Super Crate Box vs. Muffin Knight

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Neehan, Jan 6, 2012.


Which do you prefer?

  1. Super Crate Box

  2. Muffin Knight

  3. Both are equal

  4. Both of them stink

  1. cabdog

    cabdog Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2011
  2. New England Gamer

    New England Gamer Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2009
    Well see? There you go....another example of using a similar game mechanic and making it different. This is exactly why I hate these comparisons - given the success of this new game play, won't there be more? What will THEY be clones of? And do I hate the word clone - a clone would be an EXACT duplication of the game pixel for pixel. If there is something different then it expands the genre in my mind.

    But then again, that won't be everyone's opinion I realize.
  3. Wasgo

    Wasgo Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
    I'm not sure how calling your comments stupid was any worse than you calling the graphics ugly.
  4. sharpener

    sharpener Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2011
    Kowloon, Hong Kong
    on my opinion i like SCB better i feel like it was way much more fun than MK i just didnt like the fairytale concept, i like SCB Cause they kept it simple and fun. but this is my opinion and i respect everyone's differences.
  5. cabdog

    cabdog Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    #45 cabdog, Jan 8, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2012
    Good point. Ugly is not a fair term. I changed my post to 'older styled games' graphics'. I never said the developers, you, or your younger brother (LOLavi) was ugly, just the game graphics; developers should have stiff chins to negative materialistic game comments. Look through the comments on Infinity Blade II and you'll see a few reviews using similar wording. Mine was never a personal attack on a specific person, whereas LOLavi's obviously was.

    Just messing with the younger brother comment. My first TA personal ethic's debate! Party!
  6. phattestfatty

    phattestfatty Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
    I did...
  7. Jdragoon19

    Jdragoon19 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2010
    TouchArcade Forums
    Area 51
    Some people are getting over 200 crates... And you think getting over 40 is impossible? It's called practice. You don't expect to be a good at a game by playing it for a few minutes do you?
  8. airdan

    airdan Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    Basically this. Retro games should die.
  9. slewis7

    slewis7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Houston, TX
    Ice Bros HD actually looks kind of interesting to me, but I have heard that cheering sound effect in so many games now, I don't think I could play it ;)

    SCB is the "original", as far as I know, so if you call IB a ripoff, it would be of SCB. Everything is derived from everything and since IB adds some significant and interesting elements I would not call it a ripoff myself.

    Thanks for pointing out this interesting derivation, though!
  10. sweetdiss

    sweetdiss Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    I tried them both, and my initial impressions were that SCB was much, much better. The controls feel tighter, the game is simpler, and I just love retro graphics. Plus, I'm way too used to League of Evil and Mos and hate MK's floaty jumps.

    But, after giving it a second chance today, I realize they are actually very different games, in a good way. Muffin Knight seems to have a lot more depth to it and I really appreciate that they included multiplayer (and it works!). I'm even starting to get used to the floaty jumps.

    However, I still prefer Super Crate Box. Don't write off Muffin Knight too soon though. It's really quite good in it's own way.
  11. LOLavi

    LOLavi Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2011
    iPhone gamer
    You really need to calm down, my post was also a personal opinion, maybe I should've left the stupid off, but how was I supposed to know you would take it so seriously. At the moment, you're the one acting immature when you're dragging on such a silly discussion.
  12. Madman100

    Madman100 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2011
    Agreed. Though I didn't fully agree with your original opinion on graphics, it's clear he is acting immature, he even edited his post there to include your name.
  13. cabdog

    cabdog Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    Fair enough! I guess I overreacted. Sorry for that. Nothing wrong with a little debate and editing my post to show whom it was with. Rough day yesterday I guess!

    Hope the thread is now back on track!

  14. Wasgo

    Wasgo Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
    I think you guys are a little bit too entrenched in this debate if you think Ice Bros. borrows anything from either SCB or MK. The game is clearly based on the mechanics from Snow Bros. which was released in 1990, pre-dating either SCB or MK by two decades. Even the name is an obvious reference to Snow Bros.

    While MK uses a lot of similar gameplay mechanics to SCB, it's important to recognize that SCB didn't invent the core gameplay either. It's main innovation is a scoring system based on collecting power-ups. A game's originally can be judged by what they add, rather than expecting them to have nothing in common with any other games. SCB adds a neat twist on the genre, and I think MK is more derivative with it's additions being less essential to the core gameplay, but neither were made in a vacuum.
  15. cabdog

    cabdog Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    Great points! I dont like that I called it a ripoff, and it's good to hear from someone a little more level-headed on the subject!
  16. operaguy2112

    operaguy2112 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    I'm pretty sure the core gameplay is derived from a little known arcade game called Mario Bros. from the early '80s.
  17. Turkeydipking

    Turkeydipking Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    Personally, Muffin Knight

    I bought both the games the same day and spent an hour with each (more or less ;P)

    While SCB was the first one (before I knew MK existed) it pulled me in and i couldnt stop playing. Although my highscore was only 11 or 12 (yeah... :( ) I kept going and going, even though all my weapons were unlocked. And this is when I stopped. I unlocked all the weapons and I could see that somehow, I just cant get a better score (believe me, I tried...) so I said, why go on?
    Then I found out about muffin knight.
    An hour played, maybe 1/3 of the content unlocked... not sure, Im at level 13 or 14 now I think, and while this game offers so much more, so much more content, the controls in it really annoy me for some reason. I love that they are customizable, that you have a bluetooth controller option, etc but for some reason I often miss the jump button, and end up in the fire pit at the bottom, this never happened in SCB. SCB's controls are so tight and amazing it's like their god sent. But MK is just overall a better game. I'm sorry but you really cant argue (well you can, figure of speech :)) It has more content, the graphics while being a personal thing are great in both games, but I like MK's childish, fairy - tale style.
    Overall their very similar, but MK has more. Simply, keeps me playing longer. And is also more fun (for me) as you dont die then die, then die, and die again.
    Of course which one is better is a personal thing, which one was first does not matter the slightest bit.
    Everquest was before WoW, is it better than WoW? :)
  18. phattestfatty

    phattestfatty Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
    What surprises me is that of two games that created such a debate here, neither of them sold as well as they could have...
  19. GoofyJmaster.

    GoofyJmaster. Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    College Student
    Ohio, USA
    It seems like the best games always get lost on iOS...not necessarily saying these are the two bes games, but they've definitely caused quite a stir.
  20. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    Both of the games have their own merits and drawbacks, with MK demonstrating the care and effort that should be used in the successful evolution of a very basic formula, and SCB existing as the one better suited to straightforward arcade-style high-score competition. However, observation leads me to believe a significant part of the response to SCB is derived from its "legacy", rather than anything inherent in the gameplay itself.

    If the games had appeared in the appstore as they did, but SCB had never existed before that, you can bet your ass that many of the comments about SCB would have been less "Wow, retro gaming goodness! This is what MK should have been!" and more "Wow, what is this cheap and nasty ripoff? MK's developers should be taking action."

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