Where is the girl character supposed to pop up? I don't see a black outline for her. I only see the original characters plus the 3 indie-unlocks.
Sounds like you just need to practice! I used to struggle to break 20 or 30, now I average around 125-130. Just practice and be able to quickly utilize the strengths of each weapon. The monsters don't come faster or more frequent as the game goes, so slow down, clear the screen then grab crates. You shouldn't have to rely on avoiding monsters, you should be killing them!
Still the hitbox is an issue, w/e strategy you should choose to play the game in. If I wanted to dodge everything and see how much I can survive that way I should be able to. But the way the hitbox is implemented in this game, I'm constaly dying by running below enemies that I should have cleared by safely. The other problem I have is where the damage from the guns starts ocurring. I mean, for every gun, it makes sense that the gun part doesnt count (it is different, but you get used to it). But the katana? Really? It's a freaking sword, and it affects way after the tip has ended but not the area the sword is at, is it a wind blade or something I'm not getting? (I do love the game, just that those details are really bothersome).
Interesting point about the Katana. I routinely slice the groups of three monsters by deploying the Katana as I jump down on them. Could the hitbox issue not be in everyone's game? Maybe I have it and just don't realize it? Either way I agree, this game is freaking awesome.
Oooh no sir. I have the same issue. I average about 150 per game, but I still have to remind myself not to try ninja-jumping around enemies because of the massive hitbox. It's kind of sad. When I first started playing, I was always trying to jump around enemies and run under them quickly and whatnot, but I kept being murdered by the hitbox. So I said "no more!" and now I need to remind myself to just calm down and walk and jump around like a civilized little crocodile. *edit* That is not to say, however, that I don't enjoy this game. I love this game so much, I recently bought Plants vs Zombies but I have yet to play it because of my addiction to SCB. This truly is an amazing game. I also really love the artwork. It's truly fantastic how much motion and character the artist can put into just a few pixels.
Dunno, you might want to check, wouldnt take too long. I also have that bug when a critter magically teleports itself to the middle of the stage skipping the 1st platforms, stuff like that. More bug testing is needed for this game, and tweaks and stuff. But I can't help but keep playing it. Although the randomness of the dudes jumping in mid platforms, bumping into each other and changing directions kinda adds to the challenged, altough I dont think it is planned.
Anyone else find this game to be incredibly hard to play? The controls don't seem to work at the worst times. I'v been able to play other games using touch screen controls but this one is just really easy to miss the buttons or press the button next to it on accident.
In a "premium" game market, "The Blocks Cometh" came along on ios, combining: - Multiple tiny random characters - Crappy 8-bit graphics - A 2 channel musical score in vein of Mega Man - A "limited" left/right control scheme - Basic/generic game play and execution - Endless crates/blocks - Weapons Let me say TBC ended up rocking my world! Probably one of the best simplistic/fresh casual games I've ever played. I honestly thought no one could one up this title... Here comes Super Crate Box, containing all of the same above ideas. The result? I'm floored. Done in dynamic fashion, SCB has now become the new casual king! The sheer level of fun and replayability is insane! What a great game with even better execution. If you haven't purchased this game yet, then you probably don't like fun games.
I've flubbed up once or twice, but overall, it doesn't bother me at all. The main two problems I have is the corner glitch and misjudging enemy damage. (3 shotguns to kill a large one wtf?)
3 shots? Actually 2 shots usually kills them, if it's taking three its probably because you aren't close enough or not getting a clean shot. Make sure the full spread of the shot lands on it. Hope this helps
For an update for future characters can you make more challenges like the "collect 10 boxes without killing anything" that was really fun, an example of one you can do is "slice 5 bad guys with the disk gun in one shot" or "kill 100 baddies in one round" or "survive 5 minutes" or "get 30 boxes without one enemy turning red" I hope you get the jist and make use ideas like that for unlocking new characters (also my favorite character is vlambeer, I like it because the flames around it, can you possibly make unlocks to put fire around your character or some other cool things?)
Yeah, I know two shots kills them; I was fairly confident that I got 2 clean shots, as I was next to him, but I probably misjudged, cause I ran straight into him and died after my 2nd shot, which I anticipated on killing him.