When I jail broke my device last Christmas it was mainly so I could play SNES games on my device - being that the Super Nintendo is my favourite console gaming system of all time. Unfortunately the SNES emu out at the time sucked, but that changed when Snes9X EX came out a month or two ago. Since then I have been playing my collection of old SNES games non-stop. Lately I have been playing Soul Blazer like crazy and have almost beat it, and am also at Master Belch in EarthBound. My favourite SNES games are: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Soul Blazer EarthBound Donkey Kong Country Trilogy Super Mario World Super Mario All-Stars Super Mario RPG Super Mario Kart Shadow Run Final Fantasy 2 Lufia 2 Gunman's Proof Legend of The Mystical Ninja Secret of Mana (I prefer the app-store version now though) Secret of Evermore Terranigma Illusions of Gaia I am wondering what everybody's favourite Super Nintendo games are??? Can you recommend me some good new ones to look for?
I highly HIGHLY recommend Demon's Crest from Capcom. That literally is my favourite SNES game of all time. Great platformer, great action, great music. Great art, I love it. In addition to the fine titles you have mentioned too, I would like to add Act Raiser 1 & 2 to the list. Mighty fun games. I will list others when i get on my computer tonight, for that is where I use my emulator. Couldn't tolerate it much with some games on iOS, though it has improved greatly over time. I stick to the good ol PS3 controller LOL
right on, thanks Booch Will definitely look for Demon's Crest! I've been meaning to play through the Actraiser games for some time now I'm ordering one of these soon - http://icontrolpad.com/ - which should make playing the SNES easier on the ipod.
Seems like a pretty dope aftermarket control pad. Wouldn't mind trying it out myself, would make things a hell of a lot easier hahahah. But anyways, yeah Actraiser games are great, I like 2 better than 1, but 1 is worth playing as hard as that f*cker is. Demon's Crest though, that a different beast. That game can be hard or easy depends on how much you invest in it. If you get everything in the game, and unlock the final boss, you will cry that shit is so hard. Everything else pales in comparison in that game. But it's loads of fun man. I grew up with that game and still play it from time to time it's so awesome hahahah
Crap, now you're going to make me have to think: I don't see Super Metroid on that list. I also loved Animaniacs, but that's me. A few others I didn't see mentioned that I loved: Stunt Race FX Star Fox Vortex Super Bomberman 1/2 Smash TV
Chrono Trigger is hands-down one of the best RPG's ever, if not the best. It by far blew away any other RPG during its time (even the Final Fantasy games), and remains a TON of fun nowadays. A few other SNES games I've found myself enjoying a lot: -Final Fantasy III (Final Fantasy VI in Japan) -Earthbound -Secret of Mana -The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past -Contra III -Clock Tower -Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 -Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars -Super Metroid -Super Punch Out!
so I am finally giving Chrono Trigger a shot -- I can't believe I have never played this game before. It is epic!!!
I still have a SNES and play it quite often, unfortunately I don't have many games but recently found a store called Play'n Trade that still sells them and was able to get the Zelda game for it. With that said my favorite games are: Super Mario World Zelda: A Link To The Past Zombies Ate My Neighbors All are classics that I grew up with and I was able to reconnect with and respect even more now that I'm older.