Yes, Construction. I'm sure I'll get it eventually, but I think I might turn my attention for a bit to trying to unlock SFMT on the other maps, which I haven't done yet.
@exalep: AppStore approval process took some time, and among other things: Vlaamber and Halfbot are humans too This counter is so fast... 60 mln today
Yaaay just broke 500 on construction yard. I think I'll give the game a rest for a bit now, that took a while.
I actually laughed quite a bit during the podcast. So are they the same game? "Umm...well, Super Crate Box is Super Crate Box." It's funnier in the podcast! Most ppl don't know that MK gets easier the more you suck then everybody laughed including me. "You'll have to make the next counter 2 billion crates." - "Well, that'll take two weeks!" Best part: "A really good player won't get scared of the disc gun, he'll get scared of the dual pistols." true! Second best part: Talking about Fingle Bogdan from Angrymob, "Puzzlejuice - doing three things at once really is too much, but it's awesome." *Vlambeer is striking back at Ninja Fishing...Boom, can you say gonna be an amazing game! Overall, it was a really good interview and I liked the answers from both Bogdan and Rami.
The interviewer pissed me off. It's like he was trying to get Rami to agree that SCB would be better off if it was more like Muffin Knight. The developers were very respectful of each other and I liked that they both had good things to say about each other and what each game does differently. In STP's interview they proved that they have no clue how to play the game saying the difficulty ramps up way too fast and that nobody would have the patients to unlock all of the characters because it's way too hard. Kudos for Rami sticking to his guns and saying what fans of the game already know: it doesn't need a bunch of upgrades and perks to be fun. Sure more characters and maps wouldn't hurt, but the game is awesome as it is. Can't wait for the update. Also, can't wait for Ridiculous Fishing. Instabuy!
The IGN review: If you don't feel like reading it scored a..... 6.5/10.... they mocked the virtual controls
Normally, I would never get 100% on a game. It's extremely rare for me, because normally games don't keep my attention that long. However this game (along with Super Mario World and Zeno Clash) absolutely kept me coming back for more. My girlfriend begged me to quit playing but I told her if I didn't unlock the chicken I wouldn't feel complete! hahaha