It's in a block (hit it with your head) in between two of the mini Goombas near the end. A little trick I learned is tapping the bubble icon to let you float back if you miss it.
Easily. Replace Rayman with Mario in Rayman adventure and people would say that game was the revolutionary thing. Fun for a few levels but I have no desire to spend 10 on it.
Already deleted. It was good to see mario but the game is not special. Its just a normal runner game. They thought it will be like pokemon go. Not even close, pogo much better than this lol. Anywah have fun
Lol so much for the notify hype Apple has been talking about. If it was not toucharcade i would have never known
this game has so much depth and content sad to see people o twitter complaining on why it cost money and people here saying it's meh. it's mario on your phone come on. 24 levels sound short but pink purple and black coins change the course that it feels like a brand new level. bonus levels, hidden secrets, and not to mention fun mini games and fun little build mode.
Yeah, I didn't have an email or App Store notification. Nothing. I'm curious to know if anyone was actually "notified," and what it was.
I love it! Mario rocks. And haters are gonna hate. Personally, I love it and was happy to throw down 13.99 Canadian. Letsa go!
If the definition of fun is to replay levels to collect all coins, and it's needed Internet connection for that (even for those 3 free levels my crappy internet connection went down in two occasions) - then I might have really no idea what fun means. This is not the Mario Bros I remember having a blast 25 years ago. I have to admit -- judging by the promotional videos that came long before the game -- I had the feeling I wouldn't like a click-to-jump Mario game with no joystick; and the Internet-only requirement made my experience trying the free levels more disappointing I know everyone else's loving it, and it's not my intention to offense anyone. Happy gaming!
Regarding content, it's an ok game. Presentation is good too but nothing stellar. And when it comes to auto-runner platformer joy, I'm having way more fun with Leap Day (which also outshines Mario in terms of overall presentation). It feels like the mobile gaming world moved on already. Mario is a lovely look back and definitely an enjoyable game, but not much more.
Man online? I guess I won't be paying $10 for this one. It's a shame they couldn't just make the game offline if you paid for the full app. I see other devs do this as well. Honestly I'm really disappointed in Nintendo for this. To think I was so hyped about it..
I actually agree, there is a lot of technicality, skill and concept to this game. I just dont think the "it's Mario on your phone" is that insane like others are making it out to be. It's a slightly better Mikey shorts/Rayman adventures and nowhere near $10 worth of content. People already have all the levels beat and Andyc83 prob has all the world records for every stage and every coin out of reach by now. You are basically paying about 7 bucks for the mustache and soundtrack. THAT SAID, I am all for premium games (let's see if that actually sticks) and am in favor of Nintendo making a killing off of the hype here if it means more games in the future.
Hands down the most overhyped and most disappointing mobile game ever. 1. An auto runner which takes no skill, a 4 year old could beat it. 2. Takes 1h to complete all the levels. 3. Always requires an internet connection. Drains your data and battery. 4. Little to no replayability. Collecting the coins is boring and requires no skill again. 5. COSTS 10$. This game feels insanely rushed and no way it's worth 10$. 6. Doesn't feel like a mario game. Feels like i'm playing yet another cheap reskinned auto runner game. 7. Who on earth wants to build your kingdom? 8. Limited "multiplayer" tokens, and it isn't real multiplayer Feel free to disagree with me, but this game feels like a terribly overpriced rushed game designed for kids to play. But hey i guess kids these days have 700$+ devices. 2 stars for the mario graphics and look. It looks amazing, but the gameplay is terrible.
Props to Nintendo for making it premium, purchased for that alone but i am enjoying it more then I expected
Here's a pro tip for anyone reading this thread: Just ignore the people crying "overhyped" who only played the demo levels and feel the need to hate on anything and everything that's popular. Just ignore it, they WANT you to respond so they can argue. Just let them get it out of their system, and maybe, JUST MAYBE, we can prevent this thread from devolving into a complete shit show. Maybe.