Super Meat Boy Forever Headup GmbH Super Meat Boy Forever takes place a few years after the events of Super Meat Boy. Meat Boy and Bandage Girl have been l… TouchArcade Rating: $0.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsSuper Meat Boy Forever takes place a few years after the events of Super Meat Boy. Meat Boy and Bandage Girl have been living a happy life free of Dr. Fetus for several years and they now have a wonderful little baby named Nugget. Nugget is joy personified and she is everything to Meat Boy and Bandage Girl. One day while our heroes were on a picnic, Dr. Fetus snuck up on them, beat Meat Boy and Bandage Girl unconscious with a shovel and kidnapped Nugget! When our heroes came to and found that Nugget was missing, they knew who to go after. They cracked their knuckles and decided to never stop until they got Nugget back and taught Dr. Fetus a very important lesson. A lesson that can only be taught with punches and kicks. The challenge of Super Meat Boy returns in Super Meat Boy Forever. Levels are brutal, death is inevitable, and players will get that sweet feeling of accomplishment after beating a level. Players will run, jump, punch and kick their way through familiar settings and totally new worlds. What’s better than playing through Super Meat Boy Forever once? The answer is simple: Playing through Super Meat Boy Forever several times and having new levels to play each time. Levels are randomly generated and each time the game is completed the option to replay the game appears and generates a whole new experience by presenting different levels with their own unique secret locations. We’ve handcrafted literally thousands of levels for players to enjoy and conquer. You can replay Super Meat Boy Forever from start to finish several times before ever seeing a duplicate level. It is truly a remarkable feat of engineering and a monumental example of ignoring the limits of rational game design and production. They don’t give Oscars to games, but they probably will after Super Meat Boy Forever becomes the best movie of 2020 and 2021! Our story takes Meat Boy and Bandage Girl through several worlds in search of their darling little Nugget with beautifully animated cutscenes and musical accompaniment that makes Citizen Kane look like a reaction video to an sled unboxing. Players will laugh, they will cry, and when all is said and done maybe they’ll emerge from the experience a little better than when they started. Ok so that last part probably won’t happen but marketing text is hard to write. - Run, Jump, Punch and Slide your way through literally thousands of levels! - Experience a story so that it will influence the cinematic landscape for decades to come. - Fight Bosses, find secrets, unlock characters, live in the world we’ve created because the real world can kinda suck sometimes! - The long awaited sequel to Super Meat Boy has finally arrived! Information Seller:Headup GmbH Genre:Action Release:Apr 20, 2023 Updated:Jan 21, 2025 Version:1.1.0 Size:1.7 GB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Andy C83 likes this. anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #2 anthony78, Apr 20, 2023 Bummer that it isn’t wide screen but for $.99 I can’t complain too much… agreen437 Well-Known Member Jun 12, 2014 1,703 222 63 #3 agreen437, Apr 20, 2023 Does this have controller support ? very interested in this game Slate Well-Known Member Mar 26, 2015 145 6 18 Game Taster Wisconsin #4 Slate, Apr 20, 2023 It has been so long since I played this game. Is this a single tap style game or swipe? If anyone could explain the controls I would appreciate it. Delusionaltool Well-Known Member Sep 24, 2009 1,677 46 48 ohio #5 Delusionaltool, Apr 20, 2023 What we have here is the best runner platformer on mobile ever created. Over 7000 levels on top of random world generation! Also what is up my old friend @metalcasket ! Its perfect you of all people posted this. The metal intro soundtrack is dope. the only thing the game needs is the level editor! Perfect mobile controls, the tutorial is even hard haha! The graphics are perfect!!! This is the best 99 cents i have spent! This will hold me over till the new Binding of issac repentance comes out on mobile. There beta testing it now too!!! AsgerJ, squarezero and metalcasket like this. Andy C83 Well-Known Member Oct 20, 2010 3,630 25 48 Over the Rainbow #6 Andy C83, Apr 20, 2023 The character autoruns and all the controls are through taps: tap the right side of the screen to jump/punch and the left side to slide/dive. These controls can be also be inverted. To the fellow who asked about controller support: yes, this game has controller support. I used a PS4 controller and it works very well. squarezero likes this. PBSNellie Well-Known Member Jul 7, 2013 1,381 168 63 Southern CA #7 PBSNellie, Apr 20, 2023 Games like this remind me of how bad I am at platformers. Somehow I finished the first level. VirtualBoyFreak and aconfusedkender like this. VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Apr 26, 2011 4,801 85 48 Spain #8 VirtualBoyFreak, Apr 20, 2023 Last edited: Apr 20, 2023 There’s an F-Zero-like level in the video. Is that a secret level, or are there many like that? ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Mar 20, 2010 4,234 131 63 Male Sojourner Washington D.C. #9 ColeDaddy, Apr 20, 2023 Playing with my Steel Stratus helps control the character's intricate moves way more manageable than without. Mauno Well-Known Member Dec 11, 2010 55 21 8 Male #10 Mauno, Apr 20, 2023 Last edited: Apr 20, 2023 Awesome game, perfect for mobile. But so many bug… Sometimes, buttons don’t respond. Or chrono doesn’t start. As you can see in the screenshot, after many try, the countdown will stay at 0 for the run, untill I die (again ) and start after refresh so I finish the first level in 8 seconds… Or sometimes the camera is not a the good place (up or down) Attached Files: IMG_0599.png File size: 2.5 MB Views: 2 VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Apr 26, 2011 4,801 85 48 Spain #11 VirtualBoyFreak, Apr 20, 2023 I bought the game and it’s amazing. I’m really loving it, and that “randomized level generator” promises we’ll have game for hours. Now I have to find the way of getting through one of the levels… my reflexes aren’t what they were 35 years ago, lol! sebgo and PBSNellie like this. VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Apr 26, 2011 4,801 85 48 Spain #12 VirtualBoyFreak, Apr 20, 2023 Here’s one “but”: it doesn’t sync savegames between devices. I’ve tried with my iPad & iPhone and unless I missed something, you can’t continue your savegame from one device in the other. The game is incredible and has many funny Easter eggs (hidden levels) designed to make you remember old games. Well worth its price, even without savegame sync. macplash likes this. Chq Well-Known Member Jul 20, 2013 446 61 28 #13 Chq, Apr 21, 2023 I‘m interested in this sections too and don‘t want to play the jump‘n‘run part- hahaha. Maybe someone can explain more about these sections. Greetz Chris VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Apr 26, 2011 4,801 85 48 Spain #14 VirtualBoyFreak, Apr 21, 2023 Last edited: Apr 21, 2023 This is the only one I found. It’s very cool, but extremely difficult! Btw, the jump’n’run part is also extremely difficult, but it’s great. Attached Files: IMG_9810.jpeg File size: 2.8 MB Views: 12 adamphetamine Well-Known Member Jan 4, 2011 968 31 28 Programmer/3D Modeling Bethlehem, Pa #15 adamphetamine, Apr 21, 2023 Game is great so far even with the simplistic controls. In fact, they work amazing here. Levels are fun but man some of the bosses are hard as hell haha. 100% worth the money so far but I have only played a few hrs. Rocksaint Well-Known Member Nov 29, 2013 666 367 63 #16 Rocksaint, Apr 21, 2023 How do you progress about 50% into level 5 of the 1st zone? It’s basically impossible with the blades on the side and a giant one chasing you. metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #17 metalcasket, Apr 21, 2023 We can't really tell without you explicitly pointing out the problem. There are some misconceptions about this game both in the release article and this thread. There aren't 7000 levels to play per se...there are 7000 separate handcrafted segments of levels, and the levels themselves are randomly generated. The chance of someone else playing the exact same level as you are slim to none, unfortunately. EDIT: The above is basically why SMB Forever doesn't really stack up to the original SMB. Putting aside the fact that the PC and console crowd shat on the game because it was (is) a mobile game at heart, long gone were the meticulously, perfectly built levels, and in their place was randomness and all the jank that comes with that. Mind you, this mobile port is the definitive version of the game as this was the original vision of the game. VirtualBoyFreak and Andy C83 like this. Rocksaint Well-Known Member Nov 29, 2013 666 367 63 #18 Rocksaint, Apr 21, 2023 Ah. So basically if you get stuck at a level, that’s it. You’re doomed. Can’t understand why developers take the shortcut of randomly-generated levels instead of handcrafted ones. Perfect example of quantity over quality. I guess that’s easier to create and pleases a wider audience. But I shouldn’t waste too much time on this then. Thanks for all the info. adamphetamine Well-Known Member Jan 4, 2011 968 31 28 Programmer/3D Modeling Bethlehem, Pa #19 adamphetamine, Apr 21, 2023 You need to run into the hole in the one side as blade goes over you then jump to other side and then out up top. The Alpha Gamer Well-Known Member Mar 26, 2012 52 0 6 #20 The Alpha Gamer, Apr 21, 2023 Anyone else having a bug where the start up screen and cutscenes are widescreen and constantly flickering? (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
It has been so long since I played this game. Is this a single tap style game or swipe? If anyone could explain the controls I would appreciate it.
What we have here is the best runner platformer on mobile ever created. Over 7000 levels on top of random world generation! Also what is up my old friend @metalcasket ! Its perfect you of all people posted this. The metal intro soundtrack is dope. the only thing the game needs is the level editor! Perfect mobile controls, the tutorial is even hard haha! The graphics are perfect!!! This is the best 99 cents i have spent! This will hold me over till the new Binding of issac repentance comes out on mobile. There beta testing it now too!!!
The character autoruns and all the controls are through taps: tap the right side of the screen to jump/punch and the left side to slide/dive. These controls can be also be inverted. To the fellow who asked about controller support: yes, this game has controller support. I used a PS4 controller and it works very well.
Playing with my Steel Stratus helps control the character's intricate moves way more manageable than without.
Awesome game, perfect for mobile. But so many bug… Sometimes, buttons don’t respond. Or chrono doesn’t start. As you can see in the screenshot, after many try, the countdown will stay at 0 for the run, untill I die (again ) and start after refresh so I finish the first level in 8 seconds… Or sometimes the camera is not a the good place (up or down)
I bought the game and it’s amazing. I’m really loving it, and that “randomized level generator” promises we’ll have game for hours. Now I have to find the way of getting through one of the levels… my reflexes aren’t what they were 35 years ago, lol!
Here’s one “but”: it doesn’t sync savegames between devices. I’ve tried with my iPad & iPhone and unless I missed something, you can’t continue your savegame from one device in the other. The game is incredible and has many funny Easter eggs (hidden levels) designed to make you remember old games. Well worth its price, even without savegame sync.
I‘m interested in this sections too and don‘t want to play the jump‘n‘run part- hahaha. Maybe someone can explain more about these sections. Greetz Chris
This is the only one I found. It’s very cool, but extremely difficult! Btw, the jump’n’run part is also extremely difficult, but it’s great.
Game is great so far even with the simplistic controls. In fact, they work amazing here. Levels are fun but man some of the bosses are hard as hell haha. 100% worth the money so far but I have only played a few hrs.
How do you progress about 50% into level 5 of the 1st zone? It’s basically impossible with the blades on the side and a giant one chasing you.
We can't really tell without you explicitly pointing out the problem. There are some misconceptions about this game both in the release article and this thread. There aren't 7000 levels to play per se...there are 7000 separate handcrafted segments of levels, and the levels themselves are randomly generated. The chance of someone else playing the exact same level as you are slim to none, unfortunately. EDIT: The above is basically why SMB Forever doesn't really stack up to the original SMB. Putting aside the fact that the PC and console crowd shat on the game because it was (is) a mobile game at heart, long gone were the meticulously, perfectly built levels, and in their place was randomness and all the jank that comes with that. Mind you, this mobile port is the definitive version of the game as this was the original vision of the game.
Ah. So basically if you get stuck at a level, that’s it. You’re doomed. Can’t understand why developers take the shortcut of randomly-generated levels instead of handcrafted ones. Perfect example of quantity over quality. I guess that’s easier to create and pleases a wider audience. But I shouldn’t waste too much time on this then. Thanks for all the info.
You need to run into the hole in the one side as blade goes over you then jump to other side and then out up top.
Anyone else having a bug where the start up screen and cutscenes are widescreen and constantly flickering?