on the beta I am almost ready to release the game in Soft Launch. If everything goes the well, the game should go live on the 14th of November in Finland, Canada and Netherlands! Hopefully people will like it!

  6. FAAM

    FAAM Active Member

    May 1, 2016
    The game is now currently in Soft Launch in Canada, Finland and Netherlands. If you get a chance to try it out and have some feedback please shoot! :)

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