Update saved it for me Love the update! Simple mechanic of unlocking weapons keeps me playing for a long time.
Have any of you here heard of Lots of Guns? It's essentially a SBC clone for XBLA with different game mechanics. The main difference is that it's a vertical scroller, with fire at the bottom that will kill you if you don't keep climbing. That.....and it has LOTS OF GUNS!!! I gave it a shot (they offer a free trial) and was actually pretty surprised. I LOVE the game. Not as much as SCB by any means, but after getting 102% in SCB, it's a nice fix to tide me over until the update hits. Check it out, let me know what you think. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXWZYntu_kg
I just noticed that the top enemy on the first picture in the itunes thingy looks like a zombie thanks to the score.
Hooray! I'm almost the top scorer on ambush for moon temple (#3!). I just gotta keep working to be more consistent so I can get past the top score of 803,202,938. Just a few more crates! .... This blows. I jailbroke my phone recently, but not to post fake high scores or steal apps.
Do you unlock a new character for each map if you get 100 on normal? Or is it if you Get 100 on any map you get a player and thats it? If itis the first one i will be so mad i got 99 on construction yard, although i already got 112 on rocket silosilo
Well I broke into the top 100 finally on ambush, at #79 right now with 35 ambush on construction yard. Ambush in my opinion is more luck than skill, if the game is forgiving and doesn't drop baddies on your head every other second you can get a good run going. Ive had ambush games start with me thrown on top of an enemy so its definitely random. Also nice hack by some guy named Anonymous in Gamecenter, he's at #1 on Ambush with a score of 803,202,928 and #2 is at 110 lol
Any new updates yet? Had been waiting anxiously for 2 weeks. Where's the promised update? Kudos to Vlambeer, I know you guys are working on another game, but do update us on when is the next update.
Yeah I hate hacked leader board scores and fail to see the point. The challenge to get a high spot on boards is fun and a great incentive. Cheating takes no skill and well ya know it sucks. Great job on your score to the poster above me a spot or three. #