So i've got to the end of the levels.... there's a big door and some podiums with treasure missing, so I guess I have to find that? how? Do the time trials?
Dear developer, WHY U NO ANDROID? Please, I liked Tiny Dangerous Dungeons so hard that I would love to play any new Dangerous Dungeons game, even without metroidvania elements! I was super excited when I saw that such new game came out, but then I saw it is iOS-only... Do you have plans on Android release? If so, can we know how soon it will be?
Strangely that I've managed to google out this thread, but missed the official developer's Twitter account. Thanks for the info!
wow, i've just finished it... the last level is really hard, like old days platforms, reminds me Ghosts n' Goblins & Ghouls n' Ghosts high toughness... TERRIFIC!
I've submitted version 1.1 for Apple's review and it should be available in a week or so. It will include following: -Player now has more friction on ground, and releasing movement buttons in air now rapidly slows down your speed, allowing more precise landing. -Fixed a bug where new record didn't replace the old one at the end of Time Trial mode for entire game. -Ads should no longer crash the game on iPhone 4 -Small adjustments and fixes.
Any chance of more levels being added to this at all? I've finished both this game and Tiny Dangerous Dungeons, and any new content would be awesome for both games...
Much like Tiny Dangerous Dungeons I'm loving this too. Cool they made it free. But of course I'm happy to have the Ad-Removal IAP.
There are hints on the wall leading up to that last door. Those pictures might look like familiar levels.
This received 4* but Baseball Apocolypse received 3.5* from TA. As we talked in another thread about bs rating and how they are not to be followed or trusted. Well, prime eg. How a stellar game such as dungeons only warrants .5* more than that broken and lame fail b-ball game has to make u wonder. Playing favorites on who the dev is or promtioned to give skewed reviews. Your guess, good as mine. Just more actual proof that reviews are adulterated in some sad way and are no true measure of a games true quality. I'll strictly stick to my most trusted peeps' imps. Ssssssssss, LAME. Disclaimer, just one man's opinion. Peace in the Middle East yo!
Those two reviews are written by different people so I'm missing the point of your argument. To get any real value out of any review of anything, you have to compare your own thoughts about the subject being reviewed to those of the person doing the review. When you find a reviewer who's opinions are similar to yours it is then and only then that you will be able to use their reviews to see if you might like something.
Regardless, a good game is a good game, period. Consensus rules and who is the reviewer is of no consequence and should be subjective and quality of content based. No? Yes.
I just saw this game on this top 5 ios games video .. it looks good
Thought game was excellent. Have all the achievements EXCEPT (and I won't be going for it!) the "finish entire game in trial mode with under 10 lives lost" that's nuts!
[thread=276202][/thread] [thread=275750][/thread] [thread=275798][/thread] [thread=275811][/thread] [thread=275809][/thread] Super Dangerous Dungeons is one of the nominees for Touch Arcade Forums' Game Of The Week Nov 19, 2015 VOTE HERE ***PLEASE NOTE*** 1) Developers, publishing partners, or affiliates cannot vote for their own games. If your game is in the poll, you can't vote for it. You are free to ask TA forum posters in your game release thread to vote for your game... but please don't post multiple messages about it. 2) This voting is for TA members with some activity. If you have to ask someone to create a new account to vote, you're doing it wrong. 3) Suspect votes may be void. Credit to AndyC83 for GotW logo & post layout
Really enjoying this game, great work by the developer. I got it today and almost immediately bought the IAP because I could see that it was well worth it. I think the standard controls are good enough for the standard levels, but their limitations became a bit too much of an obstacle for me in the last two secret levels. I've spent more time on those alone than the rest of the game. Maybe I can beat the last one after the update!
Hey folks! I just published update 1.1, so keep an eye on App Store! The update features following: -Player now has more friction on ground, and releasing movement buttons in air now rapidly slows down your speed, allowing more precise landing and movement. -Fixed a bug where new record didn't replace the old one at the end of Time Trial mode for entire game. -Ads should no longer crash the game on iPhone 4 -Small adjustments and fixes. Get it now:
The improved controls does make the platforming a bit tighter, and I was able to beat it tonight. I definitely recommend this game to anyone looking for a platformer fix.